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scientist's digest of his extensive work on East Germany. Interesting not only for his insights but because he is Brandt's leading academic advisor on East Germany and has frequently visited the United States to promote East German studies.
Mann, Golo. The History of Germany Since 1789. New York, 1968. A comprehensive treatment by a liberal German historian, the son of Thomas Mann.
Richert, Ernst. Das Zweite Deutschland; ein Staat, der Nicht Sein Darf. Gütersloh, 1964. Another survey in a more traditional mold. Critical, but not obsessively so.
Rodes, John E. Germany: A History. New York, 1964. A standard college text, beginning with Roman times. More descriptive than analytical.
Schwarze, Hanns Werner. Die DDR ist Keine Zone Mehr. Köln, 1969. A comprehensive survey which attempts to be a scholarly work but has serious inaccuracies.
Smith, Jean E. Germany Behind the Wall; People, Politics . . . and Prosperity. Boston, 1969. Highly favorable treatment of political, economic, cultural, and social life in East Germany. Based on extensive personal observation and careful research but marked by personal enthusiasms of the author.
2. Geography, demography, and sociology
Baum, Samuel, and Combs, Jerry W. The Labor Force of the Soviet Zone of Germany and the Soviet Sector of Berlin. Washington, 1959. A thorough analysis of the East German manpower situation, but usable now only for background.
Dickinson, Robert E. Germany; A General and Regional Geography. London, 1961. Information on cultural traditions as recent as the early postwar period; discusses Germany's regions more in geographic than in political terms.
Gayre, G.R. Teuton and Slav on the Polish Frontier; a Diagnosis of the Racial Basis of the Germano-Polish Borderlands with Suggestions for the Settlement of German and Slav Claims. London, 1944. Provides much of the pseudo-scientific justification for what was to become the Oder-Neisse line. Pinpoints every area of Slavic settlement in the Reich from the beginning of recorded history.
Herz, Hanns Peter. Freie Deutsche Jugend. Hühnchen, 1965. A basic survey of the youth organizations: the Free German Youth and the Ernst Thaelmann Pioneers.
Holm, Hans Axel. The Other Germans; Report from an East German Town. New York, 1970. An informal sociological study of a town in Schwerin Bezirk by a Swedish journalist. Valuable because of the absence of propaganda and the portrayal of life as it is actually lived.
Ludz, Peter Christian, ed. Studien und Materialien zur Soziologie der DDR. Köln, 1964. A symposium covering many aspects of social conditions and intellectual life; contains a monumental bibliography covering the decade 1952-63.
Mammal, Siegfried. Das System der Sozialen Leistungen in Mitteldeutschland und in Ost-Berlin. Bonn, 1961. A basic survey of the East German social security system published by the West German government.
Materialien zum Bericht zur Lage der Nation. Bonn, 1971. A comparison of the political, economic, and social systems of the two German states. Issued to supplement West German Chancellor Brandt's State of the Nation Report to the Bundestag.
Ministerium Fuer Gesundheitswesen. Taschenbuch der Medizinischen Wissenschaft der Deutschen Demokratien Republik. Berlin, 1964. Listing of medical organizations, institutions, schools, libraries, journals, legislation. A basic reference published by the East German government.
Nelson, Walter Henry. The Berliners; Their Saga and Their City. New York, 1969. Neither scientific nor systematic but a thorough report on conditions in both East and West Berlin based on extended residence in the city by the author and more than 1,000 personal interviews.
Pollock, James K. and Thomas, Homer. Germany in Power and Eclipse; The Background of German Development. New York, 1952. Gives both an overall and region-by-region survey of developments of 1945. Invaluable for an understanding of the diverse cultural, social, and historical traditions in the various provinces.
Pounds, Norman J.G. Eastern Europe. London, 1969. A good recent discussion of the region as a whole with separate country chapters. More narrowly focused on geographic problems than similar books.
Schoepflin, George, ed. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; a Handbook. New York, 1970. Coverage organized on a problem-by-problem rather than country basis. Thus, discussion of specifically East German questions is uneven.
Storbeck, Dietrich. Arbeitskraft und Beschäftigung in Mitteldeutschland; eine Untersuchung über die Entwicklung des Arbeitskraeftspotentials und der Beschäftigung von 1950 bis 1975. Köln, 1961. A manpower study, covering the Baum-Combs book forward.
Thude, Guenther. The Workers and Their Social Insurance; the Social Insurance for Workers and
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110024-7