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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110024-7

Employees in the G.D.R. and Its Prospects in the Seven-Year Plan. Berlin, 1961. An East German trade union information booklet.

3. Religion, education, mass media, and culture

Anderle, Hans Peter. Die Literatur der Gegenwart in der DDR. Stuttgart, 1968. A very brief study of East German literture, outlining principal trends and listing works by major authors.

Baske, Siegfried, and Engelbert, Martha. Zwei Jahrzehnte Bildungspolitik in der Sowjetzone Deutschlands. Dokumente, Berlin, 1966. About 200 texts documenting development of educational policies from 1945 to 1965.

Bodenman, Paul S. Education in the Soviet Zone of Germany. Washington, 1959. A factual and comprehensive survey for the period from 1945 to 1958. Contains numerous tables and other statistical analyses.

Brecht, Bertolt. Brecht on Theatre. New York, 1969. A selection from the works of the foremost playwright and theatre critic in postwar East Germany. This is only one title in a steadily expanding collection of Brechtiana.

Grant, Nigel. Society, Schools and Progress in Eastern Europe. Oxford, 1969. Places East German educational developments in useful regional framework, showing that many of the innovations of recent years were inspired by Soviet models.

Heil, K. Heinz. Das fernsehen in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands 1953-1963. Bonn, 1967. Part of the series Bonner Berichte aus Mittel-und Ostdeutschland. A comprehensive survey of East German television.

Hermann, Elisabeth M. Die Presse in der Sowjetisierten Besatzungszone Deutschlands. Bonn, 1962. Published under official West German auspices as part of the series Bonner Berichte aus Mittel-und Ostdeutschland. A comprehensive survey of the East German press.

Hermann, Friedrich-Georg. Der Kampf Gegen Religion und Kirche in der Sovietschen Besatzungszone. Stuttgart, 1966. A basic discussion of the role of churches but is marred by the underlying prejudices against the East German regime.

Kersten, Heinz. Das Filmwesen in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands. Bonn, 1963. Part of the series Bonner Berichte aus Mittel-und Ostdeutschland. A comprehensive survey of the motion picture industry.

Meinecke, Werner. Die Kirche in der Volksdemokratischen Ordnung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Berlin, 1962. An exposition of the East German view of the role of the church in the GDR.

Solberg, Richard W. God and Caesar in East Germany. New York, 1961. A basic discussion but woefully out-dated by the changes made since the erection of the Berlin Wall.

Walther, Gerhard. Der Rundfunk in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands. Bonn, 1961. Part of the series Bonner Berichte aus Mittel-und Ostdeutschland. A comprehensive survey of East German broadcasting.

4. Statistical and other reference documents

American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division. Area Handbook for East Germany. Washington, 1972. A comprehensive document using open sources. Supersedes Harvard University's Human Relations Area File Study, The Soviet Zone of Germany (1956).

Bundesministerium fuer Gesamtdeutsche Fragen. A biz Z: Ein Taschenbuch- Nachschlagebuch über den Anderen Teil Deutschlands. Bonn, 1969. An invaluable one-volume reference prepared by the West German government. In addition to 752 pages of dictionary-type entries, it contains a list of abbreviations, biographic notes, a chronology, and an extensive bibliography.

Deutsches Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte. Handbuch der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Berlin, 1964. A collection of essays on all aspects of East German political, social, and cultural life written from the regime point of view.

Deutschland Archiv, Vol. 1-, April 1968-, Köln, 1968-. The single most useful periodical devoted to East German affairs. Contains analytic articles, documents, bibliographies, and a running chronology. Continues SBZ-Archiv, 1950-68.

Horecky, Paul. East Central Europe; a Guide to Basic Publications. Chicago, 1970. Brings the U.S. Library of Congress bibliography up-to-date in summary fashion. A separate section for East Germany (p. 361-442).

Meyers Neues Lexikon. 2d ed., Leipzig, 1961-64, 8 v. The leading East German encyclopedia. A 3d edition began to appear in 1971.

Reichelt, Paul, and Behn, Hans Ulrich. Deutsche Chronik 1945 bis 1970; Daten und Fakten aus Beiden Teilen Deutschlands. Freudenstadt, 1970-71 2 v. Parallel chronology of events in both West and East Germany.

Reisefuehrer Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Leipzig, 1971. The most recent edition of the official travel guide to East Germany. Although grudging with hotel and restaurant recommendations, it dispenses social and cultural information with a lavish hand.


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110024-7