Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/29

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Q Let me rephrase that question. In this elected officials outreach team of four that you described—

A Uh-huh.

Q —how does that—how did the work change as you approached the election, as you got closer to November 3rd?

A Right. As we got closer to November 3rd, there was obviously not as much time for elected officials to, you know, get op-eds published in local newspapers and things like that. And, you know, at that point, there was really no messaging points to collect that could be, you know, ever used. Obviously, that's a quick turnaround.

So, as things got closer, it got more so in inviting them to events. Not myself, particularly, but the managers would, you know, extend invitations to them to attend rallies or events with members of the First Family or whoever was campaigning on behalf of the Trump campaign.

So that was the biggest shift, and more so less to do with tracking, and more so tracking event attendance.

Q Okay.

Okay. Before election day, did you or anyone on your team of four have any discussions with elected officials about the possibility of alternate slates of electors?

A No.

Q Okay. Had you ever heard of that concept before?

A No.

Q What about, more generally, any discussions that you had or that you know about with elected officials about their constitutional role in certifying the election?

A And what time period are you referring to?

Q Before November 3rd.