Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/30

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A No.

Q Okay. And did you have any knowledge of what the constitutional role of State legislatures might be before November 3rd?

A No.

Q Okay.

Okay. Outside of your team of four that you've described to us, were there other components of the Trump campaign that also had a responsibility in communicating with elected officials?

A The only office that comes to mind would be coalitions. Really, any of those coalitions, such as Latinos for Trump or Women for Trump or anything related to that office, I would assume that they would talk to elected officials.

I'm not aware of any other offices that would be communicating with them. But, of course, you know, in general, our general comms team or things like that, you know, press, all those people could be communicating with them, but—

Q Okay.

A —coalitions is the only one I'm fully aware of.

Q Okay.

Before November 3rd, are you aware of any discussions or communications with those teams about election fraud or election integrity issues?

A No.

Q And same question for any communications before November 3rd with those teams about the constitutional role of State legislatures?

A No.

Q Okay. Great.

Before November 3rd, did you have any role in election-related litigation?