Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/31

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A There, at one point—I'm not sure exactly what, you know, official office it was for, but there were binders for election night for specific States that just really highlighted, you know, State election laws, statutes, things like that. And my only job with that was just printing them and hole-punching them and putting in the binder. So that was really the only litigation-related thing that I did.

Q Okay. And was that in your role as elected officials outreach coordinator or once you were supporting the EDO team?

A I mean, that was just a general—someone said, "Hey, can you help us print?" and I said, "Sure," you know? There's just not any, really, structure when everyone's, you know, all hands on deck at that point.

Q Got it. Do you know who was responsible for preparing those binders—the materials that went into them, that is?

A I would assume the legal team. I don't really have any specific names.

Q Okay. Did you have any direct interaction with anyone on the legal team for the campaign around this time period?

A One of my friends on the campaign was Sadie May, and she was the executive assistant for—

[Alarm sounding.]

A —one of the attorneys.

  Let's pause for 1 second and go off the record so we can figure out what that alarm sound is.

The Witness. Okay.

  We'll go off the record now.
