Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/78

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weekly report, and that report went ta Jim. And don't know what Jim O'Connell did with it after that.

Q And who else were you working with with respect to Georgia pre-election-day in the Trump campaign, if you recall?

A Pre-election-day, we were also sending volunteers. When Madison and I assisted the Election Day Operations Team in coordinating travel plans with volunteers who were going to work in Georgia the week of the election, Madison and I called, you know, a couple people and asked, would you be willing to go to Atlanta, Georgia? Something like that.

Q And do you recall what those volunteers would be doing? Or your job was just to send them there, and someone else would give them that information?

A I don't recall any specific tasks that, you know, Madison and I were—we weren't sending people there, saying, you know, this is exactly what you will be doing while you're in Georgia for these days.

Madison and I were really just doing this from a, you know, national level, meaning that, you know, once these people got there, the respective State directors would be telling them what they would be doing.

Q De you recall who the State director for the Trump campaign in Georgia was?

A The State director for election day operations is Robert—or was Robert Sinners.

Q Robert Sinners?

A Sinners, S-i-n-n-e-r-s.

Q And that was at the national level, or was that specifically related to Georgia?