Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/77

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And then in my role for the Trump campaign, I performed work in Georgia, not physically in Georgia, but—

Q So let's just walk through the Trump campaign work that you did with respect to Georgia in the 2020 election.

A Okay.

Q Can you tell us, you know, when did you get involved in the Presidential election with respect to Georgia in 2020?

A Well, Georgia was one of our battleground States. Like I mentioned earlier with the elected officials outreach office, Olivia and Nick were, you know, having communications and conversations with State senators, State representatives, county commissioners, potentially county sheriffs as well. So, you know, a lot of those job duties that I mentioned earlier, like collecting information to put into weekly reports, I did that in Georgia.

Um—that's all I have for that question.

Q So I'll just take it step by step.

A Yeah.

Q Did you do work with respect to Georgia for the Trump campaign before election day?

A Before election day, it would be, you know, any kind of communications tracking that Olivia and Nick had me do, in respect to if there was an op-ed published or a radio interview, that was something, or if they had messaging and talking points from a conversation that Olivia had with a State rep, something like that.

Q And when you collected that information, tracked it, do you know how it was being used?

A It was just sent in a—Madison and myself compiled that information into a