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Page:Caledonia (Defoe).djvu/28

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Behind this Rugged Front [1] ſecurely lies
Bleſt Caledonia, and with Eaſe defies
Her Northern, or her Southern Enemies.
Fixt by Decree, Her Nature's not to fear
Huge Navies there, or Icy Mountains here.
Here Towring Clifts, and there the Beachy Shoal
Defy the [2] Raging Monſters of the Pole.
There equally they [3] Floating Worlds defy,
Bid them ſtand off and live, advance and die:
The Hardy Wretch that ſees the Hint too late,
Fails not to find his Folly in his Fate.

Behind this Rugged Front ſecurely lies
Old Caledonia, all the Worlds [4] Surprize.
Her Native Beauty and her Wealth conceal'd
Waits [5] the bleſt Hour when both ſhall be reveal'd.
In Age and Fancy'd Poverty Secure,
And yet She's ever Young, and never Poor.

Here labouring with the Injuries of Time,

Inclement Air, Inhoſpitable Clime,

  1. The Situation of Scotland is certainly her Defence against either the Fury of the Ocean from the North, or of Invaders from the South; the dangerous Coast being such, that no Fleets care to venture themselves long at Sea that way.
  2. By the Monsters of the Pole may be understood the Whales, in former times terrible to Mariners, as frequently oversetting the small Barks they sailed in; Or since, by the greater Skill in Navigation, that fear is at an end, it may be taken for the Monstruous floating Islands of Ice, which by the Fury of the Winds, are driven about the Northern Seas.
  3. Floating Worlds, Navys and Fleets of Ships of War to assault that Country, and transport Armys to make Descents and Depredations on the Coast.
  4. The Worlds Surprize to find so fine a Countrey so Peopled, and so In|habited behind such terrible places, which to the Sea-ward promise no|thing but Desert, and abandon'd, uninhabited Places.
  5. The Ʋnion, whereby Improvement shall reveal the hidden Fruit|fulness of Scotland.