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Page:Caledonia (Defoe).djvu/29

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Foreign Invaſions and Inteſtine Wars;
Yet all her Native Beauty ſtill appears.

Brittain's [1] Left hand, which when ſhe ſhall unite,
As Nature dictates, and the Fates Invite,
And join her younger Siſter on the Right:
How ſhall they Mutual Wealth and Strength convey,
And with Contempt the weaker World Survey!
Till THAT BLEST HOUR, how does her Injur'd Name
Sleep in the Rubbiſh of her Ancient Fame?
Buried in [2] Slander, by Reproach laid low:
And all the diſtant World believes her ſo:
Then let us firſt ſurvey her Fancy'd Herſe,
She'll find ſome Reſurrection in our Verſe;
Till rouſing from a long declining Fate,
WHOLE BRITTAIN ſhall her Glory reinſtate.

How have [3] we plac'd her out of Nature's Eye,
Where Conſtant Colds Few Seeds of Life ſupply?
Where Nature Chill'd ſome deſpicables dwell,
Immur'd with Darkneſs and ally'd to Hell.
No Moderate Bleſſings, no Endowment ſhare,

Nothing that's Pleaſant ſee, nothing delightful hear:

  1. Scotland is allowed the Left hand of Brittain as to Wealth, England as her younger Sister in matter of Antiquity, must however be allowed the Right hand in Wealth and Trade, at least till Union, if ever that shall happen, make them all one.
  2. The scandalous Reproaches of Authors pretending to describe either her Climate, People, or Government have been intollerable, and have buried her Character with Noise and Slander; which being never yet de|fended in publick, or any Attempt made to clear up those things to the World, Foreign Nations are too much possest with the Belief of what, when the Truth comes to be examined, appears meer Fiction and Falsity.
  3. Cleavland in his Poem upon Scotland, has said a Thousand extrava|gant things on these Heads.