The Nation's willing Honours did afford,
And theſe cut out their. Glory by the Sword;
For 'twas the early Fortunes of their Blood,
To have their Worth both Crown'd and underſtood;
Princes by their ſtrong Swords poſſeſt their Crowns,
And grateful France their Ancient Glory owns.
When Men are of true Merit firſt poſſeſt,
Juſtice prevails, the World ſupply's the reſt.
For Characters will always ſuit Mens Deeds,
Honours will follow, when our Vertue leads.
The Mighty Branch that now ſupports the Race,
Ripens the blooming Stock for Fame apace,
With high inſtructing well directed Hand,
Shews him both how t'obey, and how Command,
By Juſt Example guides him to purſue,
And double all their Ancient Deed's with New.
Himſelf with ſteady hand the State directs,
Suppreſſes Factions, Liberty protects,
Scatters the threatning Clouds, prevents the Storms;
And gently al! miſtaken Zeal reforms;
Backward to puniſh bears th' inſulting Street,
Yet makes his Patience and his Juſtice meet:
And when their Pride his Government defies,