Great ANN'S Illuſtrious Scepter 'tis he ſways,
And while he rules, Envy her ſelf obeys;
Malice may ſwell, and wild Diſlike appear,
But all their Spleen ferments into diſpair:
Grovling they ly in Grief and Diſcontent,
Cruſht by the Chariot Wheels of Government.
So Devils chaind, their Hate of Heaven expreſs,
But as their Rage grows great, their Power grows leſs.
Campbells the modern Glory of this Iſle,
Their doubling Fame's encreaſ't in great Argile;
Born to be great, to Nobleſt Blood ally'd,
He keeps the Honour, and abates the Pride,
For Action fitted, to the Wars inclin'd,
True Caledonian Courage ſwells his Mind;
Fitted his Country's Character to raiſe,
And by great Actions hand along her Praiſe.
Of ancient Stock, and long forgotten Race,
Nature has ſtamp'd their Glories in his Face.
The ſtrong Impreſs of ev'ry manly Line
In Characters of Native Honour ſhine,
An Index of the brighter Soul within.
A Race to Caledonia always dear,
And on whoſe Blood her Liberties appear.
A Race to Honour, and their Countrey true,