PLUMAS COUNTY—Permit 3390, Application 2186. Issued to Feather River Power Company, San Francisco, December 4, 1929, for 70.000 acre-feet from Bucks Creek in Sec. 25, T. 19 N., R. 3 E., M. D. M., for irrigation on 44,314 acres. Estimated cost $3,209,500.
SIERRA COUNTY—Permit 3391, Application 6395. Issued to Belle C. Brown and Wm. S. Brown, La Porte, December 5. 1929. for 65 c.f.s. from Whiskey Creek and ITnnamed Ravine in Sec. 16. T. 22 N., R. 10 E., M. D. M., for mining. Estimated cost $2,000.
SIERRA COUNTY—Permit 3392, Application 6396. Issued to Belle C. and Wm. S. Brown. La Porte, December 5. 1929. for 5 c.f.s. from North Branch of Slate Creek in Sec. 21. T. 22 N., R. 10 E., M. D. M. for mining. Estimated cost $1,000.
BUTTE COUNTY—Permit 3393, Application 6449. Issued to Holly Citrus Land Company. Hollywood, December 6. 1929, for 1.2.5 c.f.s. from two unnamed streams in Sec. 6. T. 18 N., R. 5 E., M. D. M., for irrigation on 100 acres. Estimated cost $2,500.
EL DORADO COUNTY—Permit 3394, Application 5989. Issued to E. C. Sawtelle and Mrs. Bess Lewis, Roseville, December 7, 1929, for .01 c.f.s. from unnamed stream in Sec. 24. T. 11 N., R. 16 E., M. D. M., for domestic use. Estimated cost $200.
EL DORADO COUNTY—Permit 3395, Application 61)31. Issued to V. A. Palmer. Sacramento, December 7, 1929, for .01 c.f.s. from unnamed stream in Sec. 24. T. 11 N., R. 16 E., M. D. il., for domestic use. Estimated cost $200.
EL DORADO COUNTY—Permit 3396, Application 6440. Issued to C. H. Parrott. Roseville. December 7. 1929. for .01 c.f.s. from unnamed stream in Sec. 24, T. 11 N., R. 16 E., M. D. M., for domestic use. Estimated cost $200.
MONTEREY COUNTY—Permit 3397, Application 6420. Issued to George P. Tolman, Watsonville. December 9. 1929. for .01 c.f.s. from unnamed spring in Sec. 6. T. 20 S., R. 5 E., M. D. M., for domestic use. Estimated cost $200.
TRINITY COUNTY—Permit 3398, Application 5925. Issued to R. S. Gurley, Hyampom. December 14, 1929, for 1.0 c.f.s. from Allen and Backham Creeks in Secs. 13 and 23, T. 4 N., R. 6 E., H. M., for irrigation on 80 acres. Estimated cost $1,000.
SANTA BARBARA COUNTY—Permit 3399, Application 6259. Issued to 4 H Club of Santa Barbara, Goleta, December 16, 1929. for 0.1 c.f.s. from Arroyo Burro Creek Canyon and 2 springs in Sec. 12, T. 5 N., R. 28 W., S. B. M., for domestic use. Estimated cost $2,500.
RIVERSIDE COUNTY—Permit 3400, Application 6400. Issued to O. P. Sanders. Riverside, December 16, 1929, for .02.5 c.f.s. from unnamed spring in Sec. 8. T. 4 S., R. 2. E., S. B. M., for iiTigation on 20 acres. Estimated cost $750.
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY—Permit 3401, Application 6430. Issued to C. B. Orvis. Stockton, December 17, 1929, for 12 c.f.s. from State Canal in Sec. 15, T. 4 N., R. 5 E., M. D. M., for agricultural purposes on 960.5 acres. Estimated cost $6,500
MONO COUNTY- Permit 3402, Application 6270. Issued to Champion Sillimanite, Inc., Merced, December 18, 1929. for .025 c.f.s. from Dry Creek in See. 10, T. 4 S., R. 33 E., M. D. M. for agricultural purposes. Estimated cost $1,500.
MONO COUNTY—Permit 3403, Application 6271. Issued to Champion Sillimanite, Inc., Merced, December 18. 1929, for .025 c.f.s. from Dry Creek in Sec. 10. T. 4 S., R. .33 E., M. D. M., for agricultural purposes.
MONO COUNTY—Permit 3404, Application 6272. Issued to Champion Sillimanite. Inc., Merced, December 18, 1929, for .05 c.f.s. from Dry Creek in Sec. 10, T. 4 S., R. 33 E., M. D. M., for mining purposes. Estimated cost $1,500.
PLUMAS COUNTY- Permit 3405, Application 6241. Issued to Feather River Power Company. San Francisco, December 19, 1929, for 120 c.f.s. direct diversion 6,000 acre-feet from Mills Ranch and Bucks Creek tributary to North Fork Feather River in Secs. 5. 6. 7. 12, 18. 19, 20, 29, 32, 34, T. 24 N., R. 6 and 7 E., M. D. M., for power purposes. Etimated cost $9,531,000.
SACRAMENTO COUNTY—Permit 3406, Application 6434. Issued to Golda G. Whipple, Sacramento, December 19, 1929, for .31 c.f.s. from dry Creek in Sec. 33, T. 10 N., R. 5 E., M. D. M., for irrigation on 25 acres. Estimated cost $450.
ORANGE COUNTY—Permit 3407, Application 5910. Issued to Rome Miller, Los Angeles, December 20, 1929, for 0.15 c.f.s. from Six Springs in Secs. 9 and 10. T. 5 S., R. 7 W., S. B. M., for domestic purposes. Estimated cost $3,000.
ORANGE COUNTY—Permit 3408, Application 5911. Issued to Rome Miller, Los Angeles, December 20, 1929, for .05 c.f.s. from an unnamed spring in Sec. 15, T. 5 S., R. 7 W., S. B. M., for domestic purposes. Estimated cost $500.
VENTURA COUNTY—Permit 3409, Application 6294. Issued to Topa Topa Company, Ojai. December 21, 1929, for 1 c.f.s. from two wells in Sec. 34. T. 5 N., R. 22 W., S. B. M., for irrigation on 122 acres. Estimated cost $18,000.
HUMBOLDT COUNTY—Permit 3410, Application 6152. Issued to Wm. Campbell. S.nlyer. December 21. 1929, for 5 c.f.s. from Madden Creek in Sec. 21. T. 6 N., R. 5 E., H. M., for mining purposes. Estimated cost $2,000.
TRINITY COUNTY—Permit 3411, Application 6373. Issued to Aaron Willburn. Zenia, December 23, 1929, for .56 c.f.s. from West Branch of Bluford Creek in See. 5. T. 3 S., R. 6 E., H. M., for irrigation on 45 acres. Estimated cost $200.
COLUSA COUNTY—Permit 3412, Application 6333. Issued to Northern California Duck Club, Sacramento. December 23. 1929. for 3 c.f.s. from Lurline Creek in Sec. 19, T. 16 N., R. 2 W., M. D. M., for irrigation on 440 acres. Estimated cost $1,000.
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY—Permit 3413, Application 6374. Issued to L. C. Wylie, Maywood, December 24, 1929, for 0.1 c.f.s. from two unnamed springs in Glen Canyon in See. 23, T. 2 N., R. 6 W., S. B. M., for irrigation on 15 acres. Estimated cost $900.
TRINITY COUNTY—Permit 3414, Application 3222. Issued to Chester A. Freeman. Salyer, Decem- ber 24, 1929, for 1 c.f.s. from springs "in See. 27, T. 6 N., R. 6 E., H. M., for mining purposes. Estimated cost $400.
TRINITY COUNTY—Permit 3415, Application G263. Issued to C. A. Freeman, Salyer, December 24, 1929. for 1.0 c.f.s. from unnamed springs in Sec. 2. T. 5 N., R. 6 E., H. M., for mining purposes. Estimated cost $100.
TRINITY COUNTY—Permit 3416, Application 5770. Issued to W. P. Anderson et al., Weavei-ville, December 24, 1929. for 1.5 c.f.s. from North Fork Trinity River in See. 24, T. 35 N., R. 12 W., M. D. M., for power purposes.
(Continued on page 40.)