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Page:California Highways and Public Works Journal Vols 8-9.djvu/46

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Contracts Provide Improvements of Major Character

A NUMBER of important improvements on the state highway system are assured in awards of contract made during the past 30-day period by B. B. Meek, Director of the Department of Public Works. Some of the more important projects included in these awards are the following:

SAN BERNARDINO-EL CENTRO HIGHWAY— A contract was awarded to the A. M. Peek Company of Los Angeles to grade and pave with Portland cement concrete 10.4 miles between Brawley and 4 miles west of Westmoreland. The contract price was $312,057.05, making it one of the largest contracts awarded during the year. The roadbed is to be graded to a width of 36 feet and the paving will be 20 feet in width, thus providing for two 10-foot travel paths. The grade of the road is being raised and wide drainage ditches constructed on each side of the highway to eliminate flooding of the roadside from irrigation overflow. The new concrete pavement is to be laid on a sand cushion over the present oil-trealed gravel surfacing, thus affording a more adequate roadway for the heavy produce trucking that this artery is called upon to carry.

H. E. Hazard Contracting Company of San Diego received the contract for grading and paving with asphalt concrete 5 miles between Dixieland and Seeley. This pavement will be 20 feet wide and will be placed on sand cushion over the existing oiled surface. The project will construct wide drainage ditches which will eliminate any danger from flooding. Contract price is $110,420.30.

PACIFIC HIGHWAY—A contract small in amount, but one that will be welcomed by travel inasmuch as it marks an improvement of the highway route through Wheatland in Yuba County was awarded to O. F. Brown of Sacramento for $2,347. The contract calls for moving buildings, appurtenances and utilities from within to without the limits of the state highway right of way.

CREST ROUTE DRIVE—The Lewis Construction Company of Los Angeles was awarded the contract to grade 6.7 miles from a point west of Running Springs Park to Squirrel Inn. This section is located in the mountains north of San Bernardino and leads to the popular recreational district around Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear Lake. The improvement connects the recently graded highway from the head of Waterman Canyon on the westerly end with the oiled surfaced road to Big Bear on the east. The roadbed will be graded to a width of 28 feet and on a high standard of alignment. The contract price is $189,687.

RED BLUFF-SUSANVILLE LATERAL—A contract was awarded to E. B. Bishop of Sacramento for grading and surfacing with untreated crushed gravel or stone from Chester to 2i miles south of Chester, and stockpiling screenings along highway from Morgan Springs to Chester, 21.7 miles in all. This project will complete a continuous improved highway from Dale’s Ranch 17 miles east of Red Bluff to Millford, 20 miles east of Susanville. The contract price of this project is $59,265. This project lies in Plumas and Tehama counties.

ARROYO SECO HIGHWAY—A contract for the construction of a reinforced concrete arch bridge across La Canada Canyon was awarded to the Whipple Enginering Company of Monrovia. The bridge will consist of one 96-foot span and two 25-foot approach spans on concrete abutments with wing walls. The contract price was $31,419.75.


(Continued from page 39.)

SOLANO COUNTY—Permit 3417, Application 6444. Issued to A. C. and Minnie T. Sullivan, Winters, December 27, 1929, for 0.37 c.f.s. from Miller or pleasant Valley Creek in Sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 2 W., M. D. M., for irrigation on 30 acres. Estimated cost $1,400.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY— Permit 3418, Application 3808. Issued to H. Hay as trustee and San Dimas Water Co.. Covina. December 28, 1929, for 16.8 c.f.s. from Pudding Stone Canyon in Sec. 15, T. 1 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M., for irrigation on 4422.21 acres. Estimated cost $60,000.

SHASTA COUNTY—Permit 3419, Application 6424, Issued to Laura Chandler, Castella, December 31, 1929, for .025 c.f.s. from Mullin’s Gulch in Sec. 22. T. 38 N.. R. 4 W., M. D. M., for irrigation on 2 acres. Estimated cost $250.

DEL NORTE COUNTY—Permit 3420, Application 6456. Issued to Russell Reid, Klamath, December 31, 1929, for 0.3 c.f.s. from Branch Creek in Sec. 28, T. 14 N., R. 1 E., H. M., for irrigation on 24 acres.


Dec. 4 to Dec, 22, 1929

NORWALK STATE HOSPITAL, Norwalk, for construction of assistant physician’s residence. Contract awarded to T. R. Hyatt of Alhambra; price, $6,439.

INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR ADULT BLIND, Oakland, for construction of a sales building, and office and addition to warehouse. Contract awarded to J. B. Bishop of Oakland; price, $13,031.


Every minute—

A baby is born.

Two husbands get shot.

Three fires break out.

Four girls leave home.

Five girls come back.

Six automobiles wreck.

Seven cashiers go out walking.

Eight people get hurt.

Nine men need automobiles—and—

Ten salesmen are after ’em.—Exchange.

She had done everything wrong. She had disregarded the signal lights, then stalled in the middle of the street, and before starting, had taken out her powder puff and started to apply it to her face. An irate traffic cop rushed up: “Say. lady, do you know anything at all about traffic rules?”

“Why, yes. what is it that you want to know?”