Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/24

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xx Contents. CHAPTER X. HUNGARY AND THE SLAVONIC KINGDOMS. By EMIL REICH, Dr. Jur. PACK Decay of Hungary and Bohemia. Their acquisition by the Habsburgs . 329 Political strategy of the House of Austria. The Cech and Magyar king- doms. Points of difference ......... 330 Points of resemblance. Social and political structure . ; * i i! % 331 Hungary. Its population. Its constitution . . . . . '>* 332 Government, local and national. The Diet 333 Absence of feudalism. Bohemia. Nobles. Knights. Peasantry l 'V i. 334 The Diet Matthias Corvinus. His successes 335 His death, 1490. Wladislav II, King of Hungary, 1490-1516. Thomas Bakdcz. The Zapolyai . . . . -. 1. V 336 Internal dissensions. Peasants' War, 1514 337 Louis II of Hungary. Sulayman occupies Belgrade, 1521. Mohacs, 1526. Eclipse of Hungary Bohemia. Magnates at war with the towns. Religious dissensions. Ill fortune of Bohemia under the Jagello kings 338 Compensations. Legislation in Hungary 339 The Renaissance in Hungary. The Reformation in Hungary. Bohemia. Causes of the downfall of the two kingdoms 340 European system. Empire and Church. Enclaves in the West . . 341 Continuous monarchies in the East. Their relative weakness . . . 342 Parliamentary systems in the East. Hungary and Bohemia inactive in foreign policy. Comparison with the Habsburgs . . * v 343 Maximilian's policy. Hungarian inaction 344 Mohacs unavoidable. Poland. The magnates. The kings. Weakness of the monarchy. The General Diet . ' V . . * '- ' .' . 345 Apathy and weakness of Poland v 4 '.-^ 4* i . .tbjjjjo >_.>;'. :/ fc 346 CHAPTER XL THE CATHOLIC KINGS. By H. BUTLER CLARKE, M.A. Political divisions of the Iberian peninsula. Castile and Aragon under the rule of the "Catholic Kings" 347 Castile. History of its institutions. Behetrias; fueros; corregidores . . 348 Privileges of the several Orders. The Castilian Cortes .... 349 General and particular Cortes. The king. Legislation and Justice . 350 Aragon. The four Estates. Power of the Assembly. The Justicia. Cata- lonia . 351 Valencia. The Basque provinces. War of Succession, 1475-6 . . 352 The Hermandad. Reforms. Royal grants revoked, 1480. The Crusading Orders. Ferdinand Grand Master of all 353 The nobility. The army. The navy 354 The royal Councils. The clergy 355