Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/25

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Contents. xxi Church patronage. The Inquisition. Trade and agriculture. Taxation. The akabala 356 Manufacture and commerce. Population. Coinage 357 Revenue. Codes of Laws. Conquest of Granada, 1481-92 ... 358 The Jews and the Inquisition. Exile or baptism, 1492 .... 359 Torquemada; Lucero; Ximenes. Mild government of Granada . . 360 Change of policy, 1499. Revolts. Baptism or exile for Moriscos, 1501 . 361 Foreign policy. Recovery of Roussillon and Cerdagne, 1493. League of Venice, 1494. Conquest of Naples, 1503. Marriage policy . . 362 Philip and Juana. Death of Isabel, 1504. Philip and Ferdinand. Marriage of Ferdinand, 1505 363 Treaty of Salamanca, 1505. Death of Philip, 1506 364 Ferdinand regent of Castile. Fall of Gonzalo. Conquest of Oran, 1509 365 Conquests of Navarro in Africa. His defeat, 1510. Designs upon Navarre. The Holy League. The English at Guipuzcoa. Invasion of Navarre 366 Conquest of Spanish Navarre. Remainder of Ferdinand's life . . . 367 His death, 1516. His character. Rule of Ximenes .... 368 Jean d'Albret attacks Navarre. Expedition to Algiers. Charles' Flemish counsellors. Charles in Spain, 1517 369 Ximenes deposed. New arrangements. Castilian Cortes. Cortes of Aragon 370 Charles King of the Romans. Discontent of Castile .... 371 Cortes of Santiago, 1520. Charles leaves the country. Revolt of the Comuneros 372 Juana seized. Petition to Charles 373 New Regents for Castile. Disunion of the Comuneros .... 374 Padilla and the Comuneros routed at Villalar, 1521. End of the War. Return of Charles, 1522 . 375 Proscription. Causes of the failure of the Comuneros. Germania of Valencia, 1519- 376 The rabble gain the upper hand. Moderate party. The revolt crushed. 377 Proscriptions and executions. Fresh invasion of Navarre repulsed. De- velopment of Charles' character. His position strengthened . . 378 literary and artistic development. Revival of Learning .... 379 Universities. Popular literature. Early specimens 380 Amadis of Gaul. Annalists 381 Ignorance of the people. The minor arts. Architecture. Sculpture . 382 Conspicuous examples of Spanish art 383 CHAPTER XII. FRANCE. By STANLEY LEATHES, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity CoUege. Development of the monarchy. Decay of other institutions . . . 384 The French Church. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, 1438 . . . 1385 The Council of Basel. The provisions of the Pragmatic; its effects . 386 The Pragmatic under Louis XI; under Charles VIII .... 387 Under Louis XII. The Concordat of Francis I, 1516. University of Paris 388