Page:Canada Gazette vol. LXXIII no. 11.pdf/9

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(3) Receiving from cars, waggons or trucks, including elevating and weighing: also storage for the first ten (10) days—Six dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 bushels.

(Payable on unloading.)

(4) Discharging to vessels, including elevating and weighing—Four dollars ($4.00) per 1,000 bushels.

(Payable, on loading by vessel loaded.)

(5) Discharging to cars, waggons or trucks, including elevating and weighing—Four dollars ($1.00) per 1.000 bushels.

(Payable on loading.)

2. Storage Charges— For each succeeding day, or part thereof, after the first ten (10) days—

(1) Domestic Grain-—

(a) Summer period from 1st May to 1st December next following, both dates inclusive—One-fortieth of one cent (1/40c.) per bushel.

(b) Winter period from 2nd December to 30th April next following, both dates inclusive—One nineteenth of one cent (1/19c.) per bushel.

Provided, However. that when the accumulated storage charges provided for in paragraph (b) of this subsection amount to one and one half cents 1½c.) per bushel, no further storage charge will be levied for the same winter period.

(2) Export Grain—

(a) Summer period from 1st May to lst December next following, both dates inclusive—Free storage.

(b) Winter period from 2nd December to 30th April neat following, both dates inclusive—One-nineteenth of one cent (1/19c.) per bushel.

Provided, However that when the accumulated storage charges provided for in paragraph (b) of this subsection amount to one (1c.) per bushel, no further storage charge will be levied for the same winter period.

3. General Conditions and Extra Service Charges—

(1) Turning Grain (each operation)—Two fifths of one cent (2/5) per bushel.

(2) Cleaning Grain (each operation)—One cent (1c.) per bushel.

(3) Sacked Grain—

(a) Sacking, including four (4) days free storage, after completion of each lot (owners of grain to supply sacks)—One and one-half cents (1½c.) per bushel.

(b) Storage for each succeeding day, or part thereof, after into storage period provided for in paragraph (a) of this subsection—Five cents (5c.) per sack.

(4) Drying—

(a) Tough and damp grain—Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per 1,000 bushels.

(b) Wet, damaged or salvage grain—By agreement.

(5) Conditioning by cold blast treatment—One cent tic.) per bushel.

(6) Elevation and reconditioning charges will be computed on the weight of the grain as taken into the elevator. Storage will be assessed on the weight after reconditioning: loss of weight in reconditioning to be borne by the owner of the grain.

(7) All services rendered between the hours of 6.00 pm. and 7.00 am. on ordinary working days and at all times on Sundays and the following holidays:—

New Year's Day,
Good Friday,
Victoria Day,
Dominion Day,
Labour Day, and
Christmas Day

will be considered as overtime and will be done by agreement.

The tariff of charges for all services shown herein are applicable to quantities of 1,000 bushels or more. Any lesser quantities will be handled only by agreement.

All accrued charges up to and including the 31st day of December in any year, on grain remaining in store after the 31st day of December in that year, are payable on or before the 31st day of January of the year next following.

(10) The rates per bushel shall be assessed on the following Weights:—

Wheat 60 pounds
Oats 34 pounds
Barley 48 pounds
Corn 56 pounds
Flax 56 pounds
Rye 56 pounds
Oat Scalpingns 34 pounds
Screenings 34 pounds
All other grains 60 pounds
Buckwheat 48 pounds

(11) The term "export grain" used in this tariff means grains shipped for export to British and foreign countries, except the United States of America, Mexico, Newfoundland and the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.

(12) The term "domestic grain" refers to all grains other titan export grain as shove declined.

(13) All property is at owner's risk.

(14) Charges enumerated in this tariff apply only to grain elevator charges as defined herein and do not include charges payable pursuant to any other tariff or tariffs of the National Harbours Board.

Ottawa, Canada
Traiff of Grain Elevator Charges
applicable at the Harbour of montreal, que.

Subject to the capacity of the elevators and the nature of their equipment on and after the First day of September, 1939, shipments will be received and shipped upon the following terms under the provisions of the National Harbours Board Act, 1936, and the Canada Grain Act and in accordance with the terms of the Licence issued to the National Harbours Board by the Board of Grain Commissioners for Canada.

1. Elevation Charges

(1) Receiving from canal vessels. including shovelling, elevating and weighing: also storage and insurance against fire and/or inherent explosion for the first ten (10) days—Six dollars and twenty-five cents ($6.25) per 1,000 bushels.

(Payable on unloading by vessel unloaded.)

(2) Receiving from ocean vessels, including shovelling, elevating and weighing: also storage and insurance against fire and/or inherent explosion for the first ten (10) days—Seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per 1.000 bushels.

(Payable on unloading, by vessel unloaded.)