Page:Captain Barnwell.pdf/7

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( 7 )

Now roguery fits on the throne of Juſtice,
and his Prime Miniſter is one M'N—e
The bribed Lawyers, his loyal ſubjects,
his power with ſplendor is arbatry.
For inſtance, there was a man call'd L—y,
gave five pounds bribe to a perjur'd whore;
The bribed Lawyers they join'd the roguery,
and for a falſe claim ſhe falſely ſwore.

Tho' many witneſſes overheard them,
old L—y bribing the perjur'd whore.
Yet not a witneſs durſt be examin'd,
to hold up roguery firm and ſure.
A Lawyer ſtraight way was then employed,
to Court of Seſſion to have it brought;
But robb'd his client of fifty ſhiliings,
back to the firſt Court the law-plea brought.

Another Lawyer he was employed
to Court of Seſſion to have it brought,
Who ſaid that it muſt go back the fourth time
where double roguery at firſt was wrought.
A thouſand times to the Court of Seſſion
you may appeal for to take a plea;
But bribed Lawyers will always bring it
back to the firſt Court in ſpite of thee:

A man was catch'd in that country ſtealing,
and by three witneſſes prov'd a thief;
But was ſet free by the bribed Lawyers,
who are of rogues and of robbers chief.
The briber told me that five pounds bribed

both Court and Lawyer the thief to free;