Page:Captain Barnwell.pdf/8

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( 8 )

The ſecond Court-day the witneſſes
they were croſs-examin'd to make truth a lie.

The witneſſes when their oath they ſigned,
they had no doubt but they ſign'd the truth;
But many a falſe word was wrote before them,
that never, never came from their mouth.
This was a notable choice foundation
for Satan's kingdom to flouriſh more,
For ſhortly after, on New-year's morning,
was many robbed, and wounded ſore.

But this made breaches in their intention,
for ſome was baniſh'd, and ſome did die;
Which cauſed them for to ſtart inventions,
ſome other villainous tricks to try.
To mend the breaches of Satan's kingdom,
they at the high-ends began to ſtrike;
But this enlarged the breaches wider,
it coſt the fellow his very neck.

This did decreaſe them, and ſoon diſtreſs them,
and now their projects are private all;
But yet in ſpite of their fathers' forces,
their mother Babel and them will fall.
Where was this done, Sir, that you have told me?
In little France, it was told to me;
Some iſland into the French dominions,
I am ſuppoſing it to be.