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The Story of a House of Prostitution


It is roughly estimated that there are over 600,000 women and girls in the United States who earn their living by the sale of their bodies. Much has been written about “the oldest of all the professions;” investigations have been made; statistics prepared; judgments pronounced and rigorous means of suppressing prostitution have been attempted—to no avail. It has remained for Socialism to discover the Cure for the Social Evil.

Miss Baker’s book is not a preachment, nor a theory or a “Study,” but a living, gripping story of the Actual Lives of four Women of the Streets, with all the heart hunger, the yearning for maternity, and the sordid commercialism with which the Public Woman is always at war.

Read The Rose Door. Go down into the depths of pain and love and misery with your Sisters of the Street. There you will find the cause of their degradation—and the cure for the great Social Evil.

Get this book for your daughters and your sons. You need it and your neighbor will be a wiser and better man for having read it. Handsomely bound in cloth; four full-page illustrations.

Price, One Dollar. We pay postage.

Order from address on last page of this booklet.