Socialist Speakers Wanted
The Socialist Party will need thousands of speakers within the next year, and only a few hundred are even fairly prepared for this work. Ignorant speakers do far more harm than good. We must have speakers with a clear understanding of what socialists want and how they propose to get it.
Nothing but study will make you a competent Socialist Speaker, but you can save time and money by starting with the right literature, and not learning things you will soon have to unlearn. We publish nearly all the standard socialist books. We advise that you start with these, reading them in about the order named:
Revolution, Jack London. ... $0.05
Introduction to Socialism, Richardson. ... .05
Industrial Socialism, Haywood and Bohn. ... .10
Science and Socialism, LaMonte. ... .05
Revolutionary Unionism, Dobs. ... .05
Shop Talks on Economics, Mary E. Marcy. ... .10
Value, Price and Profit, Marx. ... .10
Wage Labor and Capital, Marx. ... .05
Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Engels. ... .10
Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels. ... .10
The Class Struggle, Kautsky. ... .25
The Art of Lecturing, Lewis. ... .50
International Socialist Review (one year). ... 1.00
Total. ... 2.50
Remit $1.50, ask for Soap-Boxer Combination, and we will send you this entire lot of literature postpaid. By the time you have read it thoroughly you will know more than most of the people who are making Socialist speeches at present, and you will be in a position to select additional books, to suit your needs. Don't delay, fill out the blank below, get the literature and begin studying.
Charles H. Kerr & Co.
118 W. Kinzie St., Chicago,
Enclosed find $1.50 for which please mail at once your Soap-Boxer Combination of socialist literature
P.O. State