Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/94

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"I can that, Sir!" he replied with a smile. "I'm John Hunter hissel, at your sarvice. It's nobbut half a mile further——the only house in sight, when you get round bend o' the road yonder. You'll find my good woman within, if so be you've business wi' her. Or mebbe I'll do as well?"

"Thanks," I said. "I want to order some milk. Perhaps I had better arrange it with your wife?"

"Aye," said the man. "She minds all that. Good day t'ye, Master——and to your bonnie childer, as well!" And he trudged on.

"He should have said 'child', not 'childer'," said Bruno. "Sylvie's not a childer!"

"He meant both of us," said Sylvie.

"No, he didn't!" Bruno persisted. "'cause he said 'bonnie', oo know!"

"Well, at any rate he looked at us both," Sylvie maintained.

"Well, then he must have seen we're not both bonnie!" Bruno retorted. "A-course I'm much uglier than oo! Didn't he mean Sylvie, Mister Sir?" he shouted over his shoulder, as he ran off.