Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/95

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But there was no use in replying, as he had already vanished round the bend of the road. When we overtook him he was climbing a gate, and was gazing earnestly into the field, where a horse, a cow, and a kid were browsing amicably together. "For its father, a Horse," he murmured to himself. "For its mother, a Cow. For their dear little child, a little Goat, is the most curiousest thing I ever seen in my world!"

"Bruno's World!" I pondered. "Yes, I suppose every child has a world of his own——and every man, too, for the matter of that. I wonder if that's the cause for all the misunderstanding there is in Life?"

"That must be Hunter's farm!" said Sylvie, pointing to a house on the brow of the hill, led up to by a cart-road. "There's no other farm in sight, this way; and you said we must be nearly there by this time."

I had thought it, while Bruno was climbing the gate, but I couldn't remember having said it. However, Sylvie was evidently in the right. "Get down, Bruno," I said, "and open the gate for us."