Page:Castes and tribes of southern India, Volume 5.djvu/297

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Pu  4 annas.
Ri  8 annas.
Ti 12 annas.

The rupee table is composed of the word Vedagirīis-vararthunai, meaning with the help of Vēdagirīsvarar, the god at Tirukalikundram near Madras:—

 1 rupee.
Da  2 rupees.
Gi  3 rupees.
Ri  4 rupees.
Ī  5 rupees.
Is  6 rupees.
Va  7 rupees.
Ra  8 rupees.
Ar  9 rupees.
Thu 10 rupees.
Nai 11 rupees.

The tens-of-rupees table is made up from the word Tirukalikundram:—

Ti  10 rupees.
Ru  20 rupees.
Ik  30 rupees.
Ka  40 rupees.
Li  50 rupees.
Ik  60 rupees.
Ku  70 rupees.
In  80 rupees.
Ra  90 rupees.
Im 100 rupees.

An anna is sometimes called vanakkam; a rupee is known as vellē (white).

Nāttupattan.—A section of Ambalavāsis. (See Unni.)

Nāttusāmbān.—Sāmbān (a name of Siva) is a title of some Tamil Paraiyans. Nāttusāmbān denotes a village Paraiyan.