in the Salem district. The name is sometimes applied to the beggars attached to the Palli caste.
Onnām Parisha (first party). — A section of Elayad.
Onne (Pterocarpus Marsupium). — An exogamous sept of Toreyas, who are not allowed to mark their foreheads with the juice which exudes from the trunk of this tree.
Onteddu. — Onteddu or Onti-eddu is the name of a sub-division of Gānigas or Gāndlas, who only use one bullock for their oil-mills.
Opoto. — Opoto or Apoto is the name of the palanquin-bearing section of Gaudos.
Oppamtara. — A title conferred by the Rāja of Cochin on some Nāyars.
Oppanakkāran (trader). — Telugu traders and agriculturists. Recorded as a sub-division of Balija.
Oppomarango (Achyranthes aspera). — An exogamous sept of Bhondāri, the members of which may not use the root as a tooth-brush.
Ore.— An honorific title of Nāyars.
Origabhakthudu (saluting devotee). — A class of mendicants, who are said to beg only from Perikes.
Oriya.— Oriya, or Uriya, is a general term for those who speak the Oriya language. At times of census, it has been recorded as a sub-division of various castes, e.g.,Sōndi and Dhōbi.
Oruganti.__A sub-division of Kāpu and Mutrācha.
Orunūl (one string). — A sub-division of Mārāns, whose widows do not remarry.
Oshtama.—A corrupt form of the word Vaishnava, applied to Sātānis, who are called by illiterate folk Oishnamāru or Oshtamāru.
Osta. — Recorded, in the Travancore Census Report, 1901, as the name of a caste of barbers for Muhammadans.