Page:Castes and tribes of southern India, Volume 5.djvu/499

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Otattu (tile-makers). — An occupational name for Nāyars, who tile or thatch temples and Brāhman houses.

Ottaisekkan.—- The name, indicating those who work their oil-mill with a single bullock, of a sub-division of Vāniyan.

Ottikunda (empty pot). — An exogamous sept of Kamma.

Paccha (green). — An exogamous sept of Kamma. The equivalent Pacchai is a sub-division of Tamil Paraiyans, and of Malaiyālis who have settled on the Pacchaimalais (green hills). Pacchi powāku (green tobacco) occurs as an exogamous sept of Dēvānga. Pacchai Kutti is the name given to Koravas who travel about the country as professional tattooers, the operation of tattooing being known as pricking with green. In like manner, Pacchai Botlu is the name for Oddēs, who are itinerant tattooers in the Ganjam, Vizagapatam, and Godāvari districts.

Pachilia.— A sub-division of Oriya Gaudos.

Pada (fighting). — A sub-division of Nāyar.

Padahāru Mādala (sixteen mādalas). — The name, indicating the amount of the bride-price, of a section of Upparas. A mādala is equal to two rupees. Some say that the name has reference to the modas, or heaps of earth, in which salt was formerly made.

Padaiyāchi. — A synonym or title of Palli or Vanniyan, and Savalakkāran.

Padāl. — A title of headmen of the Bagatas.

Pādam.— Recorded, in the Travancore Census Report, 1901, as a sub -division of Nāyar. Pādamangalam