Excoe. | Excommunicatione—Excommunication (abl. case). |
Exit. | Existit—Exists. |
Fr. | Frater—Brother. |
Frum. | Fratrum—Of the Brothers. |
Gnalis. | Generalis—General. |
Humil. | Humiliter—Humbly. |
Humoi. | Hujusmodi—Of this kind. |
Igr. | Igitur—Therefore. |
Infraptum. | Inscriptum—Written below. |
Intropta. | Introscripta—Written within. |
Irregulte. | Irregularitate—Irregularity (abl. case). |
Lin. | Licentia—License. |
Litma. | Legitima—Lawful. |
Lre. | Litteræ—Letters. |
Lte. | Licite—Lawfully, or licitly. |
Magro. | Magistro—Master (dat. or abl. case). |
Mir. | Misericorditer—Mercifully. |
Mirione. | Miseratione—Pity (abl. case). |
Mrimonium. | Matrimonium—Matrimony. |
Nultus. | Nullatemus—Nowise. |
Ordinaoni. | Ordinationi—Ordination (dat. case). |
Ordio. | Ordinario—Ordinary (dat. or abl. case). |
Pbr. | Presbyter—Priest. |
Penia. | Pœnitentia—Penance, or repentance. |
Peniaria. | Pœnitentiaria—Penitentiary (i.e. Bureau of the Apostolic Penitentiary). |
Pntium. | Præsentium—Of those present, or, Of this present writing. |
Poe. | Posse—To be able, or, The ability to do a thing. |
Pontus. | Pontificatus—Pontificate. |
PP. | Papa—Pope. |
Pr. | Pater—Father. |
Pror. | Procurator. |
Ptur. | Præfertur—Is preferred, or, Is brought forward. |
Ptus. | Præfatus—Aforesaid. |
Qd. | Quod—Because, That, or, Which. |
Qmlbt. | Quomodolibet—In any manner whatsoever. |
Qtnus. | Quatenus—In so far as. |
Relione. | Religione—Religion, or, Religious Order (abl. case). |
Rlari. | Regulari—Regular. |
Roma. | Romana—Roman. |
Salri. | Salutari—Salutary. |
Snia. | Sententia—Opinion. |
Sntæ. | Sanctæ—Holy, or, Saints (feminine). |
Stæ. | |
Spealer. | Specialiter—Specially. |
Spualibus | Spiritualibus—In spiritual matters. |
Supplioni. | Supplicationibus—Supplication (dat. or abl. case). |
Thia. | Theologia—Theology. |
Theolia. | |
Tli. | Tituli—Titles. |
Tm. | Tantum—So much, or, Only. |
Tn. | Tamen—Nevertheless. |
Venebli. | Venerabili—Venerable. |
Vræ. | Vestræ—Your. |
Abbreviations in General Use, Chiefly Ecclesiastical. | |
A.B. | Artium Baccalaureus—Bachelor of Arts |
Ab. | Abbas—Abbot |
Abp. | Archbishop |
Abs. | Absens—Absent |
A.C. | Auditor Cameræ—Auditor of the Papal Treasury |
A.C. | Ante Christum—Before Christ |
A.C.N. | Ante Christum Natum—Before the Birth of Christ |
A.D. | Anno Domini—Year of Our Lord |
a.d. | ante diem—The day before |
Adm. Rev. | Admodum Reverendus—Very Reverend |
Adv. | Adventus—Advent |
Alb. | Albus—White (Br.) |
al. | alii, alibi, alias—others, elsewhere, otherwise |
A.M. | Anno Mundi—Year of the World |
A.M. | Artium Magister—Master of Arts |
A.M.D.G. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam—For the greater glory of God |
An. | Annus—Year |
Ann. | Anni—Years |
Ana | Antiphon |
Ant. | |
Apost. | Apostolus—Apostle |
Ap. Sed. | Apostolica Sedes—Apostolic See |
Ap. Sed. Leg. | Apostolicae Sedis Legatus—Legate of the Apostolic See |
Archiep. | Archiepiscopus—Archbishop |
Archid. | Archidiaconus—Archdeacon |
Archiprb. | Archipresbyter—Archpriest |
A.R.S. | Anno Reparatæ Salutis—In the year of Our Redemption |
A.U. | Alma Urbs—Beloved City (Rome) |
Authen. | Authentica—Authentic (e.g. letters) |
Aux. | Auxilium, Auxilio—Help, With the help of |
B.A. | Baccalaureus Artium—Bachelor of Arts |
B., BB. | Beatus, Beati—Blessed |
B.C. | Before Christ |
B.C.L. | Baccalaureus Civilis [or Canonicæ Legis—Bachelor of Civil [or Canon] Law |
B.D. | Bachelor of Divinity |
B.F. | Bonâ Fide—In Good Faith |
Ben. | Benedictio—Blessing |
Benevol. | Benevolentia—Benevolence |
Bon. Mem. | Bonæ Memoriæ—Of Happy Memory |
B.P. | Beatissime Pater—Most Holy Father |
Bro. | Brother |
B. Se. | Baccalaureus Scientiarum—Bachelor of Sciences |
B.U.J. | Baccalaureus Utriusque Juris—Bachelor of Both Laws (civil and canon). |
B.T. | Baccalaureus Theologiæ—Bachelor of Theology |
B.V. | Beatitudo Vestra—Your Holiness |
B.V. | Beata Virgo—Blessed Virgin |
B.V.M. | Beata Virgo Maria—Blessed Virgin Mary |
Cam. | Camera—Papal Treasury |
Cam. Ap. | Camera Apostolica—Apostolic Camera (Papal Treasury) |
Can. | Canonicus |
Canc. | Cancellarius—Chancellor |
Cap. | Capitulum—Little Chapter (Br). |
Cap. de seq. | Capitulum de Sequenti—Little chapter of the following feast (Br.). |
Capel. | Capella—Chapel |
Caus. | Causa—Cause |
C.C. | Curatus—Curate (used chiefly in Ireland) |
CC. VV. | Clarissimi Viri—Illustrious Men |
Cen. Eccl. | Censura Ecclesiastica—Ecclesiastical Censure |
Cla. | Clausula—Clause |
Cl., Clico. | Clericus, Clerico—Cleric |
Clun. | Cluniacenses—Monks of Cluny |
C.M. | Causâ Mortis—On occasion of death |
Cod. | Codex—Manuscript |