Cog. Leg. | Cognatio Legalis—Legal Cognation. |
Cog. Spir. | Cognatio Spiritualis—Spiritual Cognation. |
Coll. Conc. | Collectio Conciliorum—Collection of the Councils. |
Comm. Prec. | Commemoratio Praecedentis—Commemoration of the preceding feast (Br.). |
Comm. Seq. | Commemoratio Sequentis—Commemoration of the following feast (Br.). |
Compl. | Completorium—Compline (Br.). |
Con. | Contra—against. |
Cone. | Concilium—Council. |
Conf. | Confessor. |
Conf. Doct. | Confessor et Doctor (Br.). |
Conf. Pont. | Confessor Pontifex—Confessor and Bishop (Br.). |
Cons. | Consecratio—Consecration. |
Consecr. | Consecratus—Consecrated. |
Const. Ap. | Constitutio Apostolica—Apostolic Constitution. |
Cr. | Credo—Creed (Br.). |
D. | Dominus—Lord. |
d. | dies—day. |
D.C.L. | Doctor Civilis [or Canonicæ] Legis—Doctor of Civil [or Canon] Law. |
D.D. | Doctores—Doctors. |
D.D. | Donum dedit; Dedicavit—Gave, dedicated. |
D.D. | Doctor Divinitatis—Doctor of Divinity (i.e. Theology) |
Dec. | Decanus—Dean. |
Def. | Defunctus—Deceased. |
D.G. | Dei Gratiâ—By the Grace of God. |
D.N. | Dominus Noster—Our Lord. |
D.N.J.C. | Dominus Noster Jesus Christus—Our Lord Jesus Christ. |
DN, DNS, DNUS | Dominus—Lord. |
Doct. | Doctor (Br.). |
Dom. | Dominica—Sunday. |
D.O.M. | Deo Optimo Maximo—To God, the Best and Greatest. |
Doxol. | Doxologia—Doxology (Br.). |
D.R. | Decanus Ruralis—Rural Dean. |
DS | Deus—God. |
D.Sc. | Doctor Scientiarum—Doctor of Sciences. |
D.V. | Deo Volente—God willing. |
Dupl. | Duplex—Double feast (Br.). |
Dupl. Maj. | Duplex Major—Double Major feast (Br.) |
Dupl. I. Cl. | Duplex Primæ Classis—Double First Class feast (Br.). |
Dupl. II. Cl. | Duplex Secundæ Classis—Double Second Class feast (Br.). |
Eccl. | Ecclesiasticus—Ecclesiastic. |
E., Eccl. | Ecclesia—The Church. |
El. | Electio, Electus—Election, Elect. |
Emus | Eminentissimus—Most Eminent. |
EPS | Episcopus—Bishop. |
EP. | |
Episc. | |
Et. | Etiam—Also, Even. |
Evang. | Evangelium—Gospel (Br.). |
Ex. | Extra—Outside of. |
Exe. | Excommunicatus, Excommunicatio—Excommunicated, Excommunication. |
Fel. Mem. | Felicis Memoriae—Of Happy Memory. |
Fel. Rec. | Felicis Recordationis—Of Happy Memory. |
Fer. | Feria—Weekday. |
Fr., F. | Frater, Frère—Brother. |
Fund. | Fundatio—Foundation. |
Gen. | Generalis—General. |
Gl. | Gloria—Glory to God, etc. |
Gr. | Gratia—Grace. |
Grad. | Gradus—Grade. |
Grat. | Gratias—Thanks; or Gratis—Without expense. |
hebd. | Hebdomada—Week. |
Hom. | Homilia—Homily (Br.). |
hor. | hora—hour. |
IC | Jesus—first and third letters of His name in Greek. |
Id. | Idus—Ides. |
Igr. | Igitur—Therefore. |
I.H.S. | (I)Jesus Hominum Salvator (usual interpretation), Jesus Saviour of Men. Really a faulty Latin transliteration of the first three letters of JESUS in Greek (IHS for IHC). |
Ind. | Indictio—Indiction. |
Ind. | Index. |
Inq. | Inquisitio—Inquisition. |
i.p.i. | in partibus infidelium—among the infidels. |
Is. | Idus—Ides. |
J.C. | Jesus Christus—Jesus Christ. |
J.C.D. | Juris Canonici Doctor, Juris Civilis Doctor—Doctor of Canon Law, Doctor of Civil Law. |
J.D. | Juris Doctor—Doctor of Law. |
J.M.J. | Jesus, Maria, Joseph—Jesus, Mary, Joseph. |
Jo., Joann. | Joannes—John. |
J.U.D. | Juris Utriusque Doctor—Doctor of Both Laws (Sc. Civil and Canon). |
Jud. | Judicium—Judgment. |
J.U.L. | Juris Utriusque Licentiatus—Licentiate of Both Laws. |
Jur. | Juris—Of Law. |
Kal. | Kalendæ—Calends. |
Laic. | Laicus—Layman. |
Laud. | Laudes—Lauds (Br.). |
L.C.D. | Legis Civilis Doctor—Doctor of Civil Law. |
l.c.; loc. cit. | Loco citato—at the place already cited. |
Lect. | Lectio—Lesson. |
Legit. | Legitime, Legitimus—Legally, legitimate. |
L.H.D. | Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor—Doctor of Literature. |
Lib., Lo. | Liber, Libro—Book, In the book. |
Lic. | Licentia, Licentiatus—License, Licentiate. |
Litt. | Littera—Letter. |
LL.B. | Legum Baccalaureus—Bachelor of Laws. |
LL.D. | Legum Doctor—Doctor of Laws. |
LL.M. | Legum Magister—Master of Laws. |
Loc. | Locus—Place. |
Lov. | Lovanium—Louvain. |
Lovan. | Lovanienses—Theologians of Louvain. |
L.S. | Loco Sigilli—Place of the Seal. |
Lud. | Ludovicus. |
M. | Maria—Mary. |
M.A. | Magister Artium—Master of Arts. |
Mag. | Magister—Master. |
Mand. | Mandamus—We command. |
Mand. Ap. | Mandatum Apostolicum—Apostolic Mandate, e.g. for a bishop's consecration |
Mart., M., MM. | Martyr, Martyres—Martyr, Martyrs (Br.). |
Mat. | Matutinum—Matins (Br.). |
Matr. | Matrimonum—Marriage. |
Mgr. | Monseigneur, Monsignore—My Lord. |