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Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/14

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GUTBERLET, CONSTANTINE, S.T.D., I'ltoTiin- xuTARY Apostolic, Professor of Thkolocy, _


FvLDA, Germany: Materialism.

GUTHRIE, W. B., Assistant Professor, Depart- ment OF Political Economy, College of the City- of New York: Migration.

HAGEX, JOHX G., Vatic.-vn Odserv.\tory, Rome: Miiller (Regiomontanus), Johann.

HAMILTON, GEORGE E., Washinuton: Morris, Martin Ferdinand.

HANDLEY, MARIE LOUISE, New York: Mon- fanes, Juan Martinez.

HARRINGTON, THOMAS F., M.D., Boston, Massachusetts: Massachusetts.

HARRIS, WILLIAM RICHARD, S.T.D., LL.D., Editor of "Intermountain Catholic", Salt Lake City, Utah: Mormons.

HARTIG, OTTO, Assistant Librarian of the Royal Library, Munich: Navarre.

HASSETT, Mor. MAURICE M., S.T.D., Harris- BCRG, Pennsylvania: Matricula; Monogram of Christ.

HEALY, JOHN, S.T.D., LL.D., M.R.I.A., Arch- bishop OF Tr.vM, Senator of the National Uxn'ERSiTY OF Ireland: Mayo, School of.

HENRY, HUGH T., Litt.D., Rector op Roman Catholic High School for Boy's, Professor OF English Literature and of Gregorian Chant, St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania: Mass, Music of the; Miserere.

HOEBER, KARL, Ph.D., Editor, "Volkszeitung" AND "Akademische MoNAT.snLATTER", Cologne : Ma.\entius, Marcus Aurelius; Maximianus, Mar- cus Aurelius Valerius; Maximinus, Caius Vale- rius Daja; Maximinus Thrax, Caius Julius Verus; Nero.

HOGAN, JOHN F. CANON, Professor op Mod- ern Languages, Maynooth College, Dub- lin: Maynooth College.

HOLWECK, FREDERIC G., St. Louis, Missouri: Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast of the; Michael the Archangel; Months, Special Devotions for; Most Pure Heart of Mary, Feast of the; Mount Carmel, Feast of Our Lady of; Name of Mary, Feast of the Holy; Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast of the.

HOWLEY, MICHAEL FRANCIS, S.T.D., Arch- bishop of St. John'.s, Newfoundland: New- foundl.and.

HULL, ERNEST R., S.J., Editor, "The Exam- iner", Bombay, India: Mysore, DiocRsc of; Nagpur, Diocese of.

HUNT, LEIGH, Professor of Art, College op THE City' of New York: Morghen, Raffaello; Nanteuil, Robert; Navarrcte, Juan Ferndndez.

INGOLD, A. M. P., Director, "Revue d' Alsace", Colmar, Germany: Morin, Jean.

JACQUIER, EUGENE, S.T.D., Professor of Sacred Scripture, University of Lyons: Matthew, Saint; Matthew, Gospel of Saint; Matthias, Saint.

JENNER, HENRY, F.S.A., Late of the British Museum, London: Mozarabie Rite.

JOHNSTON, FRANK, Ex-Attorney General of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi.

JONES, ARTHUR EDWARD, S.J., Correspond- ing Member of the Minnesota, Ontario, and Chicago Historical Societies; Hon. Member of the Missouri Historical Society; Member of the International Congress of American- ists; Archivi.st of St. Mary's College, Montreal: Millet, Pierre.

JOYCE, GEORGE HAYWARD, S.J., M.A. (Oxon.), St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales: Morality; Mystical Body of the Church.

KEARNS, WILLIAM J., LL.B., Newark, New Jersey: New Jersey.

KEILY, JARVIS, M.A., Grantwood, New Jersey: Miles, George Henry; Moylan, Stephen.

KELLY, BLANCHE M., New York: Mercy, Broth- ers of Our Lady of.

KELLY, LEO A., Ph.D., Rochester, New York: Mouchy, Antoine de.


Professor op Church History at the Semi- nary, Inspector of Episcopal Colleges, Mechlin, Belgium: Mechlin, Archdiocese of.

KENDAL, JAMES, S.J., Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa: Monomotapa.

KENNEDY, DANIEL J., O.P., S.T.M., Professor OF Sacramental Theology, Catholic Univer- sity OF .■\MERifA, Washington: Massouli^, Antoine; Mazzolini, Sylvester; Medina, Barthol- omew.


siDE Abbey, Bath, England: Mellitus, Saint; Monasticism, IV. Western Monasticism; Monte Cassino, Abbey of; Montreuil, Charterhouse of Notre-Dame-des-Pr^s; Montreuil Abbey; Mont- St-Michel.

siTY OF Ireland), London: Matthew of Cracow; Mayhew, Edward; Milner, Robert, Venerable; Missions, Catholic; Mozambique; Nagasaki, Diocese of; New Caledonia, Vicariate Apostolic of; New Guinea.