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Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/15

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KIRSCH, JOHANN PETER, S.T.D., Domestic Prelate, Professor of Pathology and Chris- tian Arch.eology, University of Fribohrg: Matilda of Canossa; Methodius of Olympus, Saint; Micrologus; Migne, Jacques-Paul; Mil- lennium and Millenarianism; Miltiades, Saint, Pope; Mombritius, Bonino; Monarchia Sicula; Muratori, Luigi Antonio; Muratorian Canon; Nabor and Felix, Saints; Nazarius, Saint; Naza- rius and Celsus, Saints and Martyrs; Nazarius and Companions, Saints; Neckam, Alexander of; Neher, Stephan Jakob; Nereus and Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancratius, Saints and Martyrs; Neugart, Trudpert.

KLEINSCHMIDT, BEDA, O.F.M., Rector, St. Lddwig's College, Harreveld, Holland: Metal-Work in the Service of the Church.

KURTH, GODEFROID, Director, Belgian His- torical Institute, Rome: Netherlands, The.

LACY, RICHARD, Bishop of Middlesbrough, England: Middle.sbrough, Diocese of.

LAGARDE, ERNEST, M.A., LL.D., Professor of English and Modern Languages, Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland: Mount St. Mary's College.

LANGOUET, A., O.M.I., Kimberley, South Africa: Natal, Vicariate Apostohc of.

LAUCHERT, FRIEDRICH, Ph.D., Aachen: Middendorp, Jakob; Miletus (Miiller), Vitus; Moufang, Franz Christoph Ignaz; Movers, Franz Karl; Miiller, Adam Heinrich.

LECLERCQ, HENRI, O.S.B., London: Maundy Thursday; Meletius of Antioch; Meletius of Ly- copolis.

LEJAY, PAUL, Fellow of the University of France, Professor, Catholic Institute, Paris: Minucius Felix; Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco Pico della; Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della; Muret, Marc-Antoine.

LENNOX, PATRICK JOSEPH, B.A., Professor OF English and Literature, Catholic Uni- versity' of America: Moore (Moor), Michael.

LE ROY, ALEXANDER A., C.S.Sp., Bishop of Alinda, Superior General of the Congrega- tion OF the Holy Ghost, Paris: Mayotte, Nossi-Be, and Comoro, Prefecture Apostolic of; Morocco, Prefecture Apostolic of.

LINDSAY, LIONEL ST. GEORGE, B.Sc, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, "La Nouvelle France", Quebec: Meilleur, Jean-Baptiste; Mercier, Louis-Honore; Montcalm-Gozon, Louis-Joseph; Montmagny, Charles Huault de.

LINS, JOSEPH, Freiburg, Germany: Mecklen- burg; Mehrerau; Meissen; Metz; Minden, Dio- cese of; Minsk, Diocese of; Misocco and Calanca, Prefecture Apostolic of; Mohileff, Archdiocese of; Montenegro; Moravia; Munich-Freising, Arch- diocese of; Mtinster, Diocese of.

LOFFLER, KLEMENS, Ph.D., Librarian, Uni- versity of Brbslau: Melanchthon, Philipp; Mone, Franz.

LORIGAN, JAMES T., Knoxville, Tennessee: Nashville, Diocese of.

MAAS, A. J., S.J., Rector, Woodstock College, Maryland: Maurus, Sylvester.

MacERLEAN, ANDREW A., New York: MeHto, Saint; Melo, Diocese of; Mendez and Guala- quiza. Vicariate Apostolic of; Meredith, Edward; Merida, Diocese of; Metcalf, Edward; Ming, John; Montevideo, Archdiocese of ; Morris, John Brande; Motu Proprio; Mozzi, Luigi; Neville, Edmund.

McGAHAN, FLORENCE RUDGE, M.A., Youngs- TOWN, Ohio: Mercy, Sisters of, of St. Borromeo; Michael, Military Orders of Saint; Michelis, Ed- ward; Mount Calvary, Congregation of; Name of Jesus, Religious Communities of.

McHUGH, JOHN A., O.P., S.T.L., Lector of Phi- LO.SOPHY, Dominican House of Studies, Wash- ington: Mystery.

McNEAL, J. PRESTON, B.A., LL.B., Baltimore: Neale, Leonard.

MACPHERSON, EWAN, New York: Massa Can- dida; Meignan, Guillaume-Rene.

MADDEN, MARIE REGINA, Brooklyn, New York: Names of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Holy.

MAERE, R., S.T.D., Professor of Christian Archaeology, University of Louvain: Mon- tault, Xavier Barbier de; Museums, Christian.

MAES, CAMILLUS P., S.T.D., Bishop op Coving- ton, Kentucky: Moye, John Martin, Venerable; Nerinckx, Charles.

MAHE, CELESTIN, Monroe, Louisiana: Natchi- toches, Diocese of.

MAKER, MICHAEL, S.J., Litt.D., M.A. (Lon- don), Director op Studies and Professor of Pedagogics, Stonyhurst College, Black- burn, England: Metempsychosis; Mind.

MARIQUE, PIERRE JOSEPH, Instructor in French, College op the City of New York: Mercad6, Eustache; Meun, Jean Clopinel de; Michel, Jean; Montyon, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste- Robert Auget, Baron de; Moreri, Louis.

MAXWELL-SCOTT, Hon. Mrs., London: Max- well, William; Maxwell, Winifred.

MEEHAN, THOMAS F., New York: Meagher, Thomas Francis; Monroe, James; Mulhall, Michael George; MulhoUand, St. Clair Augustine; Mullanphy, John ; Newark, Diocese of.

MEISTERMANN, BARNABAS, O.S.F., Lector, Convent of S. Salvator, Jerusalem: Nairn; Nazareth.