Teacher op Philosophy and Church History,
St. John's College, Brooklyn, New York:
Mission, Congregation of Priests of the.
REILLY, THOMAS a K., O.P., S.T.L., S.S.L., Pro- fessor op Sacred Scripture, Dominican House of Studies, Washington: Medices (de Medicis), Hieronymus; Mosaic Legislation; Moses.
REMY, ARTHUR F. J., M.A., Ph.D., Adjunct- Professor OP Germanic Philology, Colum- bia University, New York: Miracle Plays and Mysteries; Mijnch-Bellinghausen, Baron Eligius Franz Joseph von.
REZEK, ANTOINE IVAN, Houghton, Michigan: Mrak, Ignatius.
ROMPEL, JOSEF HEINRICH, S.J., Ph.D., Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria: Molina, Juan Ignacio; Mutis, Jose Celestino.
RYAN, JOHN A., S.T.D., Professor op Moral Theology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Min- nesota: Monopoly, Moral Aspects of.
SAINT BEATRICE, SISTER, Sisters op the Mis- ericorde, Montreal: Misericorde, Congrega- tion of the Sisters of.
SALAVILLE, SEVERIEN, A.A., Professor of Liturgy, Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi- Keui, Constantinople: Memphis; Methymna; Miletus; Mitylene; Mylasa; Myra.
SAUVAGE, G.M., C.S.C, S.T.D., Ph.D., Profes- sor of Dogmatic Theology, Holy Cross Col- lege, Washington: Mysticism; Necessity.
SCANNELL, THOMAS B. CANON, S.T.D., Edi- tor, "Catholic Dictionary", Weybridge, England: Maury, Jean-Siffrein.
SCHEID, N., S.J., Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria: Morel, Gall; Morell, Juli- ana; Murner, Thomas.
SCHLAGER, HEINRICH PATRICIUS, O.F.M., St. Ludwig's College, Dalheim, Germany: Matthias of Neuburg; Mechtel, Johann; Me- nard, Leon; Merinillod, Gaspard; Miltiz, Karl von; Mohler, Johann Adam; Moncada, Fran- cisco de; Moy de Sons, Karl Ernst; Muchar, Albert Anton von.
SCHLITZ, CHARLES, S.J., Bonn, Germany: Melania, Saint (the Younger).
SCHROEDER, JOSEPH, O.P., Dominican House OP Studies, Washington: Mensing, John; Mis- sions, Catholic Parochial; Moneta; Monsabrd, Jacques-Marie-Louis; Montesino, Antonio; Mon- tesino, Luis de; Morales, Juan Bautista; Navar- rete, Domingo Ferndndez; Nazarius, John Paul.
SENFELDER, LEOPOLD, M.D., Teacher of the History of Medicine, Univebsity op Vienna: Medicine, History of.
York: Moscow. SILLARD, PETER A., New York: Mcchan,
Charles Patrick. SLATER, T., S.J., St. Betjno's College, St. Asaph,
Wales: Mental Reservation. SLOANE, CHARLES WILLIAM, New York:
Mortmain. SMITH, SYDNEY F., S.J., London: Mortification.
SMITH, WALTER GEORGE, M.A., LL.B. (U. OP P.), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Masses, Devises and Bequests for (United States).
SOULIER, JOSEPH FRANCIS, S.M., S.T.D., San Francisco, California: Merode, Frederic- Frangois-Xavier Ghislain de.
SORTAIS, GASTON, S.J., Assistant Editor, "Etudes", Paris: Matteo da Siena; Messina, Antonello da; Morales, Luis de; Moroni, Gio- vanni Battista.
SOUVAY, CHARLES L., CM., S.T.D., Ph.D., Pro- FE.ssoR, Sacred Scripture, Hebrew, and Liturgy, Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mis- souri: Nabuchodonosor; Nahum; Names, He- brew; Nephtali.
STAGE, FRANCIS A., Grand Rapids, Michigan: Michigan.
SULLIVAN, WILLIAM CLEARY, LL.B., Secre- tary, Catholic Young Men's National Union, Washington: National Union, Catholic Young Men's.
SUTTON, JOHN P., Lincoln, Nebraska: Ne- braska.
TALLON, WILLIAM THOMAS, S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland: Melia, Pius.
TARNOWSKI, COUNT STANISLAUS, President, Imperial Academy of Sciences, Professor, Polish Literature, University op Krakow: Mickiewicz, Adam.
THURSTON, HERBERT, S.J., London: Medals, Devotional; Menologium; Minister; Mis.sal; Monk; Morone, Giovanni; Nails, Holy; Names, Christian; Natal Day; Necrologies.
TIERNEY, JOHN J., M.A., S.T.D., Professor op Sacred Scripture and Semitic Studies, Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland: Melchisedech; Mesa.
TOKE, LESLIE ALEXANDER ST. LAWRENCE, B.A., Stratton-on-Fosse, Bath, England: Maurists, The; Melk, Abbey and Congregation of.
TURNER, WILLIAM, B.A., S.T.D,, Professor of Logic and the History of Philosophy, Catho- lic University of America, Washington: Megarians; Melissus of Samos; Metaphysics; Michael Scotus; Monad; Monism; Neo-Plato- nism; Neo-Pythagorean Philosophy.