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MENARD, SISTER MARIE, Nazabeth, Ken- tccky: Nazareth, Sisters of Charity of.

MERSHMAN, FRANCIS, O.S.B., S.T.D., Pro- fessor OF Moral Theology, Canon Law, and Liturgy, St. Joh.n's College, Collegeville, Minnesota: Massuet, RerK?; Maurice, Saint; Maurus, Saint; Moinwork, IJlesscd; M6nard, Nicolas-Hugucs; Menas, Saint; Nausea, Fred- eric.

MOELLER, CH., Professor of General His- tory, University of Louvain: Military Or- ders, The; Montesa, Military Order of.

MOLLOY, JOSEPH VINCENT, O.P., S.T.L., New Haven, Connecticut: Mathusala.

MONTES DE OCA Y OBREGON, JOSfi M. I., S.T.D., LL.D., Bishop op San Luis PoTosf, Administrator Apostolic of Tamaulipas, Domestic Prelate to His Holiness and Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, Knight Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight of Isabella the Catholic, K. C. of Charles the Third, Member of the Madrid Academy of Languages and History, San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Mexico, Archdiocese of.

MOONEY, JAMES, United States Ethnologist, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washing- ton: Mataco Indians; Maya Indians; Mayo In- dians; Mayoruna Indians; Mazatec Indians; Mbaya Indians; Mengarini, Gregorio; Menom- inee Indians; Miami Indians; Mission In- dians (of CaHfornia) ; Missions, Catholic Indian, of the United States; Mixe Indians; Mixteca Indians; Mocovi Indians; Montagnais Indians (Quebec); Moxos Indians; Mozetena Indians.

MOORE, THOMAS V., C.S.P., St. Thomas's Col- lege, Washington: Memory.

MORICE, A. G., O.M.I. , Editor of "Le Patriots de l'Ouest", Duck Lake, Sa.skatchewan, Canada: Mazenod, Charles Joseph Eugene de; Micmacs; Missions, Catholic Indian (Canada); Montagnais Indians (Chippewayans) ; Nahanes.

MUNNYNCK, mark p. de, S.T.D., Professor OF Philosophy, University of Fribourg: Mechanism.

NOLAN, RICHARD S., B.A. (Trinity College, Dublin), London: Masses, Bequests for (Eng- land).

NYS, DfiSIRfi, S.T.D., Ph.D., President, S6mi- naire LfioN XIII, Univer.sity of Louvain: Minkelers, Jean-Pierre.

OBRECHT, EDMOND M., O.C.R., Abbot of Gethsemani Abbey, Kentucky: Melleray; Mellifont, Abbey of; Molesme, Notre-Dame de; Montrairail, John de; Morimond, Abbey of; New Abbey; Nowbattle.

O'CONNOR, CHARLES AUGUSTUS, M.A., LL.B., Manchester, New Hampshire: New Hamp- shire.

OLIGER, LIVARIUS, O.F.M., Lector op Church History, College S. Antonio, Rome: Mendi- cant Friars; Minimi (Minims).

OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B.,Ph.D., Professor of the History op Philosophy, St. John's College, Collegeville, Minnesota: Matilda, Saint; Maximilian (Martyrs); Maximinus, Saint; Maximus of Turin, Saint; Mayor, John; Mayr, Beda; Mechtild of Magdeburg; Mi^gc, Antoine-Joseph; Mendoza, Francisco Sarmi- rnto de; Mendoza, Pedro Gonzales de; Mczgcr, Francis, Joseph, and Paul; Michael de Sanctis, Saint; Milic, Jan; Mirajus (Le Mire), Aubert; Mittarelli, Nicola Giacomo; Molina, Antonio do; Molitor, Wilhelm; Moschus, Johannes; Mundwiler, Fintan; Muzzarelli, Alfonso.

OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Mohr, Joseph; Mozart, Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Amadeus; Musical Instruments in Church Services.

OUSSANI, GABRIEL, Ph.D., Professor of Ec- clesiastical History-, Early Christian Lit- erature, and Biblical Arch.eology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York: Mecca; Mohammed and Mohammedanism; Moses of Chorene.

PACIFIQUE, father, O.M.Cap., Micmac Mis- sion, Restigouche, Canada: Membcrton In- dians.

PfiREZ GOYENA, ANTONIO, S.J., Editor, "R.az6n y Fe", Madrid: Molinos, Miguel de.

PETRIDES, SOPHRONE, A.A., Profes.sor, Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Constan- tinople: Metellopolis; Miletopolis; Mocissus; Modra; Musti; Myndus; NacoHa; Nazianzus.

PHELAN, PATRICK, Vicar General and Dean of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Aus- tralia: Melbourne, Archdiocese of.

PHILLIPS, EDWARD C, S.J., Ph.D., Woodstock College, Maryland: Neri, Antonio.

POHLE, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.L., Profes- sor OF Dogmatic Theology, University of Breslau: Mass, Sacrifice of the; Merit; Molina, Luis de; MoUnism.

POLLEN, JOHN HUNGERFORD, S.J., London: Molyneux, Sir Caryll; More, Henry; Morris, John.

POPE, HUGH, O.P., S.T.L., S.S.D., Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Collegio Ange- Lico, Rome: Monica, Saint.

POULAIN, AUGUSTIN, S.J., Paris: Mohammedan Confraternities.

RAINER, Mgr. JOSEPH, V.G., P.A., Rector, St. Francis Provincial Seminary, Professor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, St. Francis, Wisconsin: Milwaukee, Archdiocese of.