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Contributors to the Fourteenth Volume

AHERNE, CORNELIUS, Kiccthk, Professor of New Testament Enki.i,>is, St. Joseph's Col- lege, Mill Hill, Loxdun: Son of God; Son of Man; Timothy and Titus, Epistles to.

ALBERS, P., S.J., Maastricht, Holl.wd: Thijm, Joseph Albert .\lberdingk; Tliijm, Peter Paul Maria Alberdingk.

ALDASY, ANTAL, Ph.D., Archivist of the Li- brary OF THE NaTION.\L MuseITM, BrDAPEST: Sirmium, Diocese of; Steinamanger, Diocese of; Stuhlweissenbiu-g, Diocese of; Szanto, Stephan; Szatmar, Diocese of; Szentivdnyi, Martin.

ALLARD, PAUL, Editor, "Revue des Questions HisTORiQUEs", Paeis: Slavery.

ALSTON, G. CYPRL\N, O.S.B., London: Solesmes, Abbey of.

AMADO, RAM6N RUIZ, S.J., LL.D., Ph.L., Col- lege OF St. Ignatius, Sarria, Barcelona: Spain; Tarazona, Diocese of; Tarragona, Arch- diocese of; Teruel, Diocese of.

ARMFELT, CARL GUSTAF BARON, Stock- holm, Sweden: Stockholm.

AYME, EDWARD L., M.D., New York: Toribio, Alfonso Mogrovejo, St.

BACCHUS, FRANCIS JOSEPH, B.A., The Or.^- TORT, Birmingham, England: Sopl)ronius; Symmachus the Ebionite; Synesius of CjTene; Theodoric Lector; Theonas; Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch; Tliree Chapters; Titus, Bishop of Bostra.

BAUMGARTEN, MGR. PAUL MARIA, J.U.D., S.T.D., Rome: Statistics, Ecclesiastical.

BAUR, CHRYSOSTOM, O.S.B., Ph.D. (Louv.wn), CoLLEGio Di San Anselmo, Rome: Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia; Theodoret; Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria.

BECHTEL, FLORENTINE, S.J., Professor of Hebrew and Sacred Scripture, St. Louis University, St. Louis: Susa; Tostado, Alonso.

BENIGNI, MGR. UMBERTO, Prothonotary Apostolic Partecipante, Professor of Ec- clesiastical History, Pontificia Accademia DEI NoBiLi Ecclesiastici, Rome: Sinigaglia, Diocese of; Solimoes Superiore; Sorrento, Arch- diocese of; Sovana and Pitigliano, Diocese of; Spedalieri, Nicola; Spoleto, .Vrchdioce.se of; Squil- lace, Diocese of; Suburbicarian Dioceses; Susa, Diocese of; SjTacuse, .\rchdioce.se of; Tanucci, Bernardo ;Taranto, Diocese of ; Telese, Diocese of; Teramo, Diocese of; Termoli, Diocese of; Ter- racina, Sezze, and Piperno, Dioce.se of; Tivoli, Diocese of; Todi, Diocese of; Tortona, Diocese of.

BERTREUX, EPHREM M., S.M., Prefect Apos- tolic of" THE South Solomon Islands: Solomon Islands, Prefecture Apostolic of the Southern.

BERTRIN, GEORGES, Litt.D., Fellow of the University, Pbofes.sor of French Litera- ture, Institut Catholique, Paris: Swetchine, Sophie-Jeanne-Soymonof ; Tassin, Rene-Prosper; Tillemont, Louis-Sebastian Le Nain de.

BESSE, J. M., O.S.B., Director, "Revue Mabil- lon", Chevetogne, Belgium: Thebaid.

BOLLAND, JOSEPH, S.J., Ston-thurst College, Bl.ackburn, England: Soul; Spirit; Spiritualism.

BOSMANS, H., S.J., College Saint Michel, Brussels: Stevin, Simon.

BOUDINHON, AUGUSTE-MARIE, S. T. D., D.C.L., Director,"Caxoni.ste Contemporain", Professor of Canon L,\w, Institut Cath- olique, Paris: Synods, National.

BRANTS, VICTOR, J.C.D., Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, Louvain: Thonissen, Jean Joseph.

BRAUN, JOSEPH, S.J., St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland: Stole; Surplice; Taber- nacle; Tlirone; Tiara.

BRJEHIER, EMILE, Litt.D., Rennes, Fr.vnce: Stoics and Stoic Philosophy; Tancred.

BROWN, CHARLES FRANCIS WEMYSS, Loch- TON Castle, Perthshire, Scotland: Thomas Abel, Blessed (sub-title Blessed Edward Powell).

BURTON, EDWIN, S.T.D., F.R. Hist. Soc, Vice- President, St. Edmund's College, Ware, England: Simpson, Richard; Smith, Richard, Bishop of Chalcedon; Smith, Richard; Sodor and Man, Ancient Diocese of; Spencer, The Hon. George; .Stanyhurst, [Richard; Stapleton, Theo- bald; Stapleton, Thomas; Stuart, Henry Benedict Maria Clement; Sutton, Sir Richard; Tat win. Saint; Taxster, John de; Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury; Thomas of Beckington; Thomas of Bradwardine; Thomas of Hereford, Saint; Thomas Percy, Blessed; Thompson, Edward Healy; Thompson, Harriet Diana; 'Tichborne, Thomas, Venerable; Tiernej', Mark Aloyius; Tootell, Hugh; Touchet, George Anselm.

BUTLER, RICHARD URBAN, O.S.B., Downside Abbey, Bath, England: Sixtus IV, Pope.

CABROL, FERNAND, O.S.B., Abbot of St. Michael's, Farnborough, England: Terce.

CALLAN, CHARLES J., O.P., S.T.L., Professor OF Pfilgsophy', Dominican House of Studies, Washington: Slotanus, John; Soto, Dominic; Spina, Bartolommeo; Stephen of Bourbon.

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM EDWARD, Stratton-on- the-Fosse, Bath, England: Socialism.

CARDAUNS, HERMANN, BONN: Spee, Friedrich von.