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Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 14.djvu/16

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O'GORMAN, JOHN R., S.T.L., J.C.D., Hailey- BDRY, Ontario, Canada: Temiskaming, Vicari- ate Apostolic of.

O'HARAN, MGR. DENIS F., S.T.D., Sydney, Aus- tralia: Sydney, Ai-chdiocese of.

OLIGER, LIVARIUS, O.F.M., St. Bonaventure's College, Rome; Soraaschi; Spirituals; Sporer, Patritius; Taigi, Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia; Tarabotti, Helena; Third Order of St. Francis (Regular and Secular; Male and Female).

POLLEN, JOHN HUNGERFORD, S.J., London: Society of Jesus; Spenser, John; Stevenson, Joseph; Stone, Marmaduke.

POPE, HUGH, O.P., S.T.L., Doctor of Sacred Scripture, Professor op New Testament Exegesis, Collegio Angelico, Rome: Socin-

POTAMIAN, BROTHER, F.S.C, D.Sc. (Lond.), Professor op Physics, Manhattan College, New York: Toaldo, Giuseppe.

O'NEILL, ARTHUR CHARLES, O.P., S.T.L., Pro- POULAIN, AUGUSTIN, S.J., Paris: Stigmata, fessor of Theology, Dominican House of Mystical; Surin, Jean-Joseph; Theology, Mysti-

Studies, Washington: Sin. cal.

O'SHEA, JOHN FRANCIS, TAYLOR, Texas: Texas, State of.

OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Professor of the History of Philosophy, St. John's College, CoLLEGEviLLE, MINNESOTA: Sixtus I, Saint, Pope; Sixtus II, Saint, Pope; Sixtus V, Pope; Smaradgus, Ardo; Spinola, Christopher Royas de; Spondanus, Henri; Stadler, John Evangelist; Stefaneschi, Giacomo Gaetani; Stephen, Saint; Stephen of Tournai; Steuco, Agostino; Sympho- rosa, Saint; Syncelli; Telesphorus of Cosenza; Tenein, Pierre-Gucrin de; Theophanes, Kera- meus; Thundering Legion; Torquemada, Tomds de.

OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Sis- tine Choir; Song, Rehgious; Tartini, Giuseppe.

OUSSANI, GABRIEL, Ph.D., Professor, Eccle- siastical History, Early Christian Litera- ture, AND Biblical Arch.bology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York: Solomon; Syria.

PACE, EDWARD A., Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor ok Philosophy', Catholic University of Ame- rica, Washington: Spiritism.

FALLEN, CONDE BENOIST, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D., New Rochelle, New York: Testem Benevo- lentise.

RAGONESI, FRANCESCO DI PAOLA, O.T., Su- perior-Gen'eral of the Theatine Order, Rome: Theatines; Theatine Nims.

RANDOLPH, BARTHOLOMEW, CM., M.A., Teacher of Philosophy and Church History, St. John's College, Brooklyn, New York: Tamisier, Marie-Marthe-Baptistine.

REAGAN, P. NICHOLAS, O.F.M., Collegio S. Antonio, Rome: Sinai; Sodom and Gomorrha.

REILLY, THOMAS a K., O.P., S.T.D., S.S.L., Pro- fessor of Sacred Scripture, Dominican House of Studies, Washington : Tongues, Gift of.

REVILLE, JOHN CLEMENT, S.J., Professor of Rhetoric and Sacred Eloquence, St. Stan- islaus College, Macon, Georgia: Taion, Nicolas; TornielU, Girolamo Francesco.

ROBINSON, DOANE, Secretary, South Dakota Department op History, Pierre, South Da- kota: South Dakota.

ROBINSON, PASCHAL, O.F.M., New York: Spina, Alfonso de.

RODRIGUEZ MOURE, JOSE, LL.D., J.U.D., Teneriffe, Canary Islands: Teneriffe, Diocese of.

PEREZ GOT ENA ANTONIO, S.J., Editor, "Ra- rqMPEL, JOSEF HEINRICH, S.J., Ph.D., Stella z6nyFe Madrid: Suarez,Franciscjc), Doctor Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria:

Eximius; Toledo, Francisco; Torres, Francisco. Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de.

♦PETRID^S, SOPHRONE, A.A., Professor, Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Constantinople: Sinis; Sion; Sitifis; Soli; Sora; Sozopohs; Stratonicea; Sufetula; Sura; Syene; SjTiaus; Synnada; Tabse; Tabbora; Tacapae; Ta- dama; Tjenarum; Tamassus; Tanagra; Tavium; Telmessus; Temnus; Teuchira; Thabraca; Thacia Montana; Tha-na?; Thagaste; 'Thagora; Thapsus; Thaumaci; Themisonium; Thermae Basilicse; Thibaris; Thignica; Thmuis; Thuburbo; Tiberi- opolis; Timbrias; Tingis; Tlos; Torone.

PHILLIPS, EDWARD C, S.J., Ph.D., Woodstock College, Maryland: Spagni, Andrea; Stansel, Valentin; Stophens, Henry Robert; Terill, An- thony.

POHLE, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.L., Pro- fessor of Dogmatic Theology, University op Breslau: Theology, Dogmatic; Toleration, Re- ligious.

  • Deceased.

RYAN, JOHN A., S.T.D., Professor of Moral Theology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Min- nesota: Socialistic Communities.

RYAN, PATRICK, S.J., London: Thomas Alfield, Venerable; Thomas Cottam, Blessed.

SACHER, HERMANN, Ph.D., Editor op the "Konversationslexikon", Assistant Editor, "Staatslexikon" of the Gorresoesell- schaft, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany: Sty- ria; Thuringia.

SALDANHA, JOSEPH LOUIS. B.A., Editor, "The Christian Puranna"; Professor of English, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, India: Stephens, Thomas.

SANDS, HON. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour; Ex-En^oy Extra- ordinary AND Minister Plenipotentiary of THE United States to Guatemala; Member: