OF THE Am. Soc. International Law; Am.
Academy Political and Social Science and
THE Mexican Soc. op Geography and Statis-
tics, New York: Tahiti, Vicariate Apostolic of.
SCHEID, N., S.J., Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria: Spillmann, Joseph; Stifter, Adalbert.
SCHLAGER, HEINRICH PATRICIUS, O.F.M., St. Lttdwig's College, Dalheim, Germany: Sonnius, Franciscus; Thangmar; Thegan of Treves; ThurmajT, Johannes.
SCHMID, ULRICH, Ph.D., Editor, "Walhalla", Munich: Tegernsee.
SCHNtJRER, GUSTAV, Ph.D., Profe-ssor of Me- diev.^l and Modern History, University of Fribourg: States of the Church.
SCHtJHLEIN, FRANZ X., Professor in the Gym- nasium of Freising, Bavaria, Germany: Tal- mud; Targum; Torah; Tosephta.
SCHUYLER, HENRY C, S.T.L., Vice-Rector, Catholic High School, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania: Steinmeyer, Ferdinand.
SCULLY, JOHN, S.J., Xew York: Squiers, Herbert Goldsmith.
SCULLY, VINCENT JOSEPH, C.R.L., St. Ives, Cornwall, England: Thomas a Kempis; Thomas of Jesus.
SENFELDER, LEOPOLD, M.D., Teacher of the History of Medicine, University of Vienna: Skoda, Josef; Sorbait, Paul de.
SHAHAN, MGR. THOMAS J., S.T.D., J.U.D., Rector of the Catholic University of Ame- rica, Washington: Thomas Abel, Blessed.
SHANLEY, WALTER J., LL.D., Danbury, Con- necticut: Temperance Movements in the United States and Canada.
SHIPMAN, ANDREW J., M.A., LL.M., New York: Slavonic Language and Liturgy; Slavs in America.
SILVA COTAPOS, CARLOS, Canon of the C.\th- edral of S.^ntiago, Chile: Tarapacd, Vicariate Apostolic of.
SINKM.\JER, JOS., East Islip, New York: Strahov, .\bbey of.
SLATER, T., S.J., St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool, England: Speculation; Sunday; Sj-nderesis.
SLOANE,THOM.\SO'CONOR, MA, EM., Ph.D., New York: Thenard, Louis-Jacriurs, Baron.
SMITH, IGNATIUS, OP., Dominican House op Studies, Washington: Thomas of Jorz.
SMITH, WALTER GEORGE, M.A., LL.B., (U. of P.), Phil.\delphia, Pennsylvania: Smith, Thomas Kilbv.
SORTAIS, GASTON, S.J.. Associate Editor,
"Etudes", Paris: Tintoretto, II.
SOUVAY, CHARLES L., CM., S.T.D., Ph.D., S.S.D., Profe.ssor, Sacred Scripture, He- brew AND Liturgy, Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis: Stephen, Saint; Stones, Precious, in the Bible; Tabernacle in Scripture; Tabernacles, Feast of.
SPAHN, MARTIN, Ph.D., Professor op Modern History, University of Strasburo: Thirty Years War, The; Tilly, Johannes Tserclas,
Count of.
SPILLANE, EDWARD P., S.J., Associate Editor, "America", New York: Thimelby, Richard.
STEELE, FRANCESCA M., Stroud, Gloucester- shire, England: Taylor, Frances Margaret; Temple, Sisters of the.
STEICHEN, MICHAEL, Missionary Apostolic, Tokio, Japan: Tokio, Archdiocese of.
STREICHER, FRIEDRICH, S.J., Stella Matu- tina College, Feldkirch, Austria: Tosca- nelli, Paolo dal Pozzo.
STUART, JANET, R.S.II., Superior Vicar, Con- vent OF THE Sacred Heart, Roehampton, London: Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, The.
TARNOWSKI, COUNT STANISLAUS, Presi- dent, Imperial Academy of Sciences, Pro- fessor, Polish Literature, University of Cracow: Skarga, Peter; Sobieski, John; Staro- wolski, Simon; Szujski, Joseph; Szymonowicz, Simon.
TAVERNIER, EUGENE, Paris: Soloviev, Vla- dimir.
TETU, MGR HENRI, Quebec, Canada: Tasche- reau, Elz6ar-Alexandre.
THURSTON, HERBERT, S.J., London: Southwell, Robert, Venerable; Stone, Comer or Founda- tion; Styhtes; Symbolism; Tenebra?; Thanksgiv- ing before and after Meals; Theatre, The; Thomas, Saint, the Apostle; Thomas Becket, Saint; Toleration, History of.
TOKE, LESLIE ALEXANDER ST. LAURENCE, B.A., Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Bath, England: Sociahsm.
TURNER, MGR. JAMES P., S.T.D., Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania: Tabernacle Society.
TURNER, WILLIAM, B.A., S.T.D., Professor of Logic and the History of Philosophy, Cath- olic University of America, Washington: Socrates; Sophists; Summae; Sylvester, Bernard; Telesio, Bernardino; Theodore of Gaza; Theo- doric of Chart res; Thomas of Strasburg.
TYNE, THOMAS JAMES, Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee.
VACCON. A., Amiens, France: Tarisel, Pierre.
SOLLIER, JOSEPH FRANCIS, S.M., S.T.D., Pro- VAILH^, SIMl^ON, A.A., Member of the Rus-
ciETY OF Mary, Washington: Sujjematural tinople, Rome: Sinope; Siunia; Smyrna, Latin
Order; Theophilanthropists. Archdiocese of ;Sophene;Sozu8a; Sparta ;Staiirop-