Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 14.djvu/706

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Les origines de I'Ordo de Pcpnitentia in Compte rendu du Qiiatrikme Congris scientifique international des Catholiques, sect. V (Fri- bourg, 1898), 183-215; Idem, Les Regies ei le gouvernement de I'Ordo de Pmniteniia an XIII' si^cle in Opuscules de critique, I (Paris, 1902), 143-250; Coktz. Die Rcgd des Terliarierordens in Zeitschri/t far Kirchni.v rl,:rhl,-, XXUl (Gotha. 1902), 97-107; Davidsohn, Z>!e £'// ' ' I n, :,\kancr-Tertiarier-Regel in

Florenz in Forschuiui' ' W' ma Florem, IV (Ber-

lin, 1908), 67-81; cf. liun u, l. /,,'.;« Fnuiciscanum Historicum. I (Quaracchi, 1908), WJ-1.^, .an UKiKEy in Analecta Bollandi- ana, XXIV (Brussels, 190.3), 515-19; Marianus Florentinus, Compendium Chronicarum Ordinis FF. Minorum (Quaracchi, 1911), 17 [Arch. Franc. HisL.ll (Quaracchi. 1909, 98)]; Zanzoni, Gli Umiliali nei loro rapporti con I'eresia Vindustria della lanaediComuni nei secoli XII' XIII (Milan, 1911), 120-31, and passim; Guerrini, Gli statuti di un'antica congregazione francescana di Brescia in Archivum Francisc. Hist., I (Qua- racchi, 1908), 544-68; Golubovich, Acta et statuUi generalis capituli Tertii Ordinis Pcenitentium D. Francisci Bononioe celebrati an. 1198 in Arch. Franc. Hist., II (Quaracchi. 1909). 03-71.

General sources and monographs: de Gubernatis. loc. cit., II, 783-921; Carillo, Historia de la tercera Orden de San Francisco (2 vols., Saragossa, 1610-13); Bordoni, Archivium BtiUnrum, privitegiorum et decretorum fratrum et sororum tertii Ordinis S. Francisci (Parma, 1658); Idem, Cronologium fratrum et sororum tertii Ordinis S. Francisci tarn regularis quam secularis (Parma, 1658); Joannes M.*ria, Tertii Ordinis S. Francisci Assisiatis .inruiles perpetui (Paris, 1686); Jean Marie de Vernon, His- toire ginSrale et parliculikre du Tiers Ordre (3 vols., Paris, 1667; Lat. version, Paris, 1668) ; Hilarion de Nolat, La gloire du tiers ordre de S. Francois ou Vhistoire de son itablissement et de son progrks (Lyons, 1694); Pietr' Antonio da Venezia, Vite de' Santi, Beati e Venerabili Servi di Dio del Terz' Ordine di S. Fran- cesco (Venice, 1725) ; Angelico da Vicenza, Storia cronologica dei tre Ordini, III (Vicenza, 1761); Riccardi, L'Anno francescano ossia Vite de' Fratelli e Sorelle del Terz' Ordine di S. Francesco d'Assisi (2 vols.. Turin, 1789); Hilarids Parisiensis, Liber tertii Ordinis S. Francisci Assisiensis (Geneva, 1888); Antonios de SiLUs, Studio originem provectum atque complementum tertii Or- dinis de Pwnitentia concernenlia (Naples. 1621). with statistics of the Italian Regular Third Order; Generalia statuta sive decreta fratrum tertii Ordinis de Pcenitentia nuncupati regularis Observantiw Congregationis Langobardice (Venice, 1551); Nelis. Le Manuscrit N" 757' des Archives generales du Royaume [Belgium] (Fonds des Cartulaires manuscrits) in Revue des Biblioth^ques et Archives de Belgique, II (Brussels, 1904). 364-70; Hausay. Note sur un Manu- scrit de Hasselt concemant les Bogards ou Frh'es du Tiers Ordre de St. Francois a Zeppern, ibid., IV (1906). 86-93; van den Gheyn, Encore les Statuts des Bogards de Zeppern, ibid., VII (1908), 176- 77; Vann^rus, Documents concemant le tiers-Ordre a Anvers et ses rapports avec I'industrie drapih-e (t29G-ie7g) (Brussels, 1910); Idem, Documents concemant les Bogards de Malines {1134-1558) (Brussels, 1911); Gotens, Documenta quwdam ad historiam Tertii Ordinis Regularis in Belgio spectantia in .4rc/i. Franc. Hist., IV (Quaracchi, 1911). 537-43; Callaey. Les Beggards des Pays- Bas in Unii'crsite catholique de Louvain, Seminaire Historique, Rapport sur les travaux pendant I'annie ace. 1909-10 (Louvain. 1911). 438-51; CoFANELLi, Cannara ed il Terz' Ordine Francescano (Foligno. 1895) ; Cambiaso. .S. Francesco e il Terz' Ordine in Genova (Genoa. 1909) ; Lecestre. Abbayes Prieures et Couvents d'hommes en France. Liste generate d'apr&s les papiers de la Commission des Reguliers m 1768 (Paris. 1902), 85-87; Lanzoni, / Primordi dell' Ordine Francescano in Faenza (Faenza, 1910), 30-31; HoLZAPFEL, Handbuch der Geschichte des Franziskaner- ordens (Freiburg im Br.. 1909). 660-87; Lat. ed. (Freiburg im Br.. 1909). 594-618; Heimbucher. Die Orden und Kongrega- tionen der katholischen Kirche, II (2nd ed.. Paderborn, 1907). 489-527; Norbert, Les Religieuses Franciscaines en France (Paris. 1897) ; for statistics: Acta Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, XXX (Quaracchi. 1911). 93. 95.

Books for practical use. besides the numerous manuals of the Third Order: Gerard de Vaucouleurs, Documents pour ex- pliquer la Rkgle du Tiers-Ordre de Saint-Francois d' Assise, au point de vue spirituel, social et iconomigue (3 vols., Paris, 1899); Broll. RukmesbUitter aus der Geschichte des Dritlen Ordens des hi. Franzis- kus (Ratisbon, 1911); Lismont. Godsdienstige en maatschap- pelijke Invloed der Derde-Orde van St. Franciscus bij haren oor- sprong en op onze dagen (Turnhout. 1908) ; Anon., Le Tiers-Ordre Franciscain d'apr&s ses traditions (Ligug6, 1897); Calisete Ai^ BERT, Le Code franciscain entre les mains des hommes du monde, nouveaux aper^us sur te Tiers-Ordre de Saint Francois d',4s.sis»' (Metz, 1905) ; Lequil. Le Tiers-Ordre de Saint Francois d' Assise, pourquoi y entrer, pourquoi n'y entre-t-on past (Metz, 1910); Cerri. La Regola del Terz' Ordine Francescano spiegato con lezioni popolari (Turin. 1910).

LivARius Oliger.

VII. Thiud Okdkr of St. Francis, in Canada. — The Third Order of St. Francis wa.s established by the Friars Minor Recollects at Quebec in lt)71, and some year.s later at Thn-e Kivers and Montreal. C'onsidering the i)oi)ulati()n of the country, it was in a flourishing condition. In ItiSl a Hecolleii notes thai "many piotis i)eo])!c of tjuebec belong to the Third Order". After the cession of Canada to ICngland the Third Order, deprived of its <lireclors, the Recol- lects, seemed to have dis;iii)ii'an>d gradu:illy, only to flourish an(>\v thirty yeius after the death at Mont-

real, 181.3, of the last Recollect priest. The Third Order was re-established about 1840 by Mgr Igna- tius Bourget, Bishop of Montreal. Fervent fellow- labourers helped the holy prelate to spread the Third Order in Montreal, notably Canon J. A. Pare and the Sulpicians C. E. Gilbert and A. Giband. Mgr Bourget established a fraternity of women, 6 May, 1863, and one of men, 13 June, 186(); both were directed by the Sulpicians till 1874, by Canon P. E. Dufresne from 1874 till 1881, bv the Jesuits from 1881 till 1888, and by the Sulpicians from 1888 till 1890; since then by the Friars Minor. Mgr Fabre, suc- cessor to Bishop Bourget, in a letter (3 Sept.,. 1882) to the priests and faithful of his diocese, says: "We have in our midst the tertiaries of St. Francis, who are known to you all by the edification they give, and by the good odour of all the virtues which they practise in the world." The Third Order was re- introduced at Quebec almost at the same time as at Montreal. On 19 Nov., 1859, Father Flavian Du- rocher, O. M. I., received the profession of two women, after a year's novitiate. These were joined 1)\' others, until in 1876 Quebec possessed over 2000 ter- tiaries, while in the Province of Quebec several par- ishes had groups of tertiaries. Among priests zealous for the spread of the Third Order at this epoch we must name, besides the above-mentioned Montreal priests: Father Durocher, St. Sauveur, Quebec; L. N. Begin, now Archbishop of Quebec; James Sexton, Quebec; Oliver Caron, Vicar-General of Three Rivers; E. H. Guilbert, L. Provancher, and G. Fraser, all three of the Quebec diocese. Father Provancher was one of the most zealous. In 1S66, having received faculties from the General of the Friars Minor, he established a very fervent fraternity in his parish of Portneuf. He propagated the Third Order by his writings. For two years he edited a review, in which he published nearly every month an article on the Third Order, or answered questions appertaining thereto. At that epoch (1876) the brothers' fraternity at Montreal counted 137 mem- bers; the sisters, a still greater number. At Three Rivers the tertiaries were less numerous — enough, however, to form a fraternity a little later. Quebec with its 200 tertiaries did not have a fraternity till 1882.

In 1881 the arrival in Canada of Father Frederic of Ghyvelde gave new spirit to the Third Order. He spent eight months in Canada, and worked actively for the Third Order. He began at Quebec, where he held the Holy Visit prescribed by the rule and admitted 100 new members. At Three Rivers he found "a numerous and fervent fraternity". His visit to the fraternities of Montreal was followed by a notable increase in membership. Shortly after- wards Leo XIII published his Encyclicals on the Third Order. The Canadian bishops, in obedience to the pope's wishes, recommended the Third Order to their clergy and faithful. But the Friars of the First Order alone could give the Third a fitting development; hence, when Father Frederic returned in 1888, several bi.shops, among them Bishop Lafl^che of Three Rivers and Archbishop Taschereau, welcomed him as its promoter. The foundation of a convent of Friars Minor at Montreal in 1890 inaugurated a new era of prosperity for the Thirtl Order. The Franciscans took over the direction of the Third Order at Montreal. The fraternities of other dis- tricts were visited regularly, and new ones were formed. The Third Order has since spread rapidly. To-day the Third Order in C^anada numbers nearly 200 fraternities with over .'iO.OtX) members, under the jurisdiction of the Friars Minor. The Capuchins have a small number of fraternities. The Friars Minor h:ive idso the direction of 20 fraternities with .WOO inenibi-rs in the Fr;inco-(":inadian centres of the United States. All these with large numbers of