Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/200

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history XII-604C: Mayan dic- tionary X-85c; Mayan gram- mar X-85C


—Johannes II 74ta


Brassier, Jean, eur6 of Notre- X-.-)4Sb

Brassock, Hercules XIII-359C

Bratstvo, periodical Vl-749d; XIV-o6a

Brattahlid, settlement, Greenland I-419d-, VI-778b

Bratton, Henry de. See Bracton

BRAULIO, SAINT, Bishop of Waragossa II-744d; VII^56a; Xlll-4(i9a; as hymnodist VII- GOld; and St. Isidore of Seville VIll-187a

Braun, Carl, astronomer II-29b; planetary theory XV-187b: solar attraction theory XV- 184d

— Conrad, abbot IV-79b

— Henry, and Mavr X-9Ib: ver- sion of the Bible XV-372C

— John William Joseph, philoso- pher VII-278d; at Achterfeldt I-104b; at Bonn II-674a; Her- mesianism VII-279b; Muratori translated X-642a; suspended VI-4II5C


Braunau, Bohemia, church II- 120a

—Austria, church IX-276a

Braundeston, Henry de. Bishop of Salisbury Xlll-iOlb

Braunsberg, Germany, cathedral V-.522b; college IV-72oc; V- 522d; XIV-90d; institutions V-523b; Lyceum Hosianum I- 540b; name III-lSc; seminary VIl-2d

Braunsford, Wolstan de. Bishop of WorcrstiT XV-704a

Braunschweig. See Brunswick

Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, Ehzabeth von IX-662d

Brauweiler, monastery XII-275b

Brava (Somaliland) II-426d

Bravi, \'icar Apostolic of Colombo IV-124d

BRAVO, FRANCISCO, physician II-74.1C

— Francisco, missionary XI- 667d; Xlll-4l)Ud

—Nicolas, General X-565d

— de Somonte, Gaspar R. XV- 259d

Bray, Ireland, Loreto Convent XIII-578C

— Edward A., journalist XI-695d

— Gerald, \'icar Apostolic of Kiang-Si VIII-635b

— Guy de, confession V-763c

— Reginald, architect IX-577d

— Thomas, commissary XII- 493d; Christian Knowledge Sncict\' III -720c; on regenera- tion [II-7Jla

Braybrooke, Robert, Bishop of L.jii.lon I\-347d

Braye, Lord Alfred XI-180b

Brazen Layer. .See Layer

—Sea. .S« Sea

— Serpent. .See Serpent

Brazier, Matthew, martjT V- 47.Sb

BRAZIL, THE UNITED STATES OF II-745d; agricul- ture II-74()b

—Church in II-747a; abbots I- 20b; Araujo's catechism I- 680b; Divine Word, Society of V-.54b; Forty martyrs XIV- 109d; nunciature XI-161d; organization II-747c: Paschal feasts Xl-.'Jied: patron XI- 5Wib; Poor Clares XII-25-lb: Premonstratenaian Abbeys XII-39()c: priests, confrater- nity of XII-421d: seal of con- fession XIII-6G4d: and State II-747b: statistics XIV-281a; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390C; Volanski VI-747d

— climate II-746a

— Commerce: Argentina I-704a ; Brazil Trade Company XV- 41fia

— education II-747d


— Ethnology: aborigines I-410a; III-34Sb; language I-411c; Ticuna Indians XIV-721d

— Geography II-745d; Alagoas I-244c; Amazones I-381b; Ara- cayu XVI-34b; Belem do Para II-394c; Botucatu XVI-34c; Campanha XVI-34d; Com- pinas XVI-35a; Corumba XVI-35b; Curityba do Parana IV-572d; Cuyaba IV-5S0c; XVI-35c: Diamantina IV- 772d; Fortaleza VI-145d; Flor- esta XVI-35d;GoyazVI-6S7b; Mariana IX-660b; Monies Claros XVI-36b; Natal XVI- 36b; Parahyba XI^72a; Olin- da XVI-36b: Piauhv XII-72b Porto Alegre XII - 2S9b 289d; Rio Negro Xni-62a Ribeirao Preto XII-31a; Santa Catharina XIII-4o6b: Santa Maria XIII -458a; Santarem XIII-459d: Santissima Con- cei^ao de Araguaya XVI-36c; Sao Carlos do Pinhal XIII- 465b; Sao Luiz de C^ceres XIII-465b; Sao Luiz de Ma- ranhao XIII-465C; Sao Paulo XIII-465d; Sao Salvador de Bahia de Todos os Santos XIII -466a; Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro XIII-466C; Solimoes Superiore XIV-135b; Spirito Santo XIV-224c; Tau- bat6 XIV-465b; Te36 XVI- 69b; Uberaba XV-113d

—History II-748b; Barbosa Machado's work II-288a Buenos Awes war II-,804a Cabral's expedition III-128b colonization I-414a; II-748C XII-303b; discovery II-748b empire II-749a: explorations IV-777b; VI-451a; Huguenot settlement I-414b; independ- ence I-414a; 415d; II-749a; and Markland I-421d: migra- tion X-295a; name II-748b; Paraguayan war II-749c; XI- 471a; Portuguese conquest XIV-183C: republic II-749c: slavery VII -46b; XII-627d; XIV-39b ; Southev's work XV- 416b; and Uruguay XV-230d; XV-232a

—Literature XII-310b; 311b; Caldas Baibosa III-15od; drama I-461c; Pinna da En- carnacao XII-102d

— manufactures II-746c: ma- sonry IX-776d; mineral re- sources II-7-16b

— Missions: Almeida I-327c ; An- chieta I-461b; Benedictines II-449c; Franciscan VI-298d; La Salette Missionaries IX-9b; Redemptoriats XII-686b; Sale- sians XIII-399a; Society of Jesus VI-450d; XIV-95a; 10.3d

— Population: II-746d; Jews VIII-399C: Normans XI-107a; Russians XIII-234b; XIV- 48b

— Positivism XII-313C: railroads and transportation II-746C

Brazil, John, missionary V-180d

Brazos Santiago, battle (1S65) XIV-546d

Brea, Villamayor de. See Villa- mayor de Brea

Breach of Promise II-538a; Eng- land XV-095d

Bread, adulteration of I-162b; 163a


—blessed 1 1 -750b; asterisk II- 17d; in Greek Church I-.562b; 756c

fcrcafcinff 0/ VI-165C; (Euchar- ist) I-350b; (Mass) X-6b

—for Confirmation II-751a; Eu- chari.Hlic ll-74fld; V-.574d; in Gmk Rilr 1 21 Tib; 359b

— leaven,:! \in-313a; Azvnjitoa II-172a; m Eucharist I-349d; V-.5.s4d; Vll-492b; 494b; Syr- ian Rite, East XIV-41.5a

— offering of. in early Church IV- 10.5b; ordeal by I-509a; IX- 277d; in ordination rite II- 751a; Supper, Last II-749d; X-lOc

— unleavened II-171d: Armenian Rite V-235b; XIII-66a; 8IJb; Azymites II-172a; Byzantine Uniats XIII-66b; in Eucharist I-349d; V-585a; VII-494b; Greek Church I-3o0a; Maron- ite Rite XIII -83d; SjTian Rite, East XIV- 415a; see Azymes

— feast of II-172a; 556a

— wheaten, in Eucharist V-584d; VII-493d; see Host

— and Cheese, ordeal XIV-148b

— of Affliction II-172a

—of piles IX-317d

— of the Faces IX-317C

— of the presence IX-3I7d

Breakspear, cardinal. .See Boso

—Nicholas. ,See Adrian IV

— Robert I-lfHid


Breasted, J. H. V-335d; XI-305a

Breastplate, of high-priest. See Rationale

Breath, and life XIV-220d; in ManichEeism IX-592a; in Phoe- nician cosmogony IV-410d

Breathing, in exorcism V-710d

Breathnach, Michael, author VIII-123d

Breaute, Mme. de IX-667d

— Falkes de Vlll-llSd

Breaux, Joseph A., jurist IX- 3S3b

BREBEUF, JEAN DE II-751b; in-232a; X-37Sc; XIII-o63a; among Hurons VII - 574c; 577a; on Huron ceremonies VII-572c;andLa Roche Daillon IX-4d; Martin's life of IX- 727c; martvrdom I-235b; III- 232d; VI-388d; VIII-170a; X-379b; portrait II-731c; To- ronto, memorial chapel XIV- 782c

Brecan, Irish chief II-758a

— Hill of. See Ardbraccan

Breccan, Saint, Abbot^Bishop I-699d; XV-124d

Brechard, Charlotte de. Visitation Nun XV-4SIC; 482b

Brechin .\III-614c; 615c; Cul- dcfsIV-564c

Brecht, Levin, dramatist IX-28d

Breck, Martin van der. See

Breckenridge, John, clergyman

V-37c; VII-51tic; XI-23c — John Cabell, general XI-225a:

XV-171a Brecon, Welsh mission XV-536d Breda, town II-752b; siege (1637)

XIV-655C; Spain captures

XIV-651d; Surrender of (Velis-

quez) (ill.) XrV-facing 180;

treaty (1667) I-91b; VII-62C;


391c; cathedral II-752d Bredahl, Christian Hviid, author

lV-7.Ub Brede, Charles de la. .See Mon-

tc».iuii-ii, Ch;irlc3- Louis de Sec-

oiidat, Baron ile Bredeick, John O., missionary

IV-56a Bredelar, monastery XV-602d Bredenkamp, Konrad Justus, on

Pentateuch XI-654d Brederode, Henry, Count de X-

7fiOc Bredewardina, Thomas de. See

Thomas of Brudwardine Br^dikhine, Theodor, scientist

I I -27b Bredstock, William, mart\T V-

47Sb Bredwardyn, Thomas of. See

Thoma.s of Bradwardine Bree, Robert, physician X-140a Breeches, Xll^lld —Bible XV :i7l>d Breen, William P. XIV-78C Breene, Peter W., lieutenant- 1V-130C Brefy. .S. . Brcvi Breganze, Jacopo da, Bishop of

\cion!i W 3112a Bregenz, I'.iiuilictine abbey II-

4..l)a; Church of St. Aurelia

IV 27',lc; piriodicala XI-670a;

viciir-gcm-ral at II-128a Bregma, in skull measurement

.Ml «21c

Bregno, Antonio, sculptor XV- 340c; Treviso. work XV-38b;

— Lorenzo, sculptor XV-340c

Bregwin, Archbishop of Canter- bury lll-299d


Brehm, F., and Breviary reform XVI- 14c

BREHON LAWS II-753a; VIII- 99b; abolished II-756b; Church. influence II-756a; clans II-7o4c; contents II- 753b; contract II-756b; crim- inal law II-754C; extinction VIII-122a; family II-7J4b; fuidirs II-7o4b; hospital pro- vision VII-484d;l murder II- 754d; O'Curry XI-205C; origin II-755C; social organization II- 753c

Breidablik, iiiytholoEy I-775b

Breidel, John, patriot III-5C; VI-S.'Jc

Breisach, France obtains (1648) XIV-657a; siege (163S) XIV- 655c; (1703) IX-719b

Breisgau, Baden's possessions in II-19.5C; Hubsburgs obtain II- 194d

Breitbach-Biirresheim, Emmer- ich Joseph von, -Archbishop of Mainz V-526a; IX-5o2b

Breitenfeld, battle (1631) VI- 42a; IX-139d; X-76b; XI-76C; XIV-653C; 72.5c; XV-539a; (1642) XI\'-6.50b

Breithaupt, Joachim Justus, theo- logian Xll-Slb

Breitinger, Johaim Jakop VI- 522d

Brekspear. .See Breakspear

Brelle, Comeille, Prefect Apos- tolic of Haiti VII-115a

Brem, Bonaventure, Abbot of




-Ehzabeth, foundress XIII-345C

BREMEN II-756C; American Bible Society, work of II-545a: in Hanseatic League VII-70d: Protestant episcopate XV- 557b; Smalkaldic League XIV-58b; Sweden obtains XIV-657a; Temperance Con- gress XIV-486a

-ARCHDIOCESE OF Il-756d: VII-88a ; X-636d ; cathedral II- 756d; and Cologne IV-117d; Divine Providence Sisters V- 52c; and Hamburg I-544d; VII-121b; Propaganda XII- 457b; and Stedingers XIV- 283d; Synod (1230) XIV-283d

— Adam of. See Adam of Bremen

Bremond, Antonin, Dominican XIl-36.SFb


Brenan, John, Bishop of Water- ford and Lismore XV-566b


Brenaron II-209b

BRENDAN, SALNT, of Ardfert II-75Sb; Annaghdown VI- 373b; churches, Scotland XI- 564a; churches. United States XI-565b: at Cionard I-632d; Clonfert IV-64d; and St. Co- in mba V-523d; and Comgall IV-153a; and St. Enda I-677b; and St. Ere of Slane VIII- 627c; and St. Fursey VI-325a; and Machutus IX-503d; at Ross XIII-202C; and St. Senan XIII-713a: voyage II-75Sc

—Saint, of Birr I-632d

Brendani, Antonio VIII-519a; XIIl-.5S.Sa

Brendel, Bishop of Strasburg XIV-314C

— von Homburg, Daniel, .Arch- bishop of Mainz IX-552a; X-304a; and Peter Canisius XI-7H0C

Brennabor, captured II-73Sd

Brennan, John, .Archbishop of Cashel VllI-1.5Sa; on Plunkett XII-170C

— Thomas Francis, Bishop of Dallas

Brenner, Friedrich, theologian XIV-59.')d; as editor .\1 67Sa

— Martin, Bishop of Si'ckini 11- 125d; Vlll-tiosa; XIII 1172b

—Richard explorer XIV 139b

BreoDUS,. Gallic chieftain VI- 336a; XIV-029C

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.