Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/201

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Brent, family, Maryland II-229b

— Henry Johnson, author III- 384a

—Margaret XV-696b

—Robert, mayor XV-558b

Brentano, Dominic, commentator IV-lfiOd; Bible, Version of XV-:f72c

BRENTANO, KLEMENS MAR- IA n -75<lb: \I-S2tia; and Em- merich V-407a; and Gorres VI-652d; on guilds VII-66c; at Heidelberg Vll-lOSa; and Hensel VII-241a; Kreiten's life of VIII-701a; portrait II-759c; and Schelble XIII-526C; and Steinle XIV-285b; and Volk XV-501d

— Lorenzo, rebel VI— 476b

Brenti, Andrew, Archbishop of Kjlocsa-Biics Vlll-oSoa

Brentius, Johannus. See Brenz, Johann

Brentwood, St. Joseph Sisters Vin-.Tl2d

Brenz, Johann, theologian VII- 207c; at Hagcnau V-35d: and Hosius VII— 474a; and Kenosis VIII-617a; and CEcolampadius XI-213b: perversion V"35a; Scriptural work XV-371a; at Tubingen University XV-S3b; and Ubiquitarians XV-117c

Brephotrophia, in Constantinople VI-7lila: in early Church XII- 23na; object Vli-4Sld

Brera GaUery, Milan I-370d; X-301d; Bi.nvicino II-678d; coins Ill-ilUa; Genga VI- 415c; Montagna X-511d; Mo- roni X-576d; Tisio da Garofalo XIV-740C; Torhido XIV-7S0d

—Library, Milan X-302a

— Observatory, Milan II-692c; Tempel in XIV-480C

Brereley, John. See Anderton,

Brereton, Edward Ambrose. Sec Barlow

—Margery XV-MOb

Br'er Rabbit (Harris) VI-57d

Bres, in Irish mythology VIII- 119d

Bres, Guy de, Cahinist III-203b

Brescain, John of. See John of Brescain

Breschet, Gilbert, anatomist X- 137a

Brescia, town, battle (312) II- 700a; capture (12.i8) II-315C: (1403) XI-3S(lb; Lombard League IX-3.39d; in Milan duchy X-299d; museum X- fi47b; siege (123S) II-760b; IX-340b; (1311) II-760b; Ven- ice XV-338a; Veronese con- quest XV-3tilb

—DIOCESE OF II-760a; Bene- dictme mona-^terv II^37a; Bonvicino's work II-67Sd; cathedral II-7r.0c; (ill.) VIII- facing 238; Priests of Peace I- 404d; Titian's retable XIV- 743b: Ursulines I-4S2a

— Arnold of. See Arnold of Bres-

— Conradin of. See Conradin of Bomada

— Gaudentius of. See Gauden- tius of Brescia

— Muziano da, mosaicist X- 590a

Bresciani, Antonio, author XI- 68.M

Bresciano, P., sculptor XV-279d

Bresilhac, Marion de, founder I- 189d; death Xin-78.3a

Breslau. town. Daun captures XII-52.3d; hi.storv II-761a; Old Catholic Congress XI- 23.5d; peace (1742) IX-663C; XII-52.3b; XIII-205b

— VniterMy II-7R5b; 766a; founded XII-526d; XV-197d; (ill.) 11-765; Jesuits IV-37b

—PRINCE-BISHOPRIC OF II- 761a; cathedral 1I-761C; 762d; 763b; 76.3c; (ill.) 7r,lc; chancery, secret IV-799c; Councils (1248) II-27.5b; (1410) II-762c; (141.5) II-762C; V-71.3d; (1.592) XIII- 55Sc; Dominican monaster>' III-.M7b; .St. Elizabeth, Sisters of V-388C; established VI- 590c; St. Hedwig. Sisters of VII-189d; Holy Ghost Hos-

pital VII-189b; Knights of the Cross, Monastery of I-488d; map Vl-facing 514; religious orders II-137a; Ritter's ad- ministration XIII-S8d: sta- tistics (1905) II-764d; Saint Vincent de Paul Society V- 3S9a

Breslay, Rene-Charles de, mis- sionarv III-«32b

Breslin, Thomas I-25Sb

Bressan, J., an38b

BreteuU-sur-Noye, monastery X- 71a

Brethren, sect. See Plymouth Brethren; Tunkers

— of the Cabbage-Valley. See Valliscaulian Order

— of the Holy Spirit XII-340b

—OF THE LORD n-767a; Greek Church, view of II-76Sa; James II-767a: Joseph II- 767a; Jude II-767a; Protestant ■vnew II-768a; Simon II-767a

— of the Poor Life. See Apos- tolici

Brethren's Union, Moravia X- 563a

Bretigny, treaty (1360) V-321d; VIII-19a

— Poncet de, in Guiana VII-62b; and Lobera IX-319a; and Marie de I'lncarnation IX- 667d

Bretislaw I, Duke of Bohemia II- 122c; XII-339a; and Benedict IX IH29a; and Henry III VII-229b

— n, Duke of Moravia X-561d; X-562a

—of Achilles. See Bretislaw I, Duke of Bohemia

— Henry, Bishop of Prague XII- 339c

Breton, John de. Bishop of Here- ford VII-25.-.d

—RAYMOND Il-7t-.Sd

— de los Herreros, Manuel, dramatist XIV-201b; 20.3c

Bretons, ethnology XII-626c; Paris society XI-494a

Bretonvilljers, Alexandre Le Ra- gois de, Sulpician XIII-378c; 379c; and Olier XI-242b

Breton y Simancas- Bishop of Naples XV-259d

Bretschneider, Karl Gottleib, theologian VIII-i38d

Bretton, John. Sec Britton, John, Venerable

— Temperance II-228d

—William II-22Sd

Breuil, pnor^- VI-1.30c

Breuil-Benoit, abbey XV-3I6c

Brevarium Alarici iX-6Sa; pub- lished III-13.5C; IX-207d

— Aniani XIV-186b; published I,\-207d

— Canonum II-62a

— Extravagantium (Bernard of Pavia) II .")04a; lV-fi71b; XI- 4.59d

— Gothicum, Mozarabic Rite IX- 3038

— Monasticum, Benedictine Rite XIII-72C

— Romanum. See Breviary Brevedent, explorer VI-452a Breves, of Bibles XV-517a Brevi, Synod (519) IV-641a; XI-

60.Sa BREVIARY II-768d; abuses, medieval II-774c; Advent I- 165c; antiphons I-576d; II- 772b; apocryphal matter 1- 610d; Armenian XIII-79a; Ave Maris Stella Il-149b; Batiffol's history I-770a; Bseu- mer's history of II-202a; Bene- dict XIV's reform II-434C; 776d; XV-470C; Benedictine XIII-72C: Benedictine MSS. II-773d; and Book of Common Prayer I-503b; Bute's transla- tion I-577b; III-89C; calendar II-770c; III-165b; Camaldo- lese X-539a; Canticles II- 772a; III-301d; Carthusian XIV-479a; Chalda-an IX-303C; XlV-tl4d; Chinese translation IIl-4l)b; Ciaternan XIII-74b; Clement VIlI's revision I- 58.5a; II-775d; IV-27c; 444d; Collects II-773b; Common II-771b; contents II -769b; 772a; IX-302a; definition II- 76Sd; Deo Gratias IV-737c: division II-772a; Dominican XIII-76a; Franciscan II-774a; VI-211d; 293a; XII-254a; French II-776b; function III- 538a; GalHcan II-776b; Grim- ani illumination in (ill.) IX- facing 626; Guardian Angels, Oflice of VII-50d; Hail Mary VII-112c; history II-773c; Hours II-771c; hymns I-390b; 393a; II-149b; 772c; 774d; VII-500C; 596a; XIV^79b: of Queen Isabella (Ul.) VIII-178; Itinerarium VIII-255d; Jesuit revision II-775d; Leo XIII's reform II-776d; Lessons II- 506d; 772d; htany IX-287a: Little Chapters II-773b; manu- script, ancient II-773d; Maur- iat IV^54d; Mozarabic Rite IX-303a; offices, special II- 771c; origin II-769a: Pange Lingua XI-442a; 443a; Plan revision VII— 4d; Pius X's revi- sion XV-309b; Proper of the Saints II-770d; Proper of the Season II-770b; Psalter II- 769b; Quern terra pontiis XII- 600d; Quignonez II-77.5a; Ra- dulph of Rivo's history of X 1 1- 6,'!3a; reritatinn XIV-.').S7c; reforms II-774b; XVI-13d; 14c; respnnsorv II-772C; Ro- man-Illvrian VI-576a; Rosary Hymns XIlI-188b; and Sarum Rite XIII-480C; Sirleto XIV- 27c; Sixtine revision II-77.5c; spread II-774a; Stabat Dolo- rosaXIV-239d:TarazonaXIV- 452b; Te Deum XIV^70a; Theatine revision II-77.5a: Tridentine decrees XV-3.5b; Urban VIII's reform II-77.5d; IX-30a; use of III-524a; Vati- can I-577b; XV-304a; versieles II-773b; Vexilla Regis Prode- unt XV-.396a; Winde-sheim XV-651d; York Use XV-735b; Cf. OfTice, Divine —ABERDEEN II-777b; on St.

Tarkin XIV-4,58b —Coptic XVI-28C Breviator XIII-208d Breviloquium (Bonaventure) II-

651a —(Thomas Aquinaa) XIV-,591a BREWER, HEINRICH n-77.Sa — John, Benedictine I— 139c; and

Hooke VII-465C — John Sherren, historian, on Henry VIII V-»46b; on Mendi- cants X-18.3C; on Tudor dy- na.stv XII-.500C Brewers, patron II-6.5Sd Brewnow, monastery XII-338d Brewster, Sir David, on Galileo

VI-342d - Francis Willoughby, mission- ary III :i(i4d Breynat, Gabriel, Vicar Apostolic

of .Mackinzio lX-.504a Breze, Dreux, Bishop of MouHna

X-700b Breze, Etienne de, and Melleray X-I67d

— Louis de. Bishop of Meaux X- 98c; XlII-757d; tomb IV- 453d; XII1-210C

Bfezina, Otakar, poet IV-600b

Bfezons, Amblard de XIII-347d

— Astorg de XIII-347d

Briac, Saint XlII-340d

Brial, Michel-Jean- Joseph, Bene- dictine IV-38d; death X-7flb

Brian, Reginald, Bishop of Wor- cester XV-704a

Brian Boru, King of Ireland VIII- 101a; Armagh, Book of I- 734a; at Cashel III-401b; Dan- ish War V-172d; IX-262d; XI-116d; at Innisfallen VIII- 627d; "Law of St. Patrick" I- 730b; laws II-75SC; tribute I- 170b

Briand, Aristide, minister, educa- tion bill \'I-lS2a; presbyteries, circular VI-I,s9c

—JOSEPH OLIVER, Bishop of Quebec II-77Sb; III-234c; XII-59.5a; and Bourg XIII- 355b; and Hubert VII-508a; and Plessis XII-165d; on relig- ious liberty XII-595b; resigns V-538b

Briant, Alexander. See Alexan- der Briant, Blessed

Briard, Benedictine XI-700c

BRIBERY n-778d; in election II-779a; of judges II-779b; in offices, public II -779a; in United States XV-164d

Brice, Saint, solitary IX-144b

■ — Saint, Archbishop of Tours XV-2b; cell XV-3c; feast III- 163a

— Etienne, chronicler VI-351a

Brice d' Auxerre, Madame de

Bricemo, Alpbonsus, Scotist XIII-612d

Bricio, Bishop of Plasencia XII- 157d

Brickmakers, patron XV-434C

Bri^onnet, Denis, Bishop of LodiHe X-546b

— GUILLAUME, cardinal I- 290b; II-779C; at St. Malo XII~772a; at Nlmes Xl-S3b; at Reims XII-726C

— GUILLAUME, Bishop of Meaux II-780C; X-98c; doc- trines XI-490d; and Huguenots VII-528a: humanism XII- 706d; and Lefdvre IX-115a; at Lofli^ve X-546b

— Jean, I.or<l of Varennes II-



—ROBERT, archbishop II-7,S0d Bricriu's Feast, saca VIII-119b BrictinianscBrithiniansI VII-2Slc Brictius, Saint Xl\-23:id BRIDAINE, JACQUES II 7S0d; VII-26C; XI-83b; portrait II- 781a Bridal chamber, blessing of II-

601c — Ring. See Ring Brideau, Marie-Antoinette. See

Marie-Anloincltc Brideau Bride-purchase X\' -69.5a Bridge. William IV 240a BRIDGE-BUILDING BROTH- ERHOOD I1-7MC Bridgeman, John, Protestant

Bishop of Chester V-293b —Laura V-319d Bridge of Asses III-7.8d Bridge of Sighs, Venice XV-335C;

(ill.) XV-337d Bridgeport, Conn., .Armenian CathoHcs XIII-S2a; Hungar- ians Vll-.546a Bridgeporti Szbvetseg VII-.546C Bridges, John, Abbot of Croy-

land. Src Wrlles, John Bridget of Ireland, Saint. See

Brigid —OF SWEDEN, SAINT II- 7,82a; As.sumption. revelation II"7a; Brigittine order II- 7S.5d; and .St. Catherine of Sweden III-44SC; Fifteen O's XII-»26b; as mystic XIV- 622b; and Nicholas Hermans- son XVI-.54a; prophecies of XII-476d; revelations XIII- 5b; rule II-786a; Sweden, pat^ roness of XI-566d; translation of XV-249a; and Urban V XV- 21Sc; Vadstcna, Abbey of XV- 248d

Komaa numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page,