Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/211

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C. abbr. I-26C

— 9.\ nibol IV-84d

Caaba. See Kaaba

Caamoa» mission station XIV-

145b Caathites, Levite family XII-

412c; Ark I-722b; goldtn

lamp stand XIII-741C; loaves

of proposition IX-317d Caballero, Bernardo Francis,

Archbishop of .Saragossa XIII-

47Ua — FERNAN in-12.5a: XIV-2Ulb —J., niis3ion;irv XIV-513C — RAIMUNDO DIOSDADO III-

12.-ib Caballeros, Santiago de los. See


!II-12:.c; ilon^ition III-17.Sc Caballo, Bonaventura, Bishop of

Cast-rta III-4l)0a CabaUococha, mission XIV-722b Caballos del Santo XII-U91d Cabal of Devotees IV-lSJa Cabanel, Alexandre, paintings

(ill.) IX-facinK IStiS Cabanillas, Bishop of Zamora

XV-749C ^Padre, Murillo's portrait X-

044 d Cabanis, Pierre - Jean - Georges

writer, on hvloEoism VII-594C;

on the soul X-484a Cabanyes, Manuel, writer XIV-

201a Cabarrus, Francisco^ Count

VIII-.529c: X-561a Cabarsussi, Council (393) XIV-

533a; XV-23.5a CABASA, titular see III-125d Cabassole, Philippe de, cardinal.

Bishop of Marseilles IX-716b;

and Petrarch ll-1.59d CABASSUT (CABASSUTIUS),

JEAN III-120a; work VII-

37Gb Cabat, Louis Nicolas VI-309b Cabbala. See Kabbala Cabbon. See Chebbon Cabe^a de Vaca. See Cabeza de

Vaca Cabell, George Craighead, lieu-

tcnant-gfiif-ral XlV-o50b CABELLO DE BALBOA, MIG- UEL lll-l-'tia Cabert, Blessed XIII-354c Cabet, Etienne, communist IV-

l.sla; X1V-7IJ.5C: XV-244a CABEZA DE VACA, ALVAR

NUNEZ, explorer III-126b;

IX-378C: and Mbava Indians

X-9.5d; in Mexico XI-lc;

Mississippi River IV-755b; in

Paraguay XI-470c; in Texas

XIV-.54od Cabezas de Altamirano, Juan,

Bishop of Santiago de Cuba

VI-ll.Sc; in United States IV-

221d Cabibel, Anne-Rose III-149a Cabinet-makers, patroness XI-

566c Cabira. See Neocsesarea (Pontus


Cabiri, deities IV-6S4a

Cable, Mullock originates XIII-

356b Cabmen, patron V~3.S6c Caborca, mission XIV-14.5b Cabot, France, church IX-717C —JOHN, explorer III-126d: in Canada III-23IC; in Maine IX-.54.5c; in Newfoundland X- 7S2b; in Une.ava XV-127b — Ludovico 111 -127a — Sancto III-127a — Sebastian, explorer III-127b; in Argentina I-70.3c: on Maine coast IX-.>45c; vi.sits Micmac X-2H4b; in Newfoundland X- 782b; Paraguay discovered XI- 470b; portrait in-127c: at Santa Catbarina XIII-4.i6b-

Uruguay discovered XV-231d; in Virginia XV-455d; voyage, map I-facing 410 Cabota, Giovaimi. See Cabot, John

Cabotsville (Chicopee) II-597b

Cabo Verde, Sao Thiago de. See .Sao Thiago de Cabo Verde

Cabovil, controversy II-530C

Cabra, Ireland, school for deaf V- 310c

Cabral, Alvarez I-781b

— Fernao Ill-12sa


— Gonfalo Velho 1I-168C

— PEDRALVAREZ, navigator III-12.Sa: Brazil discovered II- 74Sb; exploration IX-509c; in India IV-70d; VI-374C

— Pedro Alvarez. .See Cabral, Pedralvaroz

Cabre, tribe. See Cavere

Cabre, A. vn-154c

Cabrera, Alonso de, writer XIV- 200a

Cabrieres, town, France, Walden- sian centre ^'II-329a

CABRILLO, ESTEVAN (JUAN) III-128C: San Diego discovered Ill-lSOb; Upper California dis- covered ni-173b

Cabrini, Francis Xavier, found- ress XI-1.5a; XIII-30od

Cabrol, Fernand, Abbot of Farn- borough II-462C; dictionar>' V-417c; on Gallican Rite XIII- 65b; on Grace XIV-555c; as liturgiologist XIII-71b: on the Sanctus XIII-432d

Cabseel VI-436c

Cabul VI-43GC. See Chabul

Cacana, Tul6 Indians IX-429a

Cacault, Francois, French minis- ter X-6S8a; 690a; Concordat of 1801 IV-205b; and Montor X- 544d

Caccia, musical term VII-139C

— Rosminian XIII-201b

— Galetto XII-18d

— Gian Paolo, Bishop of Marsi IX-71.Sd

— Guglielmo, painter XI-134C

—col Falcone (Lorenzo de' Me- dici) X-120d

Cacciafronte, Giovanni, Blessed. See .lohn Cacciafonte

Cacciaguerra, Buonsignore, and St. Philip Ncri xn-19c

Caccianemici, Lucio I-262d

— dal Orso, Gherardo. See Lu- cius II, Pope

CSceres, town, Spain, territorial court XIV-172b

—Felipe de. Governor of Para- guay XI-470d

— Luiz de Albuquerque de Mello Percira e. See Pcreira e C4- ceres, Luiz de Albuquerque de Mello

— Nueva. Sec Nueva Cdceres

— Sao Luiz de. See SSo Luiz de

CacUienveretn. .See Cecelian

Caciques, Indian chiefs X-255b Cactus, adaptation V-666d Cacus (Poussin) XII-324a Cadabal, Alvaro de XIIl-4(,(lc CADALOUS lOF PARMAl PIE- TRO, .■\ntipopo l-.-VS2b; III- 12sd; XIl-274a; and Alexander II I-286C; XIV-263b; and St. Anno I-541C; Augsburg Svnod II-78C; and Berengar II-.l39a; defeated VI-792b; elected VII- 63b; and Guibert of Ravenna VII-63b; and Hugh of Remire- mont VII-.52Ib; at Parma I- 2.S0b: XI-5n6a; and St. Peter Damian XI-765b; schism XIII-16.8C; simony XI-.506a Cadalso, Jose de, writer XIV-

200c Cadamosto, Alvise, explorer VII- 240b

—Paolo, Bishop of Lodi IX-323a Cadar, Bishop of London IX-

347c Cadaval y Sotomayor, Alvaro,

humanist XV-10,5d Caddell, CecUia, writer XI-(i74c Caddock, Richard, Version of the

New Te..itament XV-371a Caddodaquio. .See Kadohadacho CADDO INDIANS III-129b; \l\; .540a; cannibalism Ill-12'.)b: characteristics III- 129b; VII-747C; clans III- 129b; language VII-754b; loca- tion X-3S9c; missions III- 129c; 129d; population III- 129d; and Quapaw Indians XII-592C: Tabon XIV-439d Cade, Jack, rebellion of I-22Sa;

VII-700b: XV-640d Cademoth \I-436c Cadenabbia, town, Italy, Can- ova's works III-298d " Cadena Diego de la, mission V- 20Sd

— y Eleta, Jose, Bishop of Vitoria

.\V-49(>a Cadene, Felix XIII-135C CADES, town of the Hethites

III-130d; VII-:iO0a —town of the N'egcb III-l,30d

— town, Palestine III-i:jOa; bat- tle I-377C; Israelites at VIII- 195c; XI-6o8c; latitude III- S70b; and Sinai XIV-12b

— 5ee Cedes

Cadesbame. See Cades

Cadets of the Cross (White Cam- isards) III-218d

Cadi, in Turkish Empire XV- lOOd

Cadie, La. .See Acadia

Cadi-Eeui. See Kadi-Keui

CADILLAC, ANTOINE DE LA- MOTHE, SIEUR DE lll-131a; and Carh.ii III :ll7d; in De- troit X L'sla; MIl-.-)03b; at .St. Ignaic IX-i;s'.ib; in Texas XlV-540a

Cadius, Jerome, Scotist XIII- 012c

Cadix. .S(f Cadiz

Cadiz, t.nvii, Spain III-131c; es- t^.l.lisli.d XIV-176C; observa- p.ry XI\-ls9b; Phoenicians in l-4i;.5c; Spanish ships burned l-72Sb; Vespucci X\'-3s.5b; Zurbaran's painlincs XV-77(lb

—DIOCESE OF III-131C: and Ceuta XIV-173C; map XIV- faclng 200; priests, confrater- nity of XII-420d

Cadmus, historian X-303d

— Phcenician, Thebes foimded XIV-.562C

Cadoc, Saint, of Wales XV-5S5b; Irish mission III-495a; and .St. Illtyd XII-612C; XV-586a; Llancarvan Monastery IX- 315c; XV-585C

Cadogan Terrace, mission, Lon- don XV-594a

Cadolinghi, family VI-105d

Cadoma, Ralaello, general VII- 4.SC

Cadoudal, Georges XI— lS5d

Cadouin, monastery XI-668d ; Xlll-7li2d

Cadroes, Saint, Abbot of Waul- sort X-079d

Cadvan, King of North Wales II- .'>4iia; \V-.-),srib

Cadwalader the Blessed, King of Hntfiin XV-.5S4b

Cadwalla. See Caedwalla

Cadwallader, John 11-31 la

—Thomas Hood

Cadwallador, Roger, Venerable. .Sec Roger Cadwallador, Ven- erable

Cadwallon, Welsh prince, and St. Bueno II-.WOa; and St. Edwin \-324a

Csecilia. .See Cecelia

Caecilian, Bishop of Carthage I-

693b; and St. Augustine II- 88c; condemned XII-268b; and St. Cyprian IV-o83c; Donatism X-318b; election I- 727a: V-12:ia: ami l.u.illa II- 365b; and Mni^urius \ - 121d — Bishop of Spi.l..|.. Xn' _';i3d Caecilianus, Septimius Praetex-

tatns, in ill-. iii.!i.,i, 111 -420d Caecilii, famil\ ..i, .i>|.i ill-514a Cascilius (St. ( '. i.ri.ii I \ t;74c — .\postle oi S|,:,ii, Xl\ 177a — Natalis in "( ictavius" X-336c Cfficina, Alienus, Roman legate

-XI-3.51C; XV-l.SOd Caecinianus, L. Cassius I-35c Caecum, in .\ristotle I— 45Sa Caedda, Saint, Bishop of York

XV-734b Caedmon, Saint, poet III-131d; V-4.59b; VII-350C; XV-609d; hymn, facsimile III-132a Caedwalla, King of Wales VII- 452b; and Eanfrid of Deira XI- 349a — Peter, King of West Saxons VII-7S9d: baptism XIII-728c; name changed X-674d; resig- nation I-509d; at Rome XV- 584b Cffilestius (Coelestius), heretic, excommunicated II-109a; III- 477d; VIII-12b; on grace VI- 695c; on infallibility, papal VII-797d; in Marius Mer- cator's writings IX-672c; and Nestorius XI-607d; and Pela- gius XI-605b; and "Theodore of Antioch XIV-572C; and Zozi- mus IV-14b; XI-GOOd; XV- 764d Cselestius, presbyter V-123a Caelin III-470c: at Lindisfarne

IX-2(i9a Cselius Aurelianus, of Sicca X-

124a Ceehus Sedulius. .Sec Sedulius Cselodonius, Saint, Bishop of

Macon lX-.-.07b Caemhan, Saint IV-135C Caen, prance. .Vlibave aux Dames (ill.) VI-60Sa; abbeys II-35Sd; VI-669d; OCSd; Council (1042) II-35Sd; (1061) II- 35Sd; institutions II-359a; Our Lad\- of Charity, Convent of Xn-712c; St. Etienne, Chunh of II-359a; seminary \'-.5!iOd: X-600a —UNIVERSITY OF III-132d; charter XII-700a ; founded XI- 106b Csere, Diocese of XII-290d CffiREMONIALE EPISCOPOR-

UM, liturcH,,l 1 k III -133a;

538a: fi..|iH .,t Mil revises IV-27c: G...-p.i \1 t.OL'd: Itin- erarium \lll-2.50a; musical regulations X-650a: Ordjnes Romani XI-287d; Ordo XI- 284d: pubn.;ili..n IX-300C; refornieri IT ! - m ria-


■Romanum . lll-

53Sa: 53Sb: on the nutre X- 404d

Caerfyrddin, Wales (Carmarthen- shire) X\'-533b

Caerleon, town, Wales XV-534a: Christianitv in XV-534b; Cis- tercian monastery IX-316a; King Edgar at XV-5S4C

Caer Lud (London) IX-.341C

Caernarfon, Wales (Carnavon- shire) X%'-.5:!:ia

Cserularius, Michael. Sec Mich- ael Cgerularius

Cassalpinus. See Cesalpino

Cxsar, symbolized in Apocalypse I -598b

— Caius Julius in Alexandria I-303b; assassination XIII- 166d ; .\ugustus heir of II-107a ;

Roman numeral indicates volun

abic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.