Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/212

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Barcelona favoured by II- 289a; calendar reform III- 168c; III-739b; Carthage founded III-385b; coinage XI- 154a; Corinth restored IV-363d; death IX.-265b; deified I-650C; on Druidism V-163a, Florence rebuilt VI-105d; in Gaul XIII-166d; Marseilles captured IX-715b; Napoleon III's life of X-703a; Pichler's head of XII-74d; and Pompey XIII-166d; Sinope colonized XIV-14b; Triumvirate XIII-166d; Thapsus, battle of XIV-650b; Zela, battle of XV-753d

  • Cæsar Augusta, colony (Saragossa) XIII-468b .
  • Cæsaraugustana, canonical collection III-287c
  • Cæsaraugustanus, Felix. Bishop of Saragossa XIII-468c
  • Cæsarea in Cappadocia (Kaisar-yeh), town I-7OOb; III-133d.

Amphilochius of Iconium at 1-438c; St. Aphian. martyrdom of I-593b

  • —IN CAPPADOCIA, ARCH-DIOCESE II-331c; III-133c, IV-547b; St. Basil at II-332d; councils of III-133d; Pope St Dionysius V-10a; early church VI-659d; exarchate I-789b Greek monastic centre VI-767d; Greeks in VI-755c; hospital founded VII-481c; Ptochotropheion II-332a
  • —in Thessaly, See of VI-738c
  • —Maritima. See Cæsarea Palæstinæ
  • —Mauretaniæ, town, inscription III-488d
  • CÆSAREA MAURETANIÆ, titular see III-134a
  • Cæsarean Section X-134d; abortion I-48d; development of X-142a; infanticide, prevention of VIII-2b; in sixteenth century X-131b
  • Cæsarea Palaestinæ, town built VII-290a; (ill.) III-134c; library IX-228C; XI-437a; Ongen's Hexapla XI-437a; pier (ill ) III-134d; Saracens captured XI-437b; Synagogue
  • —PALAESTINÆ, titular see III-134b- VII-370b; St. Anastasius I-455b; Gregory of

Neocæsarea VII-15c; and Jerusalem IV-43C; VI-757b; Origen in IV-706d; St. Paul imprisoned XIII-160c; St Peter at XI-747b; Philip the Deacon at I-118d; privileges VI-757a; synod V-619c; tongues, manifestation of the gift of XIV-777a

  • —Paneas (Cæsarea Philippi) III-135a
  • —Philippi. town IV-616c
  • CÆSARJEA PHILIPPI, titular see III-135a; XIV-404b
  • Cæsareus, Saint, martyr XIV-518c
  • Cæsaria, Saint, the younger Abbess of Aries I-7c; IV-582d; and St. Cæsarius III-136d; hospital founded by VII-482a
  • Cæsariani, monastic property II-45c
  • Cæsarines, Franciscans VI-287d; Cæsar of Speyer III-139a
  • Cæsarini, Giuliano, cardinal, at Basle, Council of II-334d; 335a; 337c
  • Cæsarius, humanist, at Cologne IV-121a; and Glarean VI-577a
  • — Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-54a
  • —Prefect of Constantinople III-138c
  • —Saint, Bishop of Durazio V-209b
  • —Bishop of Miletus X-303d
  • —OF ARLES, SAINT III-135b; at Agde, Council of (506) I-206c; (524) I-727b; augury condemned I-443b; and St. Augustine II-80d; 99c: 100b; VI-397a; XIII-706c; and Boniface II II-669b; and St. Cæsaria the Younger I-7c; and Contumeliosus I-202d; Cursus Scottorum" III-497d; and

St. Cs-prian of Toul IV-582d; on education of giris Xlll- 555d; on Eucharist V-5/9b; on extreme unction V-721b; Galil- ean Rite IV-359d; 360c; on Gaul, church of VI-39oc; hom- Uetick I-16Cb; III-136b; V I- 444a; hospital founded VU- 482a; monastery founded X- 452b —monastic rule III-136C; IV- 63a; X-173c; None in XI-98b, Te Deum XIV-468c; Te lucis ante terminum XIV-479a — at Orange, Council of (529) V 1- 096d; XI-267a; paganism op- posed VI-396C; pallium re- ceived XI-428b; on penance

ceivea jvi— i-ou, v»i K^-

XI-629a; on Sunday observ ance XIV-336a; and Sym- machus XIV-378C; Vaison, Council of XVI-7Sb; and \igd-


Vll-202c; and Cffisanus of Prum XII-519b; St. Eugelbert of Cologne's life of V-430C; sprmnus Vll-44i;b —OF NAZIANZUS, SAINT III-

i:isb; .l.-.lli Vll-llc -OF PRUM "I-J3-^^;^:',"/'5,S; sarius of Hcisterbach XII-.'J19b Cffisar of St. Bonaventure, mis- sion III-3l>4a —OF SPEYER in-139a; and Elias of Cortona V-3S3a; and Piano Carpini XII-71c; and RodegerV-390a;ruleVI-209d, and Thomas of Celano XIV- 694b . .

Cssaropapism XIV-772a; oripn XII-49SC; Protestantism XU- 4t|Sc- in Roman Empire VUl- -4-,c rule VI-762b; Theodore .,f XIV-574b C^SAROPOLIS. titular see III- 139b ,

Cffisars, era of. See Spam, era of Csseoa. See Cesena CiEStius, Caius, Pyramid of,

Rome XIII-176b .

— Gallus, Prefect of Syria IV-

79Sc Cffistrick, Benedict XI-133b Caetani. See Gaetani Cafaggio, Italy, church MOJc Caffa, Genoese colony \I-419d,

420b Ca£farello, Fausto, Bishop ot

Santa S.-vi rina XIII-4bOa Caffarini, Tommaso, Dommican XII-370a; and St. Catherine ot Siena III-44Sa Caffry, Anthony, priest Xy-5o9a Cagayan province, Philippines ecclesiastical orgamzation .v\- 85d Cagayanes, Filipino tribe. !^ee

Ibanags , „.,. "d'Hno^le'tlfX. Ottavio,

cardnial XVI-lSa Cagin, Paul, liturgist, on Gallican Rile XIII-6.5b; on Roman and Gallican Rites IX-796a; on Te Deum XIV-469b CagU. See Cagli e Pergola CagUari, town, Sardinia -Mil


in-140d; Xl-695a —Denis, priest, at Hagerstown

I1-23UC; in Virginia XV-40.C —John Baptist, Bishop of Ports- mouth XII-297a —Thomas XIII-2S3a — Thomas W., colonel, in Civil

W^ar VIII-140b Cahita, language X-S9d Cahokia, town, Illinois, chtirch II-230a; 415b; mission \ 11- 657c; earthworks VII-74Sb; Levadoux at IX-204d; settled I-367c; X-401d; surrender of VII-KjOb —tribe VII-660b Cahors, town, France, university

III-141b; XIV-797b —DIOCESE OF Ill-141a; cathe- dral III-141C; Desiderius, epis- copate IV-751b; Lazarist foundations X-359a; map VI- facing ISS; pilgrimages lU-

iTl'cT Root' cTares XII-253b; and Rodez XIIH07d

Cahours, Auguste-Andre-Thomas Xl-tJlOb

Cahuapana Indians IX-541b

Cahuilla Indians VIlI-601b; mis- sions X-372d; XIV-17C

Cahura-Joligo, Tonica Indian chief XIV-77Sa

Caianites, Gnostic sect. See

Caiaphas. See Caiphas CAUZZO, DIOCESE OF III-

14ld; 400a Caidoc, Irish missionary III-211a Caieta (Caietana). .Sff Gaeta CAILLAU, ARMAND- BENJA- MIN III-142a; and Rauzan V-794d Caille, Nicolas-Louis de la. See

l.a Caille. Nicolas-Louis de —Rene, explorer XI-73d CaiUebot, Franjois de La Salle de,

Bishop of Tournai XIV-798d Caillet, Louis, missionary Xlll-

30Sa CaUlin, Saint XV-83a Caimin, Saint, in Iniscaltra Vlll-

641d; manuscript IX-623d CAIN III-142b; and Abe! I-35d; and Adam I-35d; altar I-360a; in Archontic teaching I-697b; descendants III-143a; DuprS s statue XVI-36d; in Genesis I- 130c; XI-647d; in Gnostic Sys- tem VI-598a; in Huron myth- ology VII-572b; identity I- 551d; in liturgy IX-309b; Pre- adamite theory XII-3(0d; punishment XII-565d; sacri- fice of XIII-312d; 315b; 318a — Adanmain I-135b — AigiUne II-754C Cainan, son of Arphaxad, chro- nologv III-732d; 733a; in gene- alogy"of Christ VI-410d -son of Enos III-143b; XI- 548a; chronology I-oo2a: Ui- 732c; in genealogy of Christ VI-410d. See Cain Caine Emine V-366d Caineto, John de. See John de

by X-"18a; on revelation XIII-2b; 2d Cairo, Egvpt I-299d; council (1898) 'XIV-389d; Fatimite d\'nasty XV-89a; Jacobite diocese I-302a; V-353d; Libra- ry of the Khedive, manuscripts IX-620b; Masonic Council (1878) IX-776d; museums X- G47c; XVI-28a; Napoleon at X-6S9a; petrified forests V- 331b; Tell-el-Amarna Tablets XIV-477d; tomb of the Ca- liphs, domes V-102a Cairoli, Enrico XIII-169C Caisse - St. - Joseph, association

Xn-597d Caithness, Scotland, bishopric XIII-615c; churches VI-43a; Irish population VIII-154b Caius, Saint, martyr Xin-397c CAIUS, SAINT, Pope III-144C; XII-273a; rpitaph V 111-430; tomb Ill-.'iUb —convert IV-3C4d — Pseudo-Areopagite V-14d — prefect XIV-720d CAIUS, Roman Presbyter III- 144a; IX-740a; XIII-3/4b; on Apocalypse I-595a; on Apostles, relics of I-641c; on Hebrews, Epistle to the VII- 183a; "Little Labyrinth I-755b; Millenarianism X- 309a; on Montanists XI-7oOa; and Proculus XV-756d —I, Bishop of jElia (Jerusalem) VIII-356C ^^ , ^

— II, Bishop of ^Ua (Jerusalem)

VIII-356C —Bishop of LjT-ba IX-^78a —JOHN ni-144b Caius CoUege, Cambridge. See

GonviUe and Caius College — Sestius, pvramid, Rome (ill.)

Caixal, Jose, Bishop of Urgel X\ - 223c; seminary XV-224a

Cajal, Teresa XIV-452d

Caiamarca, Peru, battle (1532) II~32b- XV-265b: hospital 11- .535d; Pizarro in XII-141C

— Diocese of XVI-34C

CAJETAN, SAINT III-145aj and Caraffa nl-659b; IV-(74d; "Oratorio della Canta IX- !80a; patronage XI-56od; and


CAINITES, descendants of Cain lll-143a; table of I-551C

—Gnostic Sect III-143C; VI- .'j98b; on Judas Iscariot VIU- 541b; Judas Iscariot, Gospel of I-609b

Cainnech, Saint, and Comgall IV-153a; monastery "nded bv Xin-631d

Cainozoic era XV-186C

Caioumas, Bishop ot Marcopolis

caiphas; JOSEPH ni-143c;

XII-40Sa; Xin-44.'id; . and

iino; 111 1 u,,ii4....... --: -- - Annas I-537a; Christ, trial ol

Cagliostro, Al"andro impostor An™s j 3^,3^. -^ cicmen-

VIl-7(IUd; death VIII-218b, |.^i^^_^ lV-40b; and Sts. Peter

and John 1-1170; palace, loca-

,i„n VIII-35'2d; rums XII-

4C14c; prophecy, gift 01 vii

igliaji, vuwii, ..^■." ■■-

475a; dial.Mt xni-474a

vprsit\ X\ 107d -ARCHDIOCESE OF III-139c; XII-7Sd; Afriran nfugees III- 139d- <ilh.ili:il lll-llUa; map

yMl'fiMi"!; -!-Hy.i',)'j_^: ■'«'?'=

CAGLI e'^PERGOLA? DIOCESE OF Ill-140a; XI-t)6<c; cathe- dral III- HOb . . ,,. ,

Caeliero, Giovanm, Archbishop of Sebasto. in Costa Rica IV- 41Sb: in Fatagoma XI-.';40c

,„■„.,„,,• IX -7S4C Cagots, race Vll-4:Md .


Cahagnet, Louis- Alphonse, Spirit- ist writer .\lV'-222b Cahen, Samuel XV-372b Cahenslv, Peter Paul \ -103d Cahera, Gallus, l-V' "■."'" ' X"

141c;at Prague Xll-.!40d Caher of St. Patrick XV -Sib CAHIER, CHARLES lII-HOc


Cairbre, King of Ireland 11-

7.'i4c Caird, Edward, philosopher VII-

194a; at Glasgow University

—John, philosopher Vl-.'i'fla; VII -194a; religions elas.siheil

Bl. Paul Burali X-68<a; Thea- tines XI-581b; XII-<o2b; XIV-557d

— Alfonso in-14.^b

—CONSTANTINO in-14.5b; on Ignatiaui;vn'.^'sXI\-226d

— Giacomo. .s'. < Cajttan, Tom- maso de Vlo Gaetaul

-Henry, Cardinal XI-444a

— Nicholas, Cardinal de Sermon- etta XII-61'2a

— Ottavio in-145b «.„

—TOMMASO DE VIO GAE- TANI cardinal; \ II- 763b: XlI-30.SFd: 442a: on absolution I-Ooc: on Annun- ciation I-542b; Aristotle com- mentaries XII-363a; and Dr. Bishop II-.589d; on Deluge I\ - 704c- England, protectorship XVI^c; on Eve I-131a; at Gaeta IV-334a; and Gallican- ism VI-355C; on grace, sacra- mental XIII-302C; on He- brews, Epist e to MI-183b; on infant baptism II-266a, \1- 700b; on keys, power of tbe VIII-633a; and Tnlh.r IX-

443b; Mass. .-l ,-"■•' ■' >:>>- ingX-22d:M : I j^j:

53(ia; on N"-\^ ' ' ,,

27Sd; XIV-i.;U .a 1-i. i^mo XI-420c; and IVr.Miiis XI- 730d; Pisa, Council of XU- 114b; and Politi Xll^l.ia, on prophecy, private XU- 474d; on Psalms XII-537c: on Rome, destruction of Xll- 76Sd: Rome, rmveraity ot XIII-17Sa; and Spina XI v- 21fic; on Tctzel X V-MOc: theology, pastoral XIV -MD. on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV 59'2b; nesb; XU 69Sc; 702c; works 111-14 1 a _of Tienc, Saint. .S.o Cajetan,

CalSri,' Florian. mathematician XIII-220d

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ■

- illustrations.