Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/242

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Chodchod, jewel, in Bible XIV- 300c

Chodorlahomor. See Chedor- laomer

Chodynski, Polish writer XV- 6S0d

Chodzinskl, Casimir, sculptor XII-20Sa

Cbodzko, Ignatius Boreyko, nov- elist XII-199d

Chohoree, mission II-539a

Choiac, Egyptian month V-334b

Choice, philosophy XV-624b

Choici, in Gnosticism XIV-154d

Choinski, Bishop of Plock VII- 473b

CHOIR (architectural) III-693b; ambo I-3S2a; apse I-659b; chapel I-660b; of basilica V- 259c; chancel III-572b; Eng- lish VI-676a; Gothic VI-673c; XV-19a; sanctuary XIII-131a; Sistine chapel III-57Sa: stalls XIV-243d; transept XV-lSd. See Presbytery

CHOIR (singers) III-693d; anti- phonal I-390a; in Armenian Church XIII-79c; boys III- 694a; 776b; canons III-583b; cantor III-306a; cloister, laws of IV-60d; and liturgy I-94a; in Orthodox Church _IV-316b; precentors, teach XII-372a; primitive V-25Sa; religious orders XII-756d; responsorial chant XII-787C; surplice, use of XIV-344a

— Papal (Sistine). .See Sistine Choir

—Chapel, St. Peter's XIII-372d

— organ XI-29SC

— Sisters XI-16Sa

Choirs, Angelic III-648b: doc- trine I— I78b; Dionvsius the Pstudo-Ariopagite on V-14c; iVluravian Il-lil.Sb

Choiseul, Adeline de X-.';70a

— Elizabeth de lll-2()7d

— ETIENNE-FRANCOIS, DUC DE III-094b; IX-380C; and Barth^leniv II-313a; and Ben- edict XIV II-43ob; French poiicv in-n94d: and Jesuits XII-r.9sb; XIV-97d; 446c

• — Leopold-Charles de, cardinal Ill-liy.'jb; and Jesuits XIV- 1 1 isa

— du Plessis-Praslin, Cesar III-

— DU PLESSIS-PRASLIN, GIL- BERT III -695c 1 at aa.sembly of li,,s2 I-797b; on Irish College \ Iir-lfiOc

Choiseul-Romanet, Madame de lll-694b

Choisy, Auguste \'-101b

— Francois - Timoleon, historian V1I-370C; on .Mazarin X-93b

Chokier, Surlet de, regent of Belgium n-400a

Chokunin, title VIII-299a

Chola, dvnastv VII-724d; king- dom V'll-725a; XIII-382d

Cholamandalam, Indian king- dom XIIN:!s2d

Cholet, battle (1793) X-682b, XlU-l.-.a

Cholmondeley, Barbara II-394a

CholoUan, in Aztec legend X-

Cholonan Indians VII-7.'}8a


Cholos (mestizos), in Bolivia II- IC.'ia

Cholovone Indians, missions X- 372b

Cholula Indians II-170a; mas- sacre of iv-:i»sd

Choraan Indians XIV-439d

Chomel, Auguste-Franjois, ph\si- cian .\-l lOa

Chomody de Maisonneuve, Paul XI-127a

Chomyszyn, Gregorius, Bishop of .Slanislnwow XIV-247b

ChonoB IV-lUlb

Chonas IV-63.'>c

Chone, missionary X-381d; .\lll-ts7d

Choniates, Nicetas, church his- torian VII-375a

— See Akominatos

Chonne, J. D., missionary IX-


Chonoan Indians VII-758a

Chons, deity V-344c

Cbontal Indians X-251a; Car- ranza III-377d; language X- 251b; Salvador XIII-450d

Chontaquixo. See Piro Indians

Chopart, Francois, surgeon X- 133b

Chopin, Frederic-Frangois IX- 285d

Chop-Sticks, Chinese III-C87d

Chopunnish (Sahaptin) Indians XIII-326a

Chorazin. See Corozain

Chord, of arch I-688b

Chordse IX-615b

Chore, Governor of Himyar I- 673b

Choregus, ofBce IX-306C

Chorenensis, Moses, version of the Bible XV-368C

CHOREPISCOPI XVI-24d; II- 5S3a; V-lc; 173d; in Asia Minor I-7S8a; as auxiliaries II-145d; duties IV-659c; in Eastern Uniat Church VII- 325c; in hierarchy VII-325a; in Jacobite Church XIV- 419a; of Maronite Church IX- 6S4c; XIII-85a; medieval V- 775a; and pope XII-775a; and protopope XII-504a; status IV^26d

Cbori, sanctuary XIII-431a

Chorin, monastery II-739a; XII- 5211b

Chorinsky, Matthias Franz von. Bishop of Brunn III-12a

Choroid plexus I— 1.58c

Choromanski, Stanislaus, Bishop of .Sejny XllHiSSb

— Stanislaus Kostka L u b i e z , Metropolitan of Warsaw XV- 555d


Ch'oros, Mongolian tribe X-480C

Chorus abbatis XIV-244a

— decani XIV-244a

— nov£e Jerusalem V-225d

— prsepositi XIV-244a

— prioris XIV-244a

Chosrau, Governor of Himyar I- 673b

Chosroes I, King of Persia XI- 716c; Antioch I-568b: Himyar expedition I-673a; and Jews VIII-391C; and Justinian III- 102c

— H, King of Persia XI-717c; and St. Anastasius I-455a; at Damascus IV-612b; in Hebron VII-lS5a; at Issus VIII-201c; and Jews VIII-391c; and Maurice, Byzantine emperor III-102d; VIII-359d; X-69b; murder XIV-103c; Nicopolis XI-70d; Palestine I-574c; VII- 426b; Pelusium XI-611a; and Phocas III-105a; and Pitvus XII-126b; and Shiggar IX- 635c; Sura XIV-343a; and True Cross IV-524a

—the Great, Bishop Xlll-Slb

Chosrov, Bishop of Advantsentz I-73Sb

Chotanagpore, mission III-154d; 155a

Chotin, battle XII-lS6b

Chotki. See Rosary

Chotusitz, battle (1742) lX-663c; XII-523b

Chou, dynasty III-664C; 681b; 6Sld; Confucian texts IV- 224d: Lao-tze XIV-447a

Chouaguen, battle X-526b

Chouan, Jean. See Cotterau, Jean

Chouans XV-272a

Chouannerie IX-4.5b; XI-107a

Choulet, Fehx-Marie, Vicar Apos- tolic of Southern Manchuria IIl-677b; IX-.W7a

Chourmouzios, liturgist VI-769d

Chousoros IV-41i)d

Chouvellon, Celestin-F6Ux, Vicar Apoati.lic of Kiistcrn Sze-ch'- wiin Ill-67Sb; XIV-420b

Chouzy, Prefect Apostolic of Kwanc-ai VIII-712C

Chow, ilynasty. .See Chou

Chowringhee, school, Calcutta Ill-lStc

Chozas, Pedro de, missionary VI- 119d

Chrainmarcha. See Krain

Chrenred. See Coenred

Chrestien de Troyes, poet \^- 518c; Grail legend VI-719d; and Hartmann von Aue VII- 147a

Chrestienos I-78SC

Chrestus Xni-374d

Chretien, Abbe, fotmder XIV- 132c

CHRISM III-696C; II-226a; V11^22c; acolytes I-107c; African Church I-198c; in Agnus Deis I-220c; altar con- secration I-365a; antimensium consecration I-348c; Armenian Church V-572b; baptism II- 272c; 273c; bells, blessing of II-273d; 420d; blessing III- 697b; X-68c; in burial III-76d 77a; 78a; Celtic Rite III-503a church consecration ni^3a confirmation IV-215d; 217d crosses IV-535C; Cvril of Jeru- salem IV-596d; GalUcan Rite VI-364b; 365d; Gnosticism VI-597a ; Greek Church I-359d ; 365b; IV-319d; VI-771c; Pho- tian Schism XV-139c; sym- bolism III-697d; use III-697c; vessels for III-fi9Sa



Chrismate Vn-423b

Chrismation, in Celtic Rite III- 502c; .503a; Galilean Rite VI- 364c; 365a

Chrismatorium (Chrismatory) . See Chrismal

Chrismon. See Monogram of Christ

Chrisome III-697d

Christ, name VIII-374C

— Jesus. See Jesus Christ

— Joseph, painter IV-732b

— Monogram of. See Monogram of Christ

—Order of (German). See Knights of the Sword

—ORDER OF THE KNIGHTS OF III-698b; H-464b; X- 305b; 306d: decoration IV- 667b; decoration (ill.) IV-facing 668; established XII-301a; un- der Morimond X-570a; re- formed XV-496d; and Tem- plars XIV-495a

— Vicar of. See Vicar of Christ

Christadelphians I-600d

Christ Child Society XV-560a

- — Church, church, Canterbury' IV-580b

— Church, monastery, Canter- bury Vl-536b; and Grosseteste VII-38d; suppressed III-301c; Wireker's MS. XV-660d

—Church, cathedral, Dublin V- 173a; architecture VI-675a; enlarged V-174b; (ill.) V-175d; nave V-174d

— Church, convent, Dublin V- 175b

— Church, church, Hamar XVI- 43d

— Church, church, Hants, apse I-660b

— Church, church, Newgate IV- 793b

— Church, church, Selo XVI-9c

— Church, church, Westminster, Md. II-230a

—CHURCH, DIOCESE OF III- 699b; XV-5S0C; cathedral III- 699c

— Church College, Oxford XI- 368c; Carissimi's works III- 348d; chantry III-577d; For- rest on VI-144a; foundation II-457d; St. Frideswide VI- 303c; (ill.) XT-facing 368; James II V-451d; Torbido's work XIV-780d; Wolscy's por- trait XV-685d

Christelijke Mentor, 'De, period- ical. Holland XI-680d

CHRISTENDOM IH-699c: di- visions XV-137b; map (622) V-following 612; map (1216) Vlll-facing 16; twelfth century III-701a

— Union of. See Union of Chria- tcndom

Christening. See Baptism

Christensians I-2c

Christenspiegel. Sec Kerstcn- spiegel

Christian, lawyer XIII-342a

— I, King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden IV-728a; XI- 119a; XIV-352b; XVI-71d; and Bengtsson II-478d; and Copenhagen University IV- 352b; dynasty XI-237d; Lu- beck IX-401C; Orkneys XI- 317a; Schlesnng-Holstein VI- 498a; XIII-543C

— U, King of Denmark. Norway and Sweden !V-72Sa; XI- 119a; XIV-349a; 352c; XVI- 65c; 70c; 77a; and Gossaert VI-663d; and Heliae VII-205a; Liibeck IX-402b; Lund IX- 435b; religious policy IV-724d; IX-459d; XI-120c; XII-706a

— in. King of Denmark and Norway IV-728b; XI-H9b; XVI-65C; and Copenhagen University IV-352b; Green- land VI-778C; and Munk Ivar XVI-70d; religious policy I- 678c; IV-725a; IX-J35C; XI- 120c; XH-706a; XIII-543d

— IV, King of Denmark and Norway IV-72Sb; XI-120a; and Jones VIII-500d; Meck- lenburg X-109a ; portrait XIV- 652b; Thirty Years War VI- 41c; XIV-650b; 725a

— V, King of Denmark and Nor- way IV-729a; Oldenburg XI- 237d; religious policy IV- 725c

■ — VI, King of Denmark and Nor- way IV-729a; and Copenhagen University IV-352b

• — VH, King of Denmark and Norway IV-729a; Oldenburg XI-237d

— Vlll, King of Denmark and Norway IV-729b; XI-120a; and Rumohr XIII-228d: Schleswig-Holstein XIII-544b

— rX, King of Denmark I\-724b; 729d; Schleswig Xin-.544c

- — Bishop of Aarhus XVI-la

— Patriarch of Antioch I-569b

— Blessed, Bishop of Auxerre XIII-718b

—Archbishop of Mainz IX-551b; Fermo VI-44a; and Frederick Barbaroasa VI-491d: at Lithu- ania IX-292C

— Bishop of Passau XI-5I9C

CHRISTIAN, Bishop of Prussia III-704d; Ermland V-522a; and Honorius III VII^58c; and Innocent III VIII-16d :

— Abbot of St. James XV-721C

—I, Elector of Saxony XIII-500b

— n, Elector of Saxony XIII- 500b

— Jan. See Albertrandi, John Baptist

— GaUia. See Gallia Christiania

— Saint, Sisters of. See St. Chris- tiana

CHRISTIAN ARCHiEOLOGY III-705c; VII-372C; Allard's work I-317b; anchor I-462a; angels I~4S5a : area I-6S6d ;arts, minor III-709d; ass, in carica- ture I-793b; Banduri II-246d; baptismal font II-274b; basil- icas III-709b; beads II-361C; bells II-41Sd; Biondo II-575d: Bisomus II-590a; Borgia II- 685a; Bosio II-693C; 111-7068; Bourassf II-716b: Cahier III- 140c; catacombs III-419c; 706b; cemeteries III-706b; chronological limits III-705d: Ciampini III-766C: Coliseum IV-lOlb. conferences I-690d; congress (1900) IX-644a; De Rossi III-706d; IV-739d; Did- ron I V-783c; encyclopedias III- 518a; Epiphanius XIII-394C: 706a: hi8torvIII-705d; I. H. S. VII-649b; India VII-734b; in- scriptions III-706b; 70Sb; in- vestigations III-708a: literary sources III-707d; Marchi III- 706d; Martigny lX-72.3c; mon- uments, earliest III-708d; nim- bus XI-80b; nineteenth cen- tury III-706C: Ortelius XI- 328d; ostrakaXI-347b; paint- ings III-70SC; Peutinger XI- 7S4c; Pineda XII-lOlc; Pitra XII-119C; Rock XIII-10.5a; Rohnult de Flcurv. Charles XIII-117c; Rohault de Fleur>-. GeorgesXIII-117c; Rokewode

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.