Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/243

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Xin-llSb; sculpture III- 709a; Selvaggio XIII-692c; Bvmbolism XIV-373d; Tar- quini XIV— ISSd; Viger XV- 426a; Violett-le-Duc XV-446d

Christian Architecture, See Arrhitocturc

—ART III-710b

— Art, Association for IV-24Sc; XII-139d

— Association of Washington V- 29c

— Augustus, Prince of Augusten- burg XIV-353b

— Augustus, cardinal, Archbishop of Gran XIII-SOOc

Christianborg, mission I-lS7b

Christian Brothers. See Institute of the BrotluTs of the Christian Schools

—BROTHERS OF IRELAND III-71Ub; address, form of I- 138d; Australia VIII-147a; XIV-366b; cemetery. Corii (ill.) VII-32d; college, Cork XIII-578b; foundation XIII- 40c; 40d; 576d; Haiti VII- 115b; publications XI-696a:

1 Newfoundland X-782d ; Water- ford XV-oBoa

— ^Brothers of Ploennel VI-175d

— Brothers of St. Gabriel. See Gabriel, Brothers of Saint

— Brothers of the Sacred Heart VI-17.5d

—Catholic National Church, Switzerland XIV-304b; 36.5a; organized XI-23fia: and Vati- can Council XV-307d

—CHARITY, SISTERS OF III- 7na; .\1\' lU3b; foundress IX-r,rid; Iiuted States VI- 4s2c; .\IV-(,47a

— Commonwealth, Georgia XIV- 69d

— Democracy XlV-fiSa

—Democrats IV-244b; XII-137d

— Doctrine ( Catechetics). See Doctrine, Christian

— Doctrine, Brothers of the X- 681b

—DOCTRINE, CONFRATER- NITY OF III-711b; 621d; VIII-9Sa; XIlI-165a; XIV- 12.ic

^Doctrine, Fathers of. See Doctrin.arians.

— Doctrine, Pius Unions of III- 71 Id; XIV-12.-)d

— Doctrine, Sisters of the, Bor- <lcaux II-6S3d; Mcnde X- IMId: Metz I-343c; Montpel- liir X .'■>4«d: Nancy X-6Slb

— Doctrine Society, Paris XI- 493d

— Education, Sisters of XIII- 6S2d

— Evidences 1-6 18c

— Giinther I, Prince of Schwarz- burg-Snndershauscn XIII-594b

Christiania, town XI-n7d; mu- seum X V-ri99b ; .St . Olaf Harald- son's relic XI-234b; Temper- ance Congress XIV-486a; Uni- versity XI-12()a

CHRISTIAN mSTRUCTION, BROTHERS OF III-711d; \in-Ti'.:)d: Maska I-2.50d; Canada lll-.M'.tb; Mitz I-,343c

— Instruction, Ladies of (Ant- werp) I-.Wla

— Instruction, Sisters of (Troyes)

XV (isd — Instruction, Sisters of (Vannes)

X-0S2C —Island X-379b; Indians VII-

.')(J6b; IX-36nb Christianitas I-fi97d CHRISTIANITY III-712a; I- 619d; Abercius. inscription of I-llb; abortion I-48c; absti- nence I-72d: Abyssinia I-76b: Adam I-131d; Africa I-186d; XIV-278d; 2S0d; agrarianism I-227b; almsgiving I-328d; America XIV-279b; anar- chism I-1.^3b; Antioch I-.W7d; antiquity III-712d; .\ntoninuB Pius I-.587C; apologetics I- 6I8b; Apostolic Constitutions I-636b; Apostolic Fathers I- 637d; C3Sc; Apostolic teaching III-718b; and I- 624d; Arabia I-666d; Armenia I-73Gd; Arnobius's apology I- 747a; art V-248d; asceticism

I-768b: 769c; Asia I-787b; VI-i48c; XIV-278b; 279c; a.strology II-21b; 23b; 24b; and atheism II— 40c; Athenians II- 43d; AureHan II-lOSc; Aus- tralasia XIV-278b; Austro- Hung.arv II-121c; Baalbek II- 177b; Balearic Isles II-222a; Bavaria II-355C; Bohemia II- 613c; Bosnia and Herzegovina II-696d; and Brahminism XII- 409b; Britain XV-534b; and Buddhism III-30c; 32a; 32c; burial customs III-504d; Cal- vin XII-378b; Celsus III- 490d; and character III-586b; charity I-768c; in-593b; chas- tity III-639a; Chateaubriand III-641C; China III-669b; VIII-712d; XIII-35b; 426d; and civil authority II-139b; Cologne IV-116b; controver- sies I-635a; Corsica IV-397a; cremation IV-481d: and Dan- ish literature IV-730b; demon- ology IV-715d; Denmark IV- 724b; 727b; diffusion I-779d; VII-34.3a; Discipline of the Secret V-32a; Divine purpose III-719b : Eastern and Western, contrasted Vl-lld; eclecticism III-714b; education I-761d; V-299b; elements III-714c; and Essenes V-547C; essentials III-716C; ethics III-618a; V- 55Sd; 563b; excellence V-57.3a; exploration VI-449a; and fatal- ism V-792b; free will VI-260a; Gaza VI-400d; Gallienus XV- 256d; and German literature VI-517b; Germany VI-485d; X-107C ; XIII-J97d ; and Gnos- ticism VI-594a; Greenland VI- 77Sa; guilds VII-66d; Hakon Vri-117a; Harnak ni-714d; and Hellenism Ill-714d; Holy- oakeXIII-677a;Huneary VII- 54Sa;hvm^^ VII-597a; Iceland VII-6r6a; S16c; and immortal- ity VII-6SSb; India VII-3.-).Sd; 728b ; 728c;indiyidual III-596a; Indo-China VII-774d; infanti- cide VIII-lc; insane VIII-39cj instruction for V-75d; Ireland VIII-99C; and Irish literature Vlll-llSb; 120b; and Islamism I-186d; 620d; 7S0c; Italy VIII-231b; Japan VIII-306d; IX-745a; XI-334a; and Juda- ism III-713d; 716d; VIII- 400d; Judea VIII-545b; and Kabbala VIII-591a; Kafirs VIII-591d; Kant VIII-606a; Karinthia VIII-607b; labour VIII-720b; Laodicea VIII- 794c; Laos VII-774b; Lapland VIII-798a; and law. civil IX- 66c; and law. international V- 665c; libraries IX-228b; life V-301b; literary opposition Il-llOd; Lorraine IX-,302d; Lucian I-298a; magic XI-199C; Malabar IV-76c; Manichaeism IX-591d; 594c; Manila IX- 597d; and mankind XII-501a; Marcion IX-646d; marital fidelity I-164a; Masonry IX- 774a; 78.'ia; medical science X- 125b; Mexico X-2.52b; Mith- raism X-404a; and Moham- medanism X-427b; and mono- theism X-,501a; and morality X-560a; Moravia X-5Glc; name I-568a; .')69c; 670c; V- 769a; Nasoreans X-707c; naturalism I-175c; necro- mancy X-736C; neo-PIatonism X-742b; neo-Pythagorcans X- 745c; Newman on III-716b; nimbus XI-81b; Nisibis XI- 84d; Normandy XI-I04d; Nor- way XI-12nb;XV-64b ; Oaxaca XI-181a; oblations XI-217c: as organization VII-36.5c; ori- gin III-712b; Orkneys XI- 317b; orphans XI-32.3a; pa- ganism I-444b; XI-38flb; 393c; XIII-167d; Palmyra XH34a; parents XI— t79a; Paris XI- 481a — persecutions IX-737b; Aure- lius Il-llOb; Diocletian V-7b; Gallienu3VI-.366b; India XIII- 383a; Maximinus X-77d; Nero X-7.i3d; Persia X-7.';8c; XI- 71.5b; Sidon XIII-777c

— Persia XI-720d; and pessi- mism XI-742a; Petra XI- 778a ; and Platonism X II-162a ; poor-relief XII-236C; Porphyry X-743b; Porto XII-290a; pre- disposition to III-712d; pris- ons XII-431a; Prussia XII- 619a; psychology XII-SLW; rationalism I-621d; and other religions I-619d; III-712b; Roman Empire I-620c; II- 110b; Russia XIII-234a; 253d; sacrifice XIII-3!5d; [Saint- Simon XIII-377d; Saxons VII- 128a; Scotland VIII-lOOc; Ser- via XIII-732a; Sibylline Ora- cles XIII-770a; Sicily XIII- 774b; sick, care of VII-481a; slavery XIV-36a; 39d; and Socialism XIV-65c; and So- ciology XIV-117a; soul XIV- 154b; Spain XIV-176d; Spi- noza XIV-218b; statistics XIV-27Ga; 281d: Sweden XIV- 34Sb: Swedenborgians XIV- 355d; Switzerland XIV-362b; symbolism XIV-373d: 374b; in Synagogal prayer XIV-381C; and Syncretism XIV-383d; Syria XIV-405b; Tarazona XIV-452b; Tertullian on XIV- 521a; 521c; Thessalonica XIV- 633d; Tiberias XIV-716b; tol- erance XIV-764b; XVI-6Ga; Tortosa disputation XIV- 785d: Trebizond XV-29a; Trip- oli XV-60c; Tunis XV-88d; Turin XV-94b; Tyre XV- lUd; universality III-719b; Valerian XV-256c; Vida XV- 415c; visibility III-720a; in Voluspa XV-507b; Wales XV- 534d; Washington XV-563c; Westphalia XV-602a; woman IX-67a; XV-687C; 689c; 690a; world population I-499a; XIV- 277d; 278c; worship XV- 7 Kid CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING III-720c; Il-.yilc; X1V-79C; aim III-92Ud; and emigrants III-721b; hospital work III- 721a; lay help in-721b; mis- sionary work ni-721b; publi- cations III-721a — League, Protestant cities XV-

143b — Love, Society of the Daughters

of VII-241a — Ludwig I, Duke of Mecklen- burg-Schwerin VI-529b; X- 109a — Ludwig H, Duke of Mecklen-

burg-Schwerin X-109b —Militia, Order of the IX-108c;

X-305b —Mother, periodical XIV-126d — Mothers, Archconfraternity of

II-200a; X-4S.3a; XIV-126d —Museum, Marseilles IX-71Sd . — Museum, Vatican X-647b;

XV-295a ^Names. .See Names, Christian . — Observer, periodical IX— 400b • — C)'Connery, Saint, Bishop of

Lismore XV-566C —of Anhalt VI-501d; 502b —of Brunswick, Bishop of Min- den X-324b; Monita Secrcta X-487b; in Thirty Years War Vl-ilc; XIV-649d; 725a — of Oldenburg. .See Christian I,

King of Denmark Christianos I-7S8c Christian Peasants' League II-

77d ■ — Perfection. See Perfection ^Reformed Church, in United

States XII-711a —RETREAT, CONGREGA- TION OF III-721d; XII- 79I)C Christians, sect. See Disciples of

Christ — Saint Thomas. See Thomas

Christians. .Saint Christian Schools, Brothers of the. See Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools —Schools, Sisters of the VII-

477b — Schools, Sisters of Charity of

the XI-3S.3C — Schools of Mercy, Sisters of the VI-174a

—Science, Illinois VII-658a; In- diana VII-742a; S. Dakota XIV-162b Christiansen, sculptor IV-732b Christian's Mirror, catechism

1V-92C; V-79a Christian Socialism XIV-66d Christians of St. John. See Naso-

— of Saint Thomas. See Thomas

Cliristians, Saint Christian Teaching and Nursing,

Sisters of VI-174b —Union XV-774b — Union, Sisters of, Lugon IX-

413d; XU-507d; Mende X-

180c — Unity Association XV-149d Christianus. See Guitmund of

Aversa Christian Virgins, Institute of the

X-009b; XIV-420b — Wilhelm, Elector of Branden- burg, administrates Magde-



Witness, jicriodical XII-173C

— Working Men's Society XIII- 437c

— Worship. .See Worship, Chris- tian

Christie, author XI-673d

— Alexander, Archbishop of Ore- gon City XI-293b; at Van- couver XV-! 12d

C h r i s t i , Lumen. See Lumen Chrisfi

— fidelium. Constitution of Inno- cent XII XII-755d

—Militia. See Christ, Order of Knights of

Christina, Saint, martyr XI-332c

— Edgar Atheling's sister XIII- 014d

— Landgravine of Hesse IX— 155b; 455d

— Queen of .Spain. See Maria Crislina

—ALEXANDRA, Queen of Swe- den III-722b; IX-460b; XIV- 353a; and Alexander VII I- 294d; and Anslo I-551a; Ar- cadia I-85d; and Bernini II- 610b; and Borro VII-701b; and Ciampini III-766b; and Cle- ment XI IV-29b; conversion XIV-90d; 3.53a; Delaware IV- 692b; and Descartes IV-744d; and Filicaja VI-72d; and Gas- sendi VI-391d; Greil.><wald Uni- versity VII-25b; and Lambeck VIII-757a; monument (ill.) III-72.3b; VI-126C; and Scar- latti XIII-516d; and Teniers the Younger XIV-508a; Vat- ican library I-295C; XV-296d; and Vicira XV-416b -DE PISAN, historiographer

lll-72:!d; IV-5.54b —OF STOMMELN, BLESSED

IIl-724b Christliche Familie, periodical,

Germany XI-6S0a — Kunst, Die, periodical, Ger- many Xl-()SOb — Kunstbliitter, periodical, Linz

Xl-i;7lib Christlich-padagogische Blatter,

pcrid.ii.-.'Ll. N'l.'nlia \'~SOd CHRISTMAS lll-721d; I-lli6a; alKStincnce I-USd; Adeste Fidelis I-142b; Advent I-165b; Alabama I-243d; Ambrosian Rite I-398a; St. Anastasia I- 4.'>.3d; Antioch I-571b; III- 725c ; Apoly tikion I-623d ; Apos- tolic Constitutions I-637C; in Bobbie Missal III-502a: By- zantine Rite IV-SlSc; calen- dars, ancient III-161C; 163a; Cappadocia III-725b; Celtic Rile III-.500C; .501b; Christian customs ni-72.5a; Communi- cantes prayer III-262b; Con- gregationalista IV-255c; Con- Btantine IV-299c; Constanti- nople III-72.5d; 726c: Coptic Rite I-72b; customs III-725a; 72Sa; cycle III-160b; Cyprus III-72.5a; date III-726d; XI- 390d; in drama, ancient XIV- S60b; early celebration III- 724d; Egypt III-724d; ety- mology III-724d — Eve V-647c; Ambrosian Rite I-397d; antiphon I-326c; amongst Copts I-306b; fast

Roman numeral indicates Tolume; arable, page; a, b, e, d, quarter of page.