Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/271

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Coufrier de rOuest, periodical, Canada XI-()73c

— de Saint-Gregoire, periodical, Belgium XI-(i72b

— de St.-Hyacintlie, periodical, Canada X-19Sa; XI-672d

— de Salem, periodical, Massa- chusetts VI-275d

— des Etats-Unis, periodical, Canada lII-64.-,c

— du Canada, periodical XI-672C

— Franco-Americain, periodical, Illinois VI-275d

— litteraire et mathematique, periodical, Belgium XI-672a

Course of the Lights of Heaven, Book of the. See Book of the Course of the Lights of Hea-

CouTSon, Louis de, Sulpician Xm-379a; XIV-331b

COURT, in Scripture: Royal ret- inue IV-446C

— Open space IV -445b: of Gen- tiles XIV-502d: of Israel XIV-o02d: of men IV-t46c; outer court XIV-501d: of priests XIV-502d; IV-446C; XIV-501b;ofSolomon'3palaces IV-14od: of the tabernacle XIV-124d: Temple of Herod XIV-502d: Temple of Zoroba- bei XI\'-o02b: of women IV- 446c: XIV-o02d

— Antoine, Calvinist III-218c; VII-534d

— Papal, ceremonial III-538C; palatini XI-417b

— Royal, chaplains Ill-oSOa

Courteboume, Marquise de XI- 259c

Courtecuisse, Jean, Bishop of Paris XI-4S3b: epithet V-74d

Courtenay, Baudoin de, philolo- gist xn-2ooc

— Catherine de, marriage VI- lG8b

— Henry, Marquis of Exeter V- 477d;XV-525a

—Hugh, P:arl of Devon IV-440d

— Peter, Bishop of Exeter V- 7U9a

— Peter, Bishop of Winchester XV-650C

— Richard, Bishop of Norwich XI-122b

—WILLIAM, Archbishop of Can- terbury IV-446d: ni-300a: at Hereford VII-255d. at London lX-333d; 347d; XIII-799c

Courtaeld, Herefordshire, Vaughan estates XV-312a

Courtin, Catherine IV-732C

— Germain, Seigneur de Tan- queux IV-732C

Courtinier, Catherine II-591d

Courtney, Edward XI-]79a

— Francis. See Blyth. Francis

— Robert, Archbishop of Reims XI-345C

Courtois, collection IV-544a

—Abbe le, misgionarv X-381a

Courtrai, b.-ittle ( 1.302) VI-95c: XI Wib; .\n-lc

COURTS, ECCLESIASTICAL IV-447C; apparitors I-650d; appeals I-652b : I V-149C ; archi- diaconal I-694a: XV-402c; Arches, Court of I-695a ; • as- sessors I-799d: IV-431b: audi- tor IV-451a: bishops II-587a; of cardinal-vicar III-34.3b; Chalcedon. canon of III-558a; citation IV-4.52a: civil power IV-448d; classification IV- 449b: conciliar IV-4.50C: con- stitution IV^oOb: Clarendon, Constitutions of I-S02b: con- testation lV-452b; in England, benefit of clerg>' II— 176d; papal decree XIII-ti50a; episcopal IV-14Sa; 449d; examination of witnesses V-<>74c: false decre- tals, teaching of V-776a; fiscal promoter IV-451b: formation VlII-545d: forum, right of IV- 451d: interrogatory IV-4.52c: judge IV-450d; judgment IV- 452d; judicial power in the Church IV-447C; 447d: 448d

— matrimoniai IX-701a: arch- deacon I-<',94a; in England I- 313c; proof in XII— looa; and Propaganda XII-459d

— metropolitan IV— t49d: notary IV-450d: oath IV^52b: patri-

archal IV-450a; personnel IV- 450d; plea IV^52b; Poland XII-lS5a; pope, appeals to IV-449d; procedure IV-lo2a: 453a; protection V-687a: re- served cases IV— 149a: Roman law, influence of IV-153a; Uni- ted States I-652a: II-236d: 239c: Vatican Palace XV- 299b

— Secular, advocatus ecclesise I- 168d: ecclesiastical cases I- 651d: and corporations IV- 3S9d; in England, and canon law XIII-656b; examination of witnesses V-674c; feudal VI- 62c: juvenile courts XV-666b: laicization VIII-745a: matri- monial causes I-313d; priests as judges XIII-652c: seal of confession XIII-650a; witch- craft, punishment of XV-676b

— Christian, England I-802c

— of honor, Germany V-lS5b

Courvezy, Vicar Apostohc of Siam XIII-7G6C

Cousance, shrine XIII-342c

Couserans, See of XI— 436a

Cousin, French navigator XII- 104b

—JEAN IV-453b

— Julius Alphonsus, Bishop of Nagasaki X-«6Sb; XI-334C

— Victor, philosopher, and Bau- tain II-353a; and Dupanloup V-202c: eclecticism V-276c; XII-32d: and Gioberti VI- 562c; idealism I-176C; and Jesuits X I V-1 05a: and Ozanam XI-378b: psychological teach- ing XII-546d: as Rationalist XII-29a; and Royer-CoUard XIII-214b: spiritualistic teach- ing XIV-229d: Theism IV- 212b; and Thiers XIV-63Sd

Cousinus, Duke of Naples, death X-«s.-,a


COUSTANT, PIERRE IV-i54b: X-70d; Bulls, Collection of III- Sla

Coustou, Guillaume IV-455b: 4153d


Cousturier, Jean, Sulpician XIII- 37Sd; XV-736d


—cathedral (ill.) IV-456; Lady chapel III-57Cd; map Vl-fac- ing 188; seminary V-596d

. — Walter de, Bishop of Lincoln IX -26 7a

Couthon, Georges, revolutionist XlII-Hc

Coutinho, Francisco Pereira, Vice- roy of India III-682d: XIII- 466b

— Luiz, Bishop of Vizou XV— 196d

Coutloumousi, monastery, Mount .\thos

Couto, Diego de XIV-680d

—Sebastian IV-2.)3b

Coutras, battle VII-78a

Couture, Thomas VII - 162c; XVI-50b

— de-Bernay, Maurist monas- tery X-7 lb

Couturier, Jean, Sulpician. See Cousturier


Couty, John, I.azarist X-3.i9b

Couvade VIII -40.5b: X-41b:

Couvert, Michel-Germain de, missionarj- VII-5S2b; X-314d

Couvreur, Seraphin, missionary III-674d

Covadonga, battle XIV-179d

Covarrubias, Alonzo, architect XIV-7.-.8b

Covarrubias y Leyva, Diego. Sec Diego

COVARRUVLAS, DIEGO IV- 457b; .562c: on Roman Curia Vn-425a; tomb XIII-<iS6a

Covenant, with Abraham, sym- bolism XlV-374a; with Noe IV-702C

— Ark of the. See Ark of the Covenant

—Book of the XI-64Sd; 6.55c: critical treatment XI-658d; legislation II-552C: 5.54a; Mo- saic legislation X-583c

—Scottish IV-457b Covenanted Reformed Church,

America Xn-.394c

COVENANTERS IV^57d: Ap- ologetical Declaration IV- 461d; Bishops' Wars IV-459d; Charles I IV-458b: Charies II IV^eOd; Cromwell IV-4lila: divisions IV^60c; Dunbar IV- 460d; James I IV-458b: Kirk IV-458a; Montrose IV^60a; National Covenant (1638) IV- 459b: persecution IV— 461b: Philiphaugh IV-460b; Presby- terianism IV— 157d: Remon- strance IV-461a: Service Book IV-458C; submission IV-462a: Solemn League and Covenant (1643) IV^eOa; supplication IV-i59a

— in America. See Cameronians

Coventry, archdeanery of IX- 233a: Carmelite convent III- 357b: 35Sd: cathedral church destroyed IX-232d: Domini- can tertiaries Vll-llSd; epis- copal residence IX-232c: mys- tery plays X-349d; shrine of the Blessed Virgin XIII- 760b; XV-463a

— Francis. See Davenport, Chris- topher

Coverdale, Miles, Bishop of Ex- eter V-709a; Bible II-142a: V-443c; XV-376C: and Conti- nental reformers I-502c; de- posed IX-767a; Parker I^92c; Rhymed Psalter XIII-27a

Coverham, Premonstratensiana X-7S9d

COVETOUSNESS IV-462a; cap- ital sin XIV-oc; and concu- piscence IV— 462b; of the flesh IV-462b; of pride IV-462b: of wealth IV-462b

Covi, Vincent Thomas XVI-42b

Covilhao, Pedro de, explorer VI- 374a; X-OlOb

Covillon, theologian, at Trent VII-643b; VIII-747C

Covington, Louisiana. Benedic- tine abbev II-452d; 460c

—DIOCESE OF IV-462c; apostolate III -453d; cathe- dral (ill.) IV-)62c; charitable insritutions XII-247a; Poles XII-211b; Poor of St. Francis, hospital of XII-258a: Priests' Eucharistic convention XII- 423b; statistics XV-176C

Cow, Hindu worship 11-73 la

—Red, Mosaic sacrifice XIII- 315a

— Tower of, Florence I-750d

— WUd, in Arabia I-663C

Cowan, rector Irish College. Sala- manca Vm-159a

Cowans, in Masonry IX-772C

Cowboys, in Arizona I— 719d

Cow Country VIII-597d

Cowdery, Oliver, Mormon X- 570d: 571d

Cowgill, Joseph Robert, Bishop of Leeds IX- 11 2d

Cowichan Indians. See Tait In- dians

COWL IV-463b: VII-464b: Car- thusian Ill-389c: 390a: clerics IV-419d; eastern monasticism XII-451d: See Hood

Cowley, Abraham, poet IV-467d; at Cambridge III-212b

—A. E. V-264C

Cowhng, Ralph, mart>T V-478a

Cowper, WilUam, mart\T V-477d

—William, poet V-467d: IX- 400b <

— William, Lord Viceroy of Ire- land VIII-112C

— Temple clause, English educa- tion XIII-559b: 574c

Cox, Richard, Bishop of Ely I- .502c: and Advertisements, Book of I-167b: and Fecken- ham VI-2.5d

— Robert, English confessor V- 477b

— Ross X-380C

Coicie, Aime IV-463C

—Conrad IV-463C

— MICHIEL IV-J63C; V-733a; and Orlev XI-321a

— Michiel, the Younger IV-463C

—Raphael IV-463C

—William IV-163C

Cozcien (Coxcyen). See Coicie


Coxi, Indian chief Vni-660b

Coxis. See Coxcie

Coyanza, Council of (1050) XIV-

180c Coyote, in Indian mythology


TOINE IV-J03d: XIII-646a;

Mazarin's tomb (Ul.) X-92 Coyukon Indians IX-367d Coz, Claude le. See Le Coz Cozinhas economicas, institution,

Portucal XII-307a Cozumel, island X-82d —Cross of X-2r,2c COZZA, LORENZO IV-464a;


COZZA-LUZI, GIUSEPPE IV- 464a; Vll^lb: on Crib XII- 737d

Cozzarelli, Giacomo, sculptor XIII-779a

C. P., abbr. I-26c: 27c

C. PP. S., abbr. I-27c

Cr., abbr. I-24a

C. R., abbr. I-27C

Crabbe, George V-467d

Crac (Karak), castle IV-547d: 548d: Vin-363c: X1V-493C; (ill) Vn-479

Cracas, Giovanni XI-683b

— Luca XI -683b

Crac de Montreal, castle VIII-


Crackenthorpe, Cecil VIII-500C

Cracow (Krakow), Poland XII- 181c; Austrian occupation XII- 188a; castle (iU.) XII-185; 187; free state XII-187c: peace (1525) V-522c: possession, dis- puted \'Il-lVJc; .•^(..hilitas Lit- t.Taruiu ViMiilaiiii lll-492d

—PRINCE BISHOPRIC OF IV-4i;ic; Hav.ia work X- 224c; Casimir JV's tomb XIV- 311a; Casimir IV's tomb (iU.) Xn-183d; cathedral IV^65a; and Gnesen-Posen VI-590c; Na Skalce V-70a: pilgrim- age XII-90c: Paulite convent Xn-194d; periodicals XI- 670a; rationale XII-651c; re- ligious orders II-137a; and Sandomir XIII^37a: Stanis- laus. St., feast XIV-246C; Stoso's work XIV-3I0d; and Tarn.iw XIV-4.58C; Wolfgang, St., |ic.rtr:nt XV-6S3C

—UNIVERSITY OF IV-J65C; Xlll-r.lliia; XV- 198a; Breslau n-7r,.5c; Szujski XIV-121C

Cradock, Roger, Bishop of Llan- daff IX-316b

— Roger, Bishop of Waterford XV-505C; 565d

Craeyer, Caspar de. See Crayer

Craft, Francis M. J., missionary IX-.5.S7c: XIV-22C

—guilds Vn-67c; France VII- 67d; Germany VII-69b; Italy VII-71a

Craggs, James, secretary of State I-91d

Crahay, L., jurist XI-671d

Craig, James, Governor of Canada III-23.5b; Vni-149c

— James Alexander, orientalist XI-304b

— James P., Irish writer VIII- 124a

—John, writer XtIMa.5c

— Mary Ann \I\'-L",t;ia

—Colony, Xeu 'i ..rk \ 111-1048


—Reginald Walpole IV-J66d

Craisson. D., eanonist IX-65d

Cramaud, Simon de, bishop, at Pisa XII-113c: at Poitiera XII-179a: at Reims XII-726b

Cramer, J. W. XI-681c; XIV- 63Gc

—.Sec Kramer

Cranach, Lucas, artist IX-457c; Freiburg cathedral VI-265C; and Luther IX-447d: Luther's portrait (ill.) IX-4:i9; Melanoh- thon'a portrait lill.) X-152b; paintings. Xl-ioiib; XV-679a

Cranbome, Benedirtine priory XlV-.542d

Cranbrook, baptiatery II-277c; hospital II-7y:ia

Crane, in Bible I-521b

— Martin, Bishop of Sandhurst XIII-436C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.