Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/272

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Cranenburgh,P.vanXI-681c Cranfleld, patron V-4Spc Cranganore, town, I^d^^;,!"^'^:

guese acquisition \1-W|.».

Thomas Christians at XIV-

_s!e\f VI-603a; VII-729b;

XIV-085d . . Cranincx, physician IX-^<d Craniometry, mvention X-lJ^c

^rirs/of^'nS '-*


I-49b; Antichrist theory 1- S61c; Bible II-142a; and Bon- ner II-675d; at Bristtil II- 790c; and Brookes Il-'y* and Browne V-175a; and Bucer III-26b; and Clement VII VII-224a; and Clerk IV-olB, and Cole lV-97b; execution V- 444b; 448a; IX-767c; XI-368c. and Feckenhara VI-25C; and Gardiner VI-383b; and Henry VIII IV-26C; V-442C; VII- 223d; and homilies XIII-6a5a; hnprisoned IX-707a; literary

ability "-681R' ,.°°, x'^qfd" teries X-455C; Ordinal 1-491(1, and Pole XII-202b; 203c; Prayer Book II.-679a; XIII- 68a; Presbyterianism Xli- 393b; and Reformation I-oOlc; 502c; XII-703a; sacraments XIII-300c;andbedgwicli;Alli

Crantz, printer XI V-loOb —Albert, historian yil737»c — Johann Nep-, physician X-

CraM, David, historian VWTOc Craon, Maurist monastery X-71t) — TeaA de XII-728C CriXe, battle (1814) X-b98c TRASHAW, RICHARD IV- 4Kb V-464d; Dies Irffi, trans- lation IV-788C

William IV-467b


Crassus (Dives), Marcus L.cin-

ius, Roman general, death

III-378d; Parthian war XI-


leto XIV-233a; at Todi XIV- 754b' in Triumvirate Xlil- 166d'; Zacharias's prophecy XV-742c; Zorobabel s temple XIV-502C — Petrus, jurist yill-86d Crasta, Costantino de. Arch- bishop of Sassari XIII-485D Crates, Cynic philosopher IV-

582c; XIV-299b Cratia (Flaviopolis) yi-99d Cratinus, Bishop of Panemoti-

chu9XI-441d Cravat, etymology XlV-5-a


a?XpiMtsi.eXIII-617c Crawford, Adam, physicist XU-

-Frlncis Marion XVI - 30b;

portrait XVI-30b ,.,,.,,„. —Thomas, sculptor V ill i-a,

xin-047c; XVI-30b cAyIr, CASPAR DEIV^69b Crazy Horse, Sioux chief Xl\-

C R C. S., abbr. I-27C Creagh, Peter, Archbishop of f?,rv,ii„ V-17fia: at Cloyne IV-


Dublin V-176a; at Cloyne IV-

-RKI'HAM IV-469C; I-731a

— W. H. V-27b

Creah, Janet VIII-156a

CREATION IV^70a; Alain de risle I-245a; of a"lE«l? It*'"": and Annunciation Ir5^2d, Ara- bian philosophers I^21b, ht. Augustine n-90c; . in Avesta II-153b; 154b; Avicebron II-

-nabllonian cpo. I-131a; 4S0d; II-lSOc; 188a; IV-lOba; 406d; Berosus II-514C; discovery II- 16c; (ill.) II-188a; Zodiac in

-BltoIus I-131a; II-514d; bless- ing in II-600a; Bogomih U- 612a; St. Bonayenture II 651d; in Brahmimsm 11-7 .5^0,

Buonarotti'a fresco III-62d; causes IV-474a; Celsus III- 491b; 492b; Cermthus lU- 539b; Chinese teaching Ul- 667b; chronology 111-idsd, 731d; 740a; in Clementine Epistle IV-16a; and concur- rence IV-170b; and conserva- tion IV-170b; day IV-473b, definition IV-470a; Demjurge IV-707d; doctrine lv-4ioa. Ebonite teaching V-243c; bri- ugena V-521a; and evil V- 653a; and evolution ly-l/Jc. final cause IV-474b; freedom of God IV-474d; as funda- mental article VI-320a; in Genesis I-129c; 130c; XWJ48a; Gioberti VI-563b; in Gnosti- cism I-174a; Gunther VII-86c; in Hexaemeron VII-310b; in- dividuality in VII-764d; Jus- tin Martyr VIII-583C; in Kab- bala VIII-590c; Malebranche IX-568d; man as centre XI\- 584d; Mann, Laws of IX-blJc; necessity IV-474d; Origen XI- 310a; and pantheism yl-*16c, philosophic theories IV-4- 2b, Scholasticism III-464a; and science XIII-601a; 606c; &i- monian doctrine XIU-'9/a. Swedenborgianism XlV-30oa, symbolism XIV-374a: theistic teaching VI-614d; theology, dogmatic XIV-584c; Thomas of'strasburg XIV-696a; Tho- mistic teaching IIl-4b3C, Al i 667c; in time IV-474d; Trini- tarian controversy XV-oia; Word, generation of the XV-

Creation, oratorio, Haydn VII- 159b

Book of VIII-590a

CREATIONISM IV-475b; 472b; XIV-15oc; cosmology 1\- 414d; Gunther VII-85d Creator, Alaska I-248d; Albigen- sian doctrine I-268a; Algon- quin mjtholog!.- I-312b; and Creatures V-186a; Eg>T)tian mvthology I-430d; TertuUian s Apology XIV-521C — poli, sequence X11-4SDC Creatures, beatific vision \ II-; 172d; Campanella III-221d, and Creator I-60dj y-186a; Dionvsius the Pseudo-Areopa- eite "V-14b; Duns Scotus V- 197b; God, knowledge of 1- •'20a- 450b; II-62d; inanimate, blessing of II-600d; 601b; in- finity VIII-6C; theistic proof I-2'l8d; Thomistic teaching XIV-667C ,

Crecy, town, France, battle (1346) III-692d; V-321d; VI- IfiSd; Lazarist foundations X- 3>^a . . ,. ., .

Crede, physician X-410 CREDENCE IV^-6c; candle on T^SoOd; in Orthodox Church lV-316'a „ ^ J

Credence-Table. See Credence Credente Cattolico, periodical XI-683d - „.„. .

Credentes, Albigensian 1-26 Jb,

Waldensian XII-250a Credenza XV-557d Credi coldsmith IV-47/a -LORENZO DI IV-176d; Holy Family (ill.) IV-476a; portrait IV-476C; Verrocchio s portrait (ill ) X-365d; Virgin and Child (ilh XV-755b; Virgin adoring the Infant Jesus (ill.) XV-

Crtditon, Diocese of I-50?<=: 'J"'!

Exeter V-708d; IX-162b,

school XIII-557b Creditor, in bankruptcy II-252d,

of Lateran Council VIII-16c, macrostich XII-43a; of Mo- hammedans X-427a; papal rights XII-269a; primitive I- 319c; and private judgment IV-478d , , „ .

— AposUes*. See Apostles Creed -LITURGICAL USE OF I\- 479a; Addeus and Mans 1- 137a; African Church I-196a; Ambrosian I-lOlc; Amen I- 408a; Bangor Antiphonary U- 249d; at baptism I-632b; IV- 479b- Celtic III-500a; Con- stantinople, Rite of IV-317d; Coptic and Abyssiman l-30bc; Dionvsius the Paeudo-Areopa- gite V-15b; Gallican yl-3b2b; 364d; genuflexion M-42oa; Greek I-106C; 174b; St. James I-572d; language III-2o7c; local customs iy-479c; bt. Mark I-304b ; in MassIV -4 , 9b , IX-798d; Mozarabic X-ti^ia, in Office, Divine IV-479c; on- ein IV-479a; Protestant XIU- 67c; Ruthenian XIII-278a; Syrian XIV-415b — Nicene. See Nicene Creed — of St. Athanasius. See Athana- sian Creed

of the Dedication (Encama).

See Encsenia. Creed of the CREEKS iy-479d; XU -' 35a and Apalachecs XI\-735b, missions X-385a


— virgin, tomb XI-481C

— Hoss, Blessed II-7t)b; 76d;

XIV-G43b; 043d Crescentianus, martyr I-256b Crescentio, Gregorius de, papal

legate VII-45Sb Crescentius, Saint IX-639a —Bishop of Mainz IX-550C —Bishop of Trevi XIV-234d -Jotm IV-48od; XIII-729b;

XIV-262d — Numentanus. See Crescentius

the Younger — of Jesi, FrancLScan XIV-694b CRESCENTIUS, the Elder IV-

4S4d; XI-356b; XIII-li)8c CRESCENTIUS, the Younger

IV-4S5a ; XIV-262d; and Greg-

orv V VI-790b; and John XVI

(XVII) VIII-128C Crescenzi, Alessandro, cardinal,

at Bitonto XIII-28pc; at Re-

canati and Loreto XII-676a , — MarceUo, fii'-dina • at Marsi

IX-71Sd; Trent IX-641d; XV-


MARIO IV-4S5d; l-85d; IX-

49b Cresco, Socialistic community

XIV-69C . .^

CRESCONIUS, canonist IV-

486b; III-283d — Donatist X-659a; XIV-553a,

and St. Augustine II-9Ua,


missions .'i^-oo^a

Creeping to the Cross, ceremony g^ ' ■{ q^^ xV-60c

Vii^I?i;irf^a "-"" -|s^ofTubun.^X^^c

Crefeld, battle (1758) XII-523d Crehan, Bernard, grammarian

Creighton, Jesuit V-139a; XIII-

620a —Edward IV-480d — John A. IV-iSOd — MandeU, historian I-158c; IX-

182c- XII-129a; XV-686b —Mary Lucretia IV-480C —Sarah Emily IV-480C —Memorial Hospital, Omaha



Crtll!* John, Socinian IV-161a;

XIV-114b: XV-372d — Nicholas, crjTito-Calvinist

CR^i^Af %OCESE OF IV 481b- cathedral (ill.) IV-^Sl, and MUan X-301b

—Guide da. See Paschal 111,

Antipope — John of.



Credner, Kail August.

XIV-391b; 392a Credo, Sala del, Vatican XV-

2S4d .. ,, ,, _..,,

Credo quia impossibile \ - . 'jp — ut intellegam, axiom X'\ ■'■'jr CREE IV-177b; in-241c. du-

tionary II-591C; missions X-

^SalJ:^W-?5^6b°^ofir.^rer- o^of Nyssa I-710C; of Greg, cry Thaumaturgus VII-15d

—John of. See John of Crema Cremani, Luigi, jurist XI-594b CREMATION IV^Slc; Alaska I^24Sd; Japan VIII-306b; pro- hibition of III-71b; Roman III-418b . .. ,,,

—Society, French, statistics IV-

Crtmer, H. VIII-49C

Cremona CBednacum), town VI- 254b; X-299b; Xy-48,a, m Lombard League lX-339d

—DIOCESE OF IV-483b; Aporti I-624b; St. Babylas's relics II- 179a; Boccaccino's work ii

denone s work X1I-281D -?oSncil (1148) V-600C; and Milan X-301b; Poor Clare con- vent III-446a; St. Thomas, Church of II-673C . . — Albertino da, physician Xli-

— jita of. See John of Cremona — Liutprand of. See Liutprand of

Cremona ^ ^.

—Orlando da. Bishop of Piacenza

Cr'ente, periodical Vn-7.32d


I\-484a vt\- itnA

Crepinianus, ""'yr Xiv-Muo Crequi, ambassador IX-JiJa CRESCENS, companion ot »t.

Paul IV-484b; VII-27a —martyr XIV-379b —philosopher Il-UOd; MH-


—Bishop of Zarai X\-7oic Creslao, Bishop of W loclawek

XV-681C Cresmeau VII-4-3b . . Crespel, Emanuel, missionary

VI-3Uld Crespet, Pierre IX-99b Crespi, Alberto, theologian XI-

594b * . „ .„ —Giuseppe, artist IIr490a Juan, missionary 111-1»UD, a

CrespUi Abbey III-210d Crespo, Benedict, Bishop of Du-

rangoVI'478a — Gontalves, poet XII-310d — y Toral, Remigio, author XI v-

Crisp?, Bemadine de, missionary

_^e"a« of (1544) lll-628b; VI- 208a; XI-5S0b; X\-31c

Cresson, Warder, American con- sul XV-7lJ0d

Cressy, Hugh I\'-4S6c _„


Crest, Carthusian convent 1-

-inhtraldry VII-247C

Cresti, n. See Passignano, Do-

Cr"sweU° England, Grandmon- tines in VI-726C .^^

—JOSEPH (vere ARTHTO) IV is7a- XIII-.572b; XV-6ilD

Creta. b"emetrio de, Greek pro-

Cre\ac°e'ous"eJa XV-186C; organ- isms V-664b . ■Jtsth-

Crete, ancient P™vm« VI-73SO. 738d; Arabs conquer Ill-JO^b, Byzantine Empire l^^rf^: Caouchin nussion 111-J.i'":. CrementIXiy-28e;commun. istic society IV-179d

—neooravhy: Candia III-244d, Can?riII-249b; Chersones^ III-646C; Cisamus III-7»oa.

p^amos 5;-317d; Rithymna

-^JiVnV'i'ent XV-lOOa; Grc,k ^Metropolitan V -754a; Jewa VIII-399C; literature Ill-yJO, monasteries n-323c; St Paul, mission X1-572C; P"Pn'»"°" 1,. 789d: Roman rule , l-'8'»^ Turks XV-9Sd; Vcmce XV-

Critenet, Jacques, founder II-

Cretet. Joseph IV-2"-<:., Cretin, GuiUaume ^I--1'.-.,.,„»,. -JOSEPH IV-ls7b: X-329b. <-Tii -ic.TH- lit. Dave

^f-Sf7d; at Dkvenport IV-

■73c' ory i, imuiuttvu'i?."-' - -- ■ ' "
