homilist I-166b; VII-444a;
446a; and St. Honorius VII-
452a; as hymnodist VII-002a;
and icons VII-66Sd; on in-
spiration, prophetic XII-473d:
and Introit antiphona VIII-
81d; and Januarius of Cagliari
I-283d; and Jews XIV-762a;
and John V, Archbishop of
Ravenna IX-602a; XI-42SC;
XII-666a; and John the Faster
Vin-494a; and jurisdiction,
papal XII-267b: on Kings,
Books of VIII-049b; on K.\Ti6
Eleison VIII-715a: and St.
Leander IX-102b: and Lent I-
69b; IX-153b; letters IX-202c;
Library IX-228d; and litany
I-233a; IX-287b; and litany of
Loreto IX-2S7c: and litbrature,
profane IX-33a; and Liturgy
III-256d; 260c; XII-145c; and
Lombards VI-784b; and Lord's
Prayer IX-356d; and love of
self IX-39SC; and Major Ro-
gation Day Xlll-llOd; and
Mass, Roman IX-79oa: and
Maurice, Emperor VIIX-632C;
X-69c; and Maxim, Arch-
bishop of Salona IV-607b; St.
M6dard. relics XIV-131d; and
St. Mellitus X-lUd; miracle
VII-492d; on miracles X-346a;
as missionary VI-785C; mon-
asteries XIII-774d; monastic
life VI-781a: "Morals" I-
734d; mysticism XIV^22b;
neums X-765d: and nimbus
XI-81c; on Octave XI-204C;
on offerings IV-104d; on Office,
Divine XI-219a; Order IV-
667d; order of (ill.) IV-668;
Ordo Romanus XIII-216C; on
painting XI-395b: and pallium
tribute XI-428b; and Felagius
II XI-603d; XIV-70SC: and
Petrus Diaconus XI-783c; and
plain chant XII-144a; poor-
relief XII-239a; as pope VI-
782b; portrait VI-7S5; and
Presanctified, Liturgy of IV-
314d; processions XII— 447a;
and Proculus XI-72a: on prop-
erty XII-214d; and prophecies
lX-197b; on purgatorial fire
XII-578C; Regesta XII-716a;
and Regina Cceli XII-719a;
Regula Pastoralis I-454d;
ana relics XII-736b: Rerum
Creator Optime XII-782c;
rhythmical Office XIII-28c:
and Rimini XIII-5Sc; and
rit«3 VI-358a: and Rome VI-
782c; XIII-168b; and rubrics
XIII-216c; and Sabinianus
XIII-291C; Sacramentary li-
ed; IX-299a; XV-58b; and S.
Agata dei Goti, church l-203d;
XIII-174a; on salvation VI-
708b; Schola cantorum III-
693d; XIII-547C; Sens, coun-
cil (600) XIII-720a; and Se-
quence XII-4S5b; and serfs
XIV-3Sb; sermon 111-5^0;
servus servorum Dei XII-270b:
XIII-737C; and St. Silvia
Xni-794a; simony, classified
XlV-la; and sins, capital
XIV-Sc; symbolism V-144c;
and Queen Theodolinda I-
440b; 443b; IV-527d; V-412c;
VII-423a; X-llld; as theolo-
gian XIV-612a; 618a; and
Titulus XIV-746a; tomb III-
612c; universal bishop. Title
XII-267a; Veni Creator Spir-
itus XV-.341C; Verbura Super-
num Prodiens XV-348a; and
St. Virgilius XV-44Sa; Visit
ad Limina XV— 479a; writings
787d; XII-27.3C; antiphonar>',
Gregorian I-.580a: 5Sla; and St.
Boniface II-6.56C; IX-182c;
and Ceolfrid IV-83a; coins X-
334a; and Exhileratus X-685a:
and Germanus I VI-484d; and
Lent I-69b; and Ix^o III III-
107a; VI-7G2b: VII-<j20d; and
Lombards .\III-168b; -XIV-
259a; and NIasses, I/Cnten I-
581b; nullity decree V-59c;
62c; and Petronax X-527a;
Porto, episcopate XII-290b:
and St. Paul - without - the -
Walls XIII-369C; S. Gregorio
al Celio, Church Xni-171d;
Schola Cantorum XIII-547C
— ra, SAINT, Pope VI-789a;
XII-273C; .\ll Saints' chapel I-
315d; III-262d; St. Boniface
II-657C; chants I-580c; coins
X-334a; and Leo III II-45a;
VII-621b; and Lombaids
XIV-259b; St. Peter's, synod
<731) VII-621C; Armenian X-
GREGORY IV, Pope VI-789c;
XII-273c; St. Aldric I-2Sla;
All Saints' day I-315d; and
Amalarius of Metz I-376c; and
St. Anschar I-544d; XVI-76d;
apocryphal Bull V-780b; and
Leo IV IX-159a; and Ostia
XI-346b; Saint - Paul - Trois -
Chateaux XV-250b;fcand Sara-
cens XIII-lG8c;^aud Sergius
GREGORY V, Pope VI-790b;
XII-273d; and St. A.bbon I-
15c: and Crescentius the
Younger IV— 185b ; election
XI-357a: and John XVI, anti-
pope VIII— i2Sc; pontificate
XIV-262d: Regina Cceli XII-
719a; tomb XIII-372d; tomb
(ill.) VI-790; and St. Willigis
VI-791a; XII-273d; XIV-
263a; abdication I-31d; and
St. Peter Damian XI-764d
—VI, Antipope VI-791c; I-582b
Pope VI-791C; III-182d; IV-
73d; V-t31c; VII-351b; XII-
274a; XIV-263b; 263c; absti-
nence I-68d; and Advent I-
166b ; on Agios O Theos 1-2 1 Id ;
and Alberic of Monte Cassino
I-259a: and Alexander II I-
286b; and Altmann I-367a; and
Ambrosian Rite I-395c; and St.
AnnoI-541c; and Anse, Council
of I-54.5b; and St. Anselm of
Lucca I-550c; and Atto II-G2a;
and Berengarius II-487d; and
bishops II-159d; and Boniface
VIII II-670b; and Bonizo of
Sutri II-673C; and Brixen
synod II-794a; and St. Bruno
III-14a; and Burchard of Basle
III-63b; at Canossa III-298a;
Centuriators III - 535c; and
Church VII-369d; VIII-746a;
Compendium IX-300b; and
Deusdedit, Cardinal IV-700d;
and Dionisio, Bishop of Pia-
cenza XII-70d; and j Ember-
days V-399c; feast, Austro-
Hungarv II-127a; France XV-
409d; Greek Rite VIII-207a;
and Gregory VI VI-791b; and
Guiscard VII-73b: XIII-168d;
and Henry IV VI-489d; VII-
73d; 231b; XIII-168c; and
Hermann of Metz XIII-783d:
Honorius III VII-459a; Hugh
the Great VII - 524c; S25a;
525d; and investitures con-
flict VIII-84d; and Iziaslaff
Y'aroslavitch XIII-254d; and
legates IX-llSc; letters I.\-
202d; and Leo IX IX-161b;
and Manasses, Archbishop
XV-644a; and Matilda of Can-
ossa X^9c; XIII-372b; Micro-
logus X-285a; and Mozarabic
Rite XIV-180d; and Nicholas
II XI-55b; and Normans VII-
73a; Office II-432b; and Otho
of Lagery XV-210a; and
papacy XI -4.53d; and St.
Peter Damian XI-764d; and
Poland XII-182d: pragmatic
sanction VI -353d; reformer
III-t85d; 702b; and St. Rob-
ert of Molesme XIII -97d;
Rome VII-63d; and Salzburg
XIII-112a; St. Paul-without-
the-walls Xni-369d; and San
Alfano XIII-397d; Scripture,
reading of XIII-040a; Stephen
X .\IV-290b; at .Subinco XIV-
32Ic; and tithes, lav IX-9.5d;
and title, papal XII - 270a;
tomb VIII-221d; XIII-396c;
Tours. Council of II-(87c; Un-
ion of Christendom XV-146a:
and Victoi II XV^OOd; and
Victor III XII-270d; XV-
410d; Wenrick of Trier XV-
588a; and Bles.ied William
XV-629a; and WUliam the
Conqueror V-432a; XI-774C;
XV-643d; and witchcraft XV-
675c; and Wladislaw XV-
687d; and Wratislaw II of
Bohemia Xri-339b
— Vm (ALBERTO DI MORRA), Pope VI-79.5b; XII-274b; and Calatrava, Order of III-150b; and Frederick II I - 127d; Saladin tithe XIV-742a
— vm (MAURITIUS BURDI- NUS), Antipope VI-79.5d; I- 582b; II-478b; 728d; VIII- S7d; IX-17a; XII-274a; 728a; Braga, episcopate III-185c: VI^07b; and Irnerius VIII- 168c; Prague, episcopate IX- 264c; and Sutri X-750c
—IX (UGOLINO). Pope VI- 796a; XII-274b; Alexander IV I-287d; and Angelas I-486d; and St. Anthony of Padua I- 558a ; on apostasy I-624C ; 625c ; and Aristotle III-521a; XIV- 590d;AssisibasilicaI-801d; St. Augustine's, Canterbury XII- 232b; on baptismal water II- 261c; and bigamists II-561c; on Breviaries IX-300b; and Bulgaria III-46c; and calum- nies IV-692a; as canonist IX- 63a; and Cathari III-436b; and Celestine IV HI-179b; and Bishop Christian III-705b; and Conrad of Marburg IV- 259d; cross, processional VII- 247a; Decretals I V-393a; 671c; and St. Dominic V-109a; and Dominicans XII - 361c; 368Cc; and Elias of Cortona V-383c; and St. Elizabeth of Hungary V-390a; epithet V- 75a: on excommunication I- 456b: and Saint Francis VI- 225a; 227a; XIV-641b; 694b; and Franciscans III-341b; and Franciscan tertiaries XIV- 641a: and Frederick II IV- 550d; VI-493a: XIII-412d; and French IX-368d; and Genoa VI-119d: and Haymo of Faversham VI-282b; VII- 161a: and heretics VIII-31a; XIV-768d; and Hugh of St- Cher VII-521C; and Inquisi- tion VIII-30a; 36c; and Jews VIII-393d; and King Louis XV-632a; and Magdalens IX- 524a; Michael Scotus X-275c; and Militia Jesu Christi XIV- 638d; and Montefiascone X- S29a: and nude pacts IV-332b; Ostia and Velletri XI-346b; 346d: and papal power II- 667b; III-703d; Parens Scien- tarum I-757a; and Parenti, Giovanni VI-2Sld; on Paris University XI-496c; Perugia XIII-409C; and Poor Catholics XII-250a; and Poor Clares IV-4d; XII-2S2b; and Portu- gal XII-300a; and Preachers XII-368AC; 368Ba; provision, canonical, England XII-516c; Quo elongati VI-210C; 212a: Rex pacificus IV-671C: and Russia XIII-254d: and Sancho II XII-300b: and Stedingers XIV-283d; Summa hostiensis H-108b: and Swabian princes VII-57d: on tolerance XIV- 764c; Virgin Marv, antiphons I-S75C: and Williamitea XV- 644d — X (THEOBALDO VISCONTD, Pope VI-79SC: Xn-274b: Ad- rian V I-1.59C: and Alfonso III XII-300d: .ind Ambrose of Siena I-388d; aTid bigamv II- 561c; 56.3c; and St. Bonaven- ture II-650b: and conclave law III-J80b: and Durandus the Elder V-207b; election XV- 488a; Germany VI-493d: and Guelphs VII-.5Sa; and Honor- ius IV VII-4.'i9b; and inquisi- tion VIII-.30d; and Jews VIII- 394a: and Kublai Khan I-781a; and Michael Palieologus XIII- 299d: Lyons. Council of (1274) IX-477b: Ordo XI-2S7C: and papal elections .XI-4.57a: at Paris University XI-4S9b: and
Petrus Hispanus (John XXI)
Vin-430a; and Polo, Nicold
Xn-217b: and Preachers XII-
368Db; and Rudolf of Habs-
burg XIII-218C; and St.
Thomas Aquinas XIV-665c;
tomb I-702b; Union of Chris-
tendom XV-146C
—XI (PIERRE-ROGER DE BEAUFORT), Pope VI-799c; XI-32Ua; XII-274b; Agnus Dei I-220C: and Alexians I- 307a; and Ambrosian Brother- hood I-404b; and Avignon XIII-539a; and Bolsena, mir- acle XI-332d; St. Catherine of Siena III-447b; Charles IV of Germany VI-495c; choir III- 694a; XIV-29d; and Dietrich von Nieheim IV-789c: and Edward III of England XV- 722c ; and Eymeric V-736a ; and Ferdinand I of Portugal XII- 301c; and Florence IV-447a; VI-108C; and Franciscan Ob- servants VI-284d; Gregorian- urn II-642d; (ill.) VI-799; In Coena Domini VII -718a; and Michaelites VI-248b; and Milic, Jan X-304d; Orlfans XI-320a;and Orsini, Giacomo XI-326C; and Perugia Univer- sity XI -737b: 737c: Stabat Mater Dolorosa XIV'-239d: tomb XIII-171b; Ubi pericu- lum III-33SC; IV -192b: at Vatican Palace XV-27fid
-Xn (ANGELO CORRARIO), Pope Vll-la; Xn-274b: ab- dication r-32a: XIII -540b; and Alexander V I-288d; and Angelico I-483C ; anci Aquileia, Council of I-662d: arms (ill.) Vll-la; and cardinals XII- 112d; and Carlo of Rimini XIII-58b; Chichele embassy III-657a: Constance, Council of IV-2S8C; deposition XII- lUd; Dominici, Giovanni V-112c; XII-365C; 36SAd; and election IX-433a; at Gaeta VI- 333c: and Germany VI-496b; and Gu6ranger VII-58d; legit- imacy XIII-541C; Lucca IX- 406b; and Orsini, Giordano XI- 326d; Pisa, Council of XII- 113c; and Poggio Bracciolini XII-177d; Repington, Car- dinal XII-776a; at Rimini XIII-58C; at Rome XIII- 540b: Great Schism XII-n2d; XIII-413C; XV-145C: Siena XIII-781b: 782a; and Simon of Cramaud XIII-799a; and Vcrgerio XV-3.i:fb: .in.l Arcli- bishqp Zbvnfk VlI-.-)Md
-X II nUGO BUONCOMPAG- NI), Pope VU-ld; XII- 274c; and abbesses XI- 16.5d: Ajaccio cathedral I- 239a; and Aldrovandi I-281b; and Allen I-322d: V-138d: as arbiter XI-455C: and Arias Montanus I-711C; arms (ill.) Vll-ld; Ascendente Domino I-766d; and Avignon II-159b; and Avila university II-161a; and Baius IV-339c: XIV-760d; and St. Bartholomew's Day VII-3b; 532a; XIII-337b; and Basilians H-324a; VII-41a; Bohemian College XIII-135d; and Bril, Paulus II-7S7b; Bulla sabbatina XIII-290a; and bull- fights III-52C: and calendar III-169a: 739d; IV-9a; VII- .3b; IX-249C; as canonist IX- 64a; and Carranza. Bartolomfl III-377b; and Castagna XV- 218b; and Cccilian music school I-88c; and Ceremonies, Congre- gation of Xni-145c: and St. CharlesIII-623a; 62.3c; Charles IX XIII-.33Sa; and cloister IV-63C: colleges V-239a; and commendatory abbots IV- 156b; and Corpus juris can- onici VII-3d; and Counter- Reformation IV-441a: and Danti, Ignazio IV-6.3.3C: Decet Romanum III— 12a: and Dil- lingen seminary IV-79nc: elec- tion III-622d; and English Col- lege, Rome I-473a; on EneUsh mart.vra V-474C: English policy XV-27b; and Fulda seounary
Komao numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.