VI-314C; and G^nebrard VI-
412a- German-Hungarian Col-
lege XIII-133a: and Germany
VII-3a; and G^az VI-733d,
Greek college VIII-207d;
Xni-134a; and Greeks IV-
478c; Gregorian chapel Alli-
372c: and Holy Rosary feast
XIII-189b; .XV-415b; and
Hosius, Stanislaus VII.-473b,
474d; In Coena Dommi VU-
718a; and Irish College VIU-
157d; and Ivan the Terrible
XIII-256a; and Jean Ues
Pruets XII-392b; and Jere-
mias 11, Patriarch VI--770'1,
and St. John the Baptist Her-
mits XI-637a; and Lassus,
Orlandus de IX-12b; and bt.
Lazarus, Order of IX-97c; and
League IX-98d; 99a; and Leo
XI IX-167a; Maronite College
IX-687C; XIII-135a; and Mar-
{^olog>- II-306a; V I-3d; IX-
741d; and Monte Vergme X-
539a; and Persons, Robert XI-
730b; monument (ill.), &t.
Peter's, Rome VII-2d; on
Murct XII-179C; and Office,
Divine XI-220b; and Pales-
trina Xl-422b; 422d; and
Possevinus XII-31Tb; portrait
VII-3d; and Precious Blood
confraternities XII-373c; and
Propaganda, Sacred Congrega-
tion of Xll-456b; XlII-142d
Provisionis nostrse II-^lOc : and
Quirinal Palace XIII-17od;
and Reformat!, Franciscan
VI-288d; and religious state
XII-753a; and Renaissance
XII-769b ; Roman colleges V li-
2d; and Rome, University of
XIII-178a; and Sixtus V XIV-
33c; and Society of Jesus XIV-
85a and SuArez XIV-319C;
Ind Syrians XIV-684C; on
Toledo. Cardinal XIV-761a,
tomb XIII-372b; Ut Pest'ff"
arum nl-522b; and Ven. Ur-
ania Benincasa XIV-5o8b; and
Vatic mXV-277b; 296b; 309d
SFONDRATI), Pope Vll--4b;
Xn-'74c; abortion I-49b;
arms (ill.) Vll-lb; asylum, right
of X I I-440d ; and Bellarmme 1 1-
4lta:!md St. Charles 1117624c;
and Council, Congregation of
the Xin-141c; Fathers of a
GoodDeathIII-2 18a;and
Greek College XIII-134a; and
Henrv of Navarre VII-79d,
XIV-707b; Index, Congrega-
tion of the XIII-143b; and
Jesuits I-609d; and League IX-
99c; at Milan, Council. of III-
621b; and Office, Divine X.1-
220b; at Perugia University
XI-737C; and St. Philip Nen
_X "(ALESSANDRO LUDOVl- SI).PopeVIIpld;V-103a;XII- 274c; ^terni Patns IV-193a. V-677C; and AUatius I-317d; arms (iU.) VII-.5a; and Augus- tinians VII-283d; and Barbieri II-287c; Bologna episcopate II-640b; and Calvary Congre- gation III-190d; Cistercian Congregation III-783a; and Clerks Regular of the Mother of God XII-758C; D^cet Ro- manum Pontificem IV-193a and Domenichino V-103a, and English College. Lisbon XII-231b; and Immaculate Conception VII-680b; and Irish College, Rome VIII- 1.57d- XII-1B9C; on Malabar Rites IX-5C0b; and Maunsts X-7ba; and orders, religious VII-5c; Pamplona University XI-438C; and papal elections I-99b; Vll-.'ib; and Pontificia Accadcmia Liturgical-86c; and Portiuncula indulgence XU- 286c; and Propaganda VU-.JD; XII%5(ic; X'in-142d; 384a; and Reformati, Franciscan VI- 288d- XII-156d; and Schools, Clerks Regular of the Pious XIII-588b; secular policy VII- 6a; and solicitation XIV-134a; and Thomas A Jesu XIV-660C; tomb (Ul,) Vn-5d; Umversi
V-690d; Wadding, Luke XV-
S23d; 524c; on Ward, Mary
XV-552a; and witchcraft XV-
Vll-iic; I-!^7c; Xll-274d; ab-
breviators I-29d; and Accad-
emia di Archeologia I-87c; and
Accademia Tiberina I-87a;
Acerbi3simasV-142d; Acton on
I-113d; All Hallows College I-
314d; and AUignol XV-494a;
allocutions I-325c; and Anto-
nelli I-5S3d; and I'Avenir
VIII-733C; 764c; and Bene-
merenti IV-670a; and Bible
Societies II-545C; and Bou-
vier VII - 403a; and British
Guiana VI I-62d ;andCalifornia
diocese XII-106b; and Camal-
dolese III-206a; and celibacy
III-487d; and Ceylon III-
550c; and Chachapoyas diocese
III-S51b; and Charity, Sisters
of III-610b; and Church IV--
450c; and courts, ecclesiastical
— Patriarch of Antioch (5(0) I-
454c; and Evagrius Scholaati-
cus V-639d , , , .
— II, Melchite Patriarch of Anti- och X-160C .
— VI Patriarch of Armenia i- 739a; and Pius IX VI-770C
VII. Patriarch of Armenia L-
—II, Archbishop of Athens II-
44c: 45b — Saint, Bishop of Auserre Xlll-
— Bishop of Cardica (1623) III-
— Bishop of Cardica (e. 1700) III-353b , ^ ^ ^. ,
^V, Patriarch of Constantinople
IV-306a; VI-739d .
—Governor of Constantinople
X-79d; 506b „ ^
—Bishop of Corinth. See George —Bishop of Delcus IY-696a —Archbishop of Dublin \ -173b —Abbot of Einsiedeln V-36/c — pra!torian prefect of Italy V- 125c
450c; and courts, eccesiastica _^-j^,'^ f j ^^3 VIII-325b
XIII-206C; and CuUen Paul _«gn°P °} j'^'^j.^o VIII-340b
IV-564d; and dejservants IV- _f' ^Sropolitan of Kieff X
756b; dioceses XIII-759d; and — 1,_ ivietropoiiiau
Droste-Vischering V-162b; and
Dunin, Martin von V-193b;
Dutch Guiana VII--63a; on
English government lX-49ya;
and Forbin-Janson VI-134a;
and Gallitzin VI-369a; and
Greece VI-742d; St. Gregoiy
the Great, Order of IV-667d;
and St. Gregory the Illuminator
VII-24d; Hamburg VII-122C;
and Hermes I-104c; arid Im-
maculate Conception I-238a;
and images VII-670b; on m-
strument3,musicalX-658c; and
Irish CoUege, RomeVIII-lSSd;
Lateran museum IX-14a; and
Leo XIII IX-169b; and Liberal
Catholicism IX-213d; Louvam
University XV - 197d; and
Manharter II-129C; IX-590d;
and Marists IV -101a; and
missions, parochial X-392b;
and MontalembertX-514b;and
Montreal diocese X-548d;
monument XIII-372C; monu-
ment (ill.) VII-8b; and Moro-
ni GaetanoX-576a; and Monte
Verglne X-539a; and Mount
Calvary Daughters of X-6(D4b;
and Muri X-539a; and Nether-
lands VII-390d; and Nubia
XI-148b; and Odescalchi, Car-
lo XI-206C; on ofierings III-
765b; and Pallotti, Vincent
Mary XI-429d; XII--107b; and
Pardio X-266d; and Pius IX
XII-134d; and Polish clergy
XIII-258a; and Portiuncula
basilica XII-286b; portrait
VII-7C; Propaganda, Sacred
Congregation of XII-46()d;
and Propagation of the Faith
XII-461b; and Pro tho no-
tary Apostolic XII-503b; and
Raphael's tomb I-87c; and
Roermond XIII-llOc; and
Rosati XIII-360d: and Ros-
mini, Antonio XIII-199b; and
Rosminian Missions VI-423a;
and Russia XIII-25Sb; Sacred
Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Con-
gregation of XIII-309a: and
Santiago de Chile XIII-
461a; scholarships. Polish XII-
794b; and Scriptures XIII-
640c; Secret Societies XI v-
72c; and Simon of Casia XIU-
79Sd; Singular! nos VIII-674d;
and slavery XIV-39b; and St.
Sylvester. Order of IV-668a;
XIII-381C; on trustees I-144C;
XV-71c; and Two Sicilies IV-
204c; Ubi primum XIII-426c;
Vatican XV -295b; Vatican
museum XV-282d; 283a; and
Viatorians XV-400a; and St.
Vincent de Paul Society XIll-
390b; and ZurlaXV-771c
— King of Scotland, and Dublin
V-172C — Byzantine patrician XIV-
—founder of tho Bohemian Brethren U-G16d; 617b
—Archbishop of Agram IV- 511b
— II, Metropolitan of Kieff IX-
— Saint, Bishop of Langres IV-
794d- VII-18d; VIIl-790a; St.
Benignus's tomb II-479d; IV-
794c . „ . ...
—Bishop of Locn EpizephjTU
VI— 464b — Bishop of Mantua IX-612d —Bishop of Messina X-21/b —Saint, Bishop of Nicopolis XI-
— Bishop of Osma XI-339b —Bishop of Paleopolis XI^18d;
—Bishop of Palestrina XI-421C — Bishop of Pompeiopolis Xll-
— Bishop of Porto (314) XII- 290a ^„
—Bishop of Porto (710) XII- 290b , „,..
— Bishop of Rhinocolura Xlll- 19c
— primicerius of Roman Church
VII1^24c ^.^^^ „„,.
—Bishop of Sabina XIIl7291b —Cardinal of San Crisogono, Polvcarpus III-287a; IX-62b; Xn-221d —Bishop of Satala' Xni-486a —Bishop of Scodra IX-160a —Bishop of Sebastopolis Xlll-
-Bishop of Selge XIII-692b —Bishop of Severm (1246) XUl-
— Bishop of Severin (1382) XIII- -Ifhop of Sinope XIV-14C — IX. Patriarch of Sis 1-739 — Bishop of Stratonicca XIV-
3 1. 5b — Bishop of S\Tacuse II-428a —Bishop of Tarragona XI\ -460b -Bishop of Tavium XIV-467b —Bishop of Terracma XIV --5180 —I, Count of Tusculum II-428d;
VI-244a; and St. Nilus vll-
— Bishop of Vexio XVI-78d
— Lady Augusta, writer \ 111-
— Caspar Rene, Biblical critic XIV-532C; 534b; Prolegomena V-129C; on variants I\ -500c; 501a „ „ ,
— Abulfaradj. See Bar Hcbrseus — Akindynos VII-302b —Alexander, prince XUl-22ba — B^TICUS vn-9d: M-/2.5b: and Exhortatio Ill^SOa; and Latin literature IX-25b; Luci- ferian heresy XIII-533d; work
Barbarigo beatification II-285C
— Nazianzen, Saint. See Greg-
— Dialogos, Saint. See Gregory I
— of Cappadocia, Bishop ot Alex- andria I .W,)d; II-39a; and Auxontius II -141c
—of Cluos VI-771d
, of Crescentia, cardinal AVi-
— of Datev, Question Book!I-"38c
-OF HEIMBURG Vll-lOa; and
Paul 11 Xl-579b — of Hungary II-655C —of Naples VI-224d -^jf Narek I-738C —OF NAZIANZDS, SAINT VII- lOd; I-Sla; on Acacius of Ca;- sarea I-Slb: and .\lexandnan School XII-31d; and Amphilo- chius of Iconium I-43Sc; St. Andrew I-471C; on angel IV- 764a; Apocalypse, canon I- 595b; on apocatastasis I-600c; and Apolhnarianism I-615c; and Arianism XIV-578b; on St. Athanasius II-36b; and atonement II-56c; baptism III-431C; on baptism of in- fants II -267a; 270d; and St. Basil II-322a; 330d; 331c; 332b; IV-312c; VII- 11b; X-468b; on Basilias VII— 481d; at Constantinople IV-302C; 303b; 30Sa; VII- 13a; and St. Csesarius Ill-138b; and Christmas III-725d; and conversion VII - 15a; Cursus Scottorum III-497d: Epistles VII-14a; on St. Eusebius of Samosata V-615b; and Eva- grius Ponticus V-640a; feast V-75a; feast, Byzantine Rite IV-315d; and Greek XII-76oc; and Gregory of Nyssa VII-17d; as hermit VII-280b; on the Holy Ghost Vll^lla; XII- 174c; Homilies IX-622c; on Humanity of Christ II-55c; on husband and wife I-164a; as hymnologist VII-597c; 59Sd: and St. Jerome I-438d; VIII- 341a; leaven, parable XI— 164a; on lights IX-245a; 246d; on limbus infantium IX - 256d; Liturgy of I-305d; 306a; Lu- ciferIV-767a; on marriage Xll- 442a; on Mass X-16a; as mis- sionary X-392d; and St. Olym- pias XI -249a; Oratio Apol- ogetica I - 375b; on patriarchs XI-549b; on II Peter XI-754c; and pilgrimages XII -87b; poems VII - 13d; as preacher VII-443d; and Rome VI-763a; on Rome, ancient XIII-531d; on Sacrifice of the Cross XIII- 316d; on saints, in vocation of VIlI-72a; Sasima, episcopate XIII-482a; as theologian XIV- 605a; 612a; 617d; tomb XIII- 372c; on tongues, gift of XIV- 777a; on v-irginity of Mary XV-460d; works VII - 13c; XIII-267a —of Nazianzus, the Elder III- 138b; Vll-lOd; lie; and Cte- sarea II-331b; 331d: converted Vll-llb; death ll-332b —OF NEOC.ESAREA, SAINT VII-15a; X-741d; XII-234d; and St. Alexander of Comana I-296a; basilica I-346C; Epis- tola Canonica I -788c; and Firmilian VI-80b; Gregory of Nyssa VII-15d; on Holy Ghost Vil^lOc; and St. Macrina the Elder IX-oOSc; Monophysite controversy X^95b ; miracle VI-6b; and Origen XI-307a; 307d; 308a; and Paul of Sa- mosata XI -589b; on Trinity
-OfUySSA, saint VII-16d;
II-3Sla; IX-508C; XI-773c;
and Alexandrian bchool XU-
31d; apocatastasis 1-599D;
XIV-5S2a: and .\po!linarian-
ism I-615C; and Asterius of
Amasea II-18a; on bt. Baail
II-330d; IV -312c; creed I-
710c; deposed I -465a; and
Eunomius V-<i06a; and Eva-
grius Ponticus V - b40a; on
FlacciUa VI-S9C; on iorty
Martyrs VI-153b. on Gregory
of Neocipsarca 1--88C; VU-
15d; on Holy Ghost VII-411a,
at Jerusalem lV-.595d; and
Macedonians XII-1.4c; and
Nvssa XI-172d; on Office for
dead x'l-221b; on orientation
of churches I-36.-.b. XI-305a:
„ndOrigenXI-30Sb; on peace
ll-372a; on penance \ II-<8-Jd.
XIV -605b; purgatory xu
Large type indicates titles of articles: other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.