Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/391

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H., abbr. I-2r,d Ha-adamah I~I20a Haakon. See Ilakon Haan, and kinetic tlioor>- I-97b Haaran, John A. XIV-3:iob Haaren Seminary 1 1-62 "id Haarlem, town. Holland I-571C —DIOCESE OF VII-9,ia: Jan- senism VII-96a; Jesuits VII- 95d; new cathedral VII-98a; old cathedral 1-37 Ic Haas, Francis, priest X-320c — Frederick, niissionarj' XI-724C — Gregory, Capuchin VI— 4S2a — Leonard, Bishop of Basle II-

340c Haase, H. F., on Aquileian Rite

XVI-3d HABACUC VII-97d,- XII^78d; Kencalogy VII-98a: prophecy VII-99b; relics V-380a —Book of, authorship VII-98d; date VII-98C: literary features VII-99a; synopsis VII-98b; textual features VII-99a — CanHcIe of III-301d; in Am- brosian OfEce I-399a; Brev-iary n-772b; in Catholic Canon ni-270d Habaisch, Joseph, Patriarch IX-

6SSb Habalat el Amira XI-244d Habashab, kingdom I-666a Habazzioiah. .See Habsanias Habbie Simson, stanza XIII-


Habeas Corpus Act, Canada II- 77Sc: Eneland V-451b; Ireland Vni-in7b: Xni-127d

Haber the Cinite III-770c; at Sennirn

Haberdashers Guild, London IX-.346d

Haberkom V-.524b; IX-.537b


Habert, Isaac, theologian VI- 713c; XIV-593d; 706b

-^Louis, theologian VI-712a; XIV-.i9.5b

Habet, Jeanne Guillaume, foun- dation xvi-.3nd

Habhibh, Bishop of Edessa VIII-

Habiliment. .See Habit Habington, Thomas. See Abing-

— WILLIAM \II-99c; V^65a; and Shirley XVI-74C

Habit noeiei I-96d: 714d; VII- I02b; qu.-ditv XII-589d

HABIT (psveholnin.) VII-90d: lOIa: ae.iuisitinn VII-lOOc; Alexander of Hales I-29Sd; and consciousness \'II-10Ib: and education Vll-lOld: ethics VII-lOIc; and faith XV-lSOb; and faith, natural Xlll-'inc; Hume Ill-m.^a; innate VII- 102d; and instinct VlII-.50d; 52b; James VII-102c: natural VII-102d; pedaEOKical VII- lOId. physiological Vll-lOOd, Rousseau VII-I02a: super- natural VII-102d; theological VII-102d; and vice XV-40.3d; and virtue XV-J72C; and will Vll-lOld

— religious Xn-753b: of Alcan- tara Knights I-272a: Alexian nuns I-306d: Ambrosian Broth- ers I-i04b; and beads II- 361d: Benedictines II-)60a; blessing of Il-fiOlb; Canons liegular III-22nb; Carmelite lll-356b: Carthusian monks III -390a; Carthusian nuns lll-.391d; Charity, riisters of III-607b, cincture III-776b; clothing XII-i51c: Concep- tionists IV-190d; Conventuals lV-34.5d; cowl IV-463b; Cro- siers VI -5178; crucifix IV-

537b: Crutched Friars IV- 557b: Dominican tertiaries XII-3.5Sa;FranciacanVI-291b; Gilbertines VI -556c: Good Shepherd Sisters VI -647c: Holy Cross, Canons of the III-295a: hood, religious VII- 464b; Lay Brothers IX-93b: Lay Sisters IX-93c: monasti- cism. Eastern X-469b; 471b; nuns II-80a; Oblates XIII- 509a; obligation XII-756d; Passioniat Order XI -523a; Poor Clares XII - 2o4a: Preachers, Order of XII~357a: Premonstratensians III-294d; Presentation, Daughters of the XII-398d: Resurrection. Con- gregation of the X1I-794C; scapular XIII-509b; seculari- zation XIII-678b; Trinitarians XV-t6d; Ursulines XV-229b; Vallumbrosan monks XV- 263c; Vallumbrosan nuns XV- 263c: Visitation Order XV- 482a: Williamites, Benedictine XV-fi44c Habitation, in Roman Law IX-



Habitual Grace. See Grace, hab- itual

— Sin. See Sin, habitual

HABOR VII-103a: II-13d; III- 315d

Habsanias VIII-334a

Habsburg, House of II-123c: XV-417c; in Bosnia XIII- 72r)b; .ind the Church II-125b: 12r)C: in Croatia IV-512a; Jerusalem VII-365b: in Swit- zerland XIV-3.59a; Thirty Years War XIV-64Sd: 651c: 654c: 657c: and Urban VIII XV-220b: and Wittelsbach, House of VH94b; XIII-^13b

Habur. .See Habor

HACELDAMA VII-103b; VIII- 54nd; X-li7Sc

Hacerum III— 174b

Hachem \l-10lb

Hachette, Jeanne II-37,8c

Hachila (Hachilah) VI-440a

Hackeborn, Gertrude of. See Certnide of Hackeborn

Hackebom-Wippra, Albert X-


—Louis X-I05d

— Matilda von. See Mechtilde, Saint

Hackett, Michael, XIV-398d

—Patrick. .See Haic^^ad

—Sir William XIV-309d

Hackman, N. H. III-775d

Hackshot, Thomas, Venerable V-17C.C: XIV-721a

Haco, King of Norway. See Ha- kon

Hadad, deity II-175b: 187b

— King of Edom I-136b: inscrip- tion XIII-708b; 710b

— Gregory IV, Patriarch of An- tin.h \I-744b; X-159C

Hadadrim. .See Adadremmon

Hadaia VIII-52.3c

Hadar, town. See Adar

-tribe I-6i;4d

Hadassa (Hadashah) VI-440a Hadassah. .See Esther Haddan, Arthur West, historian

l-4'.Mc: Vll-37na Haddington, .Scotland. Church of

(Jiir l.adv Xlll-7r,lb; Irish

population VIII-l.';4b Haddingtonus Scotus. See

Mayor. John Hadelin, Saint X-6S0a Hadelonga, Saint. .Sec Adel-

heid Hadenulf, Bishop of Laon VII-

358a Hadersleben, monastery XIII-

.543b Hades VII-2fl7b, Babylonian II-

lS8d; Egyptian V-34fic. Pindar

on V-.5.3ia; in Old Testament

I-5.5d. See Hell

Hadewig, Blessed. See Bade-


Hadewijc, false mystic X-104b: xni-2snd


Hadfield, Charlotte IV-J21b

— Maria, .sv. Coswav, Maria

Hadhu-eh (Jebel) VI-433C

Hadhokt Nask II-152C

Hadid VI-441la

Hadiqah XI-717d

Haditeh VI-433C

Had], John Peter, Patriarch IX- 6S8c

Hadjis III-6S0d; XV-lOOd

Hadley, William II-319C; XII- 767c

Hadmar I of Kuenring XV-771d

Hadoindus (Hadouindus), Saint, Bishop of Le Mans IX-15c; 143b; 143d

Hadrach VI-140a

Hadramaut, Kingdom of I-668a; battle I-673a; Bents in I-664b; capital I-664c: Hirsch's expe- dition I-664b; Wrede'a expedi- tion I-663d

Hadramotites, tribe XIII-709a

Hadria (Atri) XI -638c

HADRIAN, martjT VII-105a

— popes. .See Adrian

— PUBLIUS iELIUS, Emperor VII-104a; IV-13d; XIII-I67b; Adrianople I-lBla; and Anto-, ninus-Pius I-586d;and Aristides I-712d: and Aurelius II-109a; Calvary VIII-357a; on Christ VII-711C; coin (ill.) Xl-facing 152; Corinth IV-363d; Herod's

falace XII— i04c; Jerusalem V-529d: VIII-344C: Jewish policy II-299d: VIII-390b: letter V-353c: mausoleum VI- 7S2b: VII-104d; XIII-176b: 370a: Milan X-299a; at Pal- m\Ta XI^33d; and poor XII- 238a; portrait VII-I04b; and Quadratus I-712d; II-43c; at Sebastopolis Xlll-OO.Sd; Sich- em XIIl-771d; and slaves III- 596a; temple to IV-598C; Tivoli XIV-747b; Troas XV-63c

Hadriana Palmyra. See Palmyra

Hadrianeum Tiberias XIV- 716b

Hadrianl, Capitula. See Capitula Angelramni

Hadrian of Cssaria Palsestinse, martjT III-134d

— of Nicomedia, mart>T Vll-lO.'ia

Hadrianople (Hadrianopolis). See Adrianonle

HADRUMETITM (ADRUME- TUM) VII-105b; VI-433c; XV-88d; catacomb III-427c: Semi-pelagianism XIII-703C

Hadulfus, Saint, Bishop of Cam- brai III-210a

Hadwig, Duchess of Swabia V- 370b

Hadwigis Xl-lOOb

— of Schoppingen VII-200a

Haec Dies V-225d

Haeckel, Ernst, atheism II— 42a: biogenetic law II-574d; crea- tion IV-471C; 472b; on evil V-0.52b; on evolution V-6.57d; 669a; free thought VI-259b: genealogy V-666b; XI— 113d: and Hylozoism Vll-594d: on knowledge V-407d: and life I.X-241b: man, age of III- 732a; mctakinesis XI-tl2d: monism X-183b: 486c: on naturalism X-7I4b; onto- genetic argument V-669b: pan- psvehism Xl-446a

Hsddi, Saint, Bishop of .Win- chester ,\V-650b

Haedo, Lorenzo, Bishop of Se- gorhe Xlll-fiS4c

HAEFTEN, BENEDICT VAN, Prior of Atilighom VII-lO.ic; II-462b; foundation I-179d: ll-437a

Haeghen, Ferd. van der XIV-

294a Haemerken, T ho mas. .See

Thomas a Ketnpis Hfemimont. .See Thrace Haemmerlein, Felix. See Hem-

Hamorrhoissa III-135a; IV^Oa: in art I-389c: and Veronica XV-363a

Haen, Anton de, physician X- 132b; XV-122C: XVI-46b

Hieresi proxima III-532C

H^resis Feliciana I-150C

Haeresvid. .See Hereswitha

HiBretica III-.i32c

Haeretico comburendo, De, stat- ute V-141b; VI-383d

Haetscher, Francis, missionary IV-.55d; IX-690b

Haffner, Paul Leopold, Bishop of Mainz IX-5.53a; and von Ket- teler VIII-631C

Hafiz, poet XI-720C; German translation VII-124C

Hafkenscheid, Bernard, Redemp- lorist XIH;,S4d

Hafs, Abu XV-,S9a

Hafsites X\-S9a

Hagaba X-i;7t;d

Ha'gadosh XlV-436a

Hagano of Bergamo XI-54C

Hagar. .See .\yar

Hagedorn, Friedrich von VI-523a

Hagen, legend Vl-5I8d; IX-121b


— Johann, Abbot of Bursfeld XV-

— John IV, von. Archbishop of

Trier XV-13d — John G., astronomer VI-459b;

XV-310d Hagenau, Catholic Casino I-

.345c; conference III-26b; V-

3.")d; VII-36d; IX-456a Hagenauer, Friedrich, medallist

XI-15SC Hagenbach, historian VII-379d Hagenbut, Johann X-129b Hager, Arthur, editor XI-679b Hagerstown, Pennsylvania,

church II-230C: Lutheran

Synod IX-461b Hageveld, seminary II-645c;

VII-96C; 97a Haggadah V-701C: XII-61Sc:

Paseh XI-513b: 513d; and

scribes XIII -635a: Talmud

XIV-13r,b; 438c; in Tosephta


ier .Sggeua j-ed-Dumra VII-103d Haggit, Francis XV-576b — Richard. .See Wegg Prosser,

Francis Uirhard HAGGITH Vll-106a: I-I46b Haghmond, monastery III-292C Hagia Triada (ill.) X-469 Hagiga, Talnmdic treatise XIV-

437a Hagiographa, Scriptural III-

2i;7d; Vll-I7.^)b; XIII-63Sb;

edition i,f 14S7 V-286d; Tar-

gviTiis XIV-4fl7b: Torah .XIV-



111c; Act.a Ti, ' n

turgfE I-nld , \ :t-

tvra IX-74L;d: •• . I 'i ,-

boli I-ir,sb: A. I! I. 1 il I '.c; Armenia VlI-|o,c; Ixulios II- 201b; Baert II-2Uld; Barlaam and Josaphat II-297a; beati- fication and canonization II- 364b; Benedictine Vll-107d; theBlesacdIl .VlTciU.illandists II-C30a;deRii.k 111 -M.c: 11, il- lerIII-90a;Hv/;uii.nelll-l.'2a: Colgan IV-99d: (.onfessur IV- 21.5a; Coptic Vll-107c; critical treatment of l.\-129a; early church VII-106C; English con- fessors and martyrs V-474c; Ethiopian VII-107C; Gamans

Roman ntimeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.