VI-375a: Greek Church VII-
107d; Henschen VII -240c;
Irish confessors and martyrs
VIII-163d; Japanese martyrs
IX-744d; Jonas of BobbioVlll-
49Sd; legends IX-128c; Lippo-
mano IX-279d; Mabillon IX-
479c: martyr IX-736b; martyr-
ology IX -741b; martyrs in
China IX-74r,c; martyrs of the
Paris Commune IV - IBSb,
M™sa Candida X-24a;Meta-
phrastes X-22Sc: Midd e Ages
VII-106d; patron samts ->i-
562b: de Ram XII-637a; scien-
tific VII-107d; Seven Robbers
XIII-742a; Slavomc y H-lOJb .
Smaragdus XlV-SSd; Stadler
XIV-240d; Stvhtes XIV-Jl'C,
Purius XIV-343C; Ten Thou-
sMd Martyrs IX-746a; Twelve
Apostles of Erin I-632d
ban I-6d; Abdon I-15C: Ab-
don and feennen I-32C,
Acacius of Mehtene l^-»f°;
Acca I-93b; Adalard I-126b,
Adalbert, Apostle of the Slavs
I-127b; Adalbert, Bishop of
Prague I-127C: Adamnan I-
135b; Adauctus and Fc}'^ > ^
32d; Adelaide, Abbess }-}fO^:
Adelaide, Empress I-140a,
Adeodatus I-H2b: Ado of
Vienne I-l«d;. Adnan HI.
Pope I-156C; Adrian of Canter-
bury I-160C; Aedan of F"n9 I-
170b; Aedh of Kildare I-lTOb.
^Ired I-172b; Aengus the Cul-
dee I-173b; Afra I-lfO^^ Aga-
petusll-202d; Agatha I-203C
^gatho I-204d; Agnes of Ass.si
I-'>13a; Agnes of Montepulci-
ano I-213d; Agnes of Rome I- .
2 14a : Agrieius I-230d : Aldan of
tind^sfarne I-233c; Ailbe I-
234c: Aileran I-234d; Alban I-
252d-. .<abert I-261b: Alcmund
I-273b; Aldegundis l-27yc,
Alexander, martyr ^'-^f^l
Alesander I. Pope I-285f ■ f
exander. Patriarch of Alexan-
dria I -296b; Alexander the
Charcoal Burner I-29Dd: Al-
exis Falconi^ri I-307c I Alexius
I-307d; Alfnda I-310=. A"
wold I-310C; Alnoth I-331b,
Aloysius Gonzaga I-331d' A
phonsus Liguori I-3'34c, Al
phonsus Rodriguez I-341a,
Xlto I-367b; Alypius I-374d,
Amalberga 1:377b; Amandus
I-380b; Ambrose, Bishop ot
Milan I-3S3c; Ambrose of
Camaldoli I-3S8b; Ammon I-
430d;AmraI-440c; Anacletus.
Pone I^46d; Anastasia l-
453d; Anastasius, martyr 1-
455c; Anastasius I. .P°Pe l-
454d; Anastasius, Bishop ot
Antiich I-4.54C; Aiiastasius
Sinaita I-455b; Anatolia I-
457b- Anatolius, patriarch l
457c: Anatolius, Bishop of Lao-
dicea I-457b; Andrew, Apostle
I-471a; Andrew, „."nar|yr_„l-:
472a; Andrew Avellino I-472a,
Andrew Corsim 1-4'-?^ .•*°"
drew of Crete I-473a; Andrew
?he Scot I-474d; Angela Menc,
I^81d; Angilbert I-490b,
Anne I-538b; Anschar, Apos-
Ue of the North I-544d;An3e-
gisus I-545C; Anselm, Arch-
bishop of Canterbury I-546b,
SSm, Duke of Forum Julu
I-Tsi";' Anselm of Lucca I-
550c; Anthony, Father of the
Desert I-553d; Anthony of
Padua I-556a; Antoninus 1-
585d; Antonio Mana /^accaria
I-588a; Aphian, martyr i-
593b; Apotlinans, martyr 1-
616b Apollinaris, Bishop of
Valence I-616C; ApoUonia, vir-
in I-0I7b; Apollonius Clau-
iiua I-in7a; A^o3tl,eso_f._Krin I-
S AriardoT707b;AViiulfof
Met! l-752b; Arsemus I -754b,
Asaph I-766a; Athanasms.
Bishop of Alexandna II-3ob,
Attala II-60b; Attract* II-
62c; Augustine of Canterbury
II-81b; Augustine of H'ppo 11-
84b; Austrcbertha II-120d,
Austremomus 11-1213; Aus-
entius of Mopsuestia 11-1440;
Babylas II-17Sd; Baithen 11-
209b; Balbina II-216a; Bar-
bara II-284d; Barnabas, Apos-
tle II-300C; Bartholomew,
Apostle II-313d; Basilissa
V1II-556C; Basil of Amasea u-
329d; Basil the Great II-330c;
Bathilde II-348d; Beatrix,
martyr II -375b; Beatrice
d'Este II-375b; Bede II-384b;
Benedict II, Pope I-427b;
Benedict Biseop II-441C; Bene-
dict Joseph Labre l}-*^:?-'
Benedict of Amane 11-4°' "•
Benedict of Nursia ll-4b/c;
Benedict of San Philadelpho
II-472d; Benignus, son ot
Sesenen II-479c; Benignus of
Dijon II-479d; Benno II-lSlc;
Berach II-485b; Berard of Car-
bio Il-4S5c; Bercharms II-
486b; Bernard. Archbishop ot
Vienne I-496a; Bernardme ot
Siena II - 505b; Bernard of
Clairvaux II-498d; Bernard of
Menthon II-503b ; Bernard
Tolomeo II-504b;, Bernward
Bishop of Hildesheim II-513b,
Bertha. Abbess of Blangy II-
519b; Bertha, Abbess of \a
D'OrII-519a: Bertin II-522b,
Bertulf II-524b; Beunq U-
540a; Bibiana II-542d; Birinus
II-578a; Blaise lI-o92a; Blan-
dina II-594b: Blano II-594d;
Blathmac II-596c; Bonaven-
ture II-648d; Bomface, Apos-
tle of Germany II-656b; Bom-
face I. Pope II-658d; Botulph
II-709d; Braulio II-'44d.
Brendan II-758b; Bridget of
. Sweden II-782a; Bneuc II-
784a; Brigid II-784b; Brogan
II-795C; Bruno. Archbishop ot
Cologne III-13b; Bruno, Bish-
op of Segni III-14a; Bruno,
founder of Cartliusians III-
14b: Bruno of Querfurt lll-
18a: Burchard of Wirrzburg
III-64C; Ca;sariu3 of Aries 111-
135b; Cxsarius of Nazianzus
III-138b: Caius and Soter 111-
144c; Cajetan I."-l«a; Ca-
millus de Lellis in-2yia.
Canice III-250a; Canute III-
307c; Carthage (Machuda)IU-
384d; Casimir III-402a; Cath-
erine de Ricci I":^*?' Cath:
erine of Alexandria I" j«a
Catherine of Bologna IH^^ISa..
Catherine of Genoa 111-^*°°:
Catherine of Siena IIl-447a,
Catherine of Sweden III.-448<:;
Ceadda III-470c; Cecilia III-
I, Pope IIW77C; Ce lestrne y.
Pone III-479b: Ceolfrld III-
536b; Ceslau3lII-547a-X;har es
Borrimeo in-619a; Christo-
pher III-728d : ChrodegangI 1 1-
729d; Chromatins III-i30b.
Chrysanthus and Dana 111-
742a; Chrysogonus III-742d,
Clare of Assisi IV-4a: Clare of
Montefalco IV-6d; Clement I.
Pope IV-12d; Clement of Ire-
land IV-47d: Cletus, Pope IV-
54d;CoemgenIV-92d; Colman.
martyr IV-115c; Colman, Bish-
op of Kilmacduagh IV-114d,
C&lman, founder of MfVO IV-
115b; Colman Elo IV-llSc;
Colman M acCathbad IV-
115c: Colman Mac Senine IV-
115a; Colman of Dromore IV-
115b; Colman of Temple-
Bhambo IV-115a; Co umba,
martyr IV-135d; ,Columba,
Abbot of lona IV-136a Co-
lumbanus IV-137d: Columba
of Sens IV-135d; Columba of
Tcrryglass IV-135C; Comgal
IV-152d; Conall IV-lSUc,
Conan IV-189d; Conrad of
Piacenza IV-260C; Corbiman
IV-356a; Cosmas and Damian
IV-103d; Crispina . I.V-490d;
Crispin and Cri.spinian IV-
4')la: Cronan, Abbot of Ros-
crc'i IV-Sl.'ia: Cronan Mochua
lylsMd; Cuthbert lV-578b;
Cvprian, Bishop of Toulon IV-
5S2b; Cyprian and Justina IV -
5S3a; Cvprian of Carthage IV
583b; Cyril and Methodius IV-
592a; Cyril of Alexandria IV-
592d- Cyril of Constantinople
IV-595b; Cyril of Jerusalem
IV-595b; Cyrus and John IV-
597b; Damasus I, Pope IV-
613b; Daniel and Companions
IV-627b; Darerca IV-635b;
David IV-640d; Dfeicolus IV-
678d; Demetrius IV-706C;
Denis IV-721b: Desiderius of
Cahors IV-751a; Deusdedit
IV-760c; Diarmaid IV-7/5a:
Dichu IV-77SC; Didacus IV-
781b; Dinooth IV-798a: Dio-
nysius. Pope V-9d; Dionysius,
Bishop of Corinth V-lOb;
Dionysius of Alexandria , V -
lib; Disibod V-37c: Domimc
V-106a; Donnan, Abbot of Eig
V-131b; Donnan, son of Liath
V-131C; Donnan the Deacon
V-131C; Dorothea, martyr V-
135d; Dorothea of Montau V-
135d; Drostan V-161b; Du-
bric V-179b; Dunchadh V-
191a; Dunstan V-199b; Dymp-
na V-221C; Eata V-240d: Ed-
mund Rich V-294d; Edmund
the martyr V-295b; Edward
the Confessor V-322d; Edward
the martyr. King of England
V-323b; Edwin V-323d; Eg-
bert V-325a; Egwin V-329a;
Eimhin V-366c; Eithene V-
369b: Eithne V-369C; Eleu-
therius. Pope V-378c: Eleuthe-
rius, Bishop of Tournai \-
379c; Eligius V-386a; Elmed
V-386d; Elizabeth, mother of
John the Baptist V-387d;
Elizabeth of Hungary y-3S9b,
Elizabeth of Portugal y-391b;
Elizabeth of Schonau V-392a;
Elphege V-394b; Elz^ar of Sa-
bran V-397b;. Emerentiana
V^Olc: Emiliana XV--2bc,
Emmeram V^OSd; Engelbert
of Cologne V-429d; Eoghan,
Bishop V-480b: Eoghan of
Ardstraw VHlSOb; Eoghan of
CloncuUen V-480b; Eoghan of
Cranfield V-480c; Eoghan the
Sage V-480b; Ephraem V-
498a; Erconwald V-517a; |-r-
hard of Ratisbon V-518b; Er-
nan, son of Eogan Y-o23c. Er-
nan, Abbot of Hinba V-523d,
Ernan of Cluain Deoghra V-
524a; Ernan of Torach V-524a;
Ethelbert, King of East Anglia
V-553b; Ethelbert, King of
Kent V-553c; Ethelbert, Arch-
bishop of York V-5j)4a; Ethel-
dreda V-554C; Ethelhard V-
555a: Ethelwold V-55oc; Eu-
charius. Bishop of Trier V-
594c; Eucherius. Bishop ot
Lyons V-595a; E"ge°dus V-
.597d; Eugene I, Pope V-598b,
Eugenius, Presbyter V-615b,
Eugenius, Bishop of Vercelli
V-614b; Eugenius of Carthage
V-602d: Eulalia of Barcelona
V-603b; Eulogius of Alexandria
V-603d; Eulogius of C6rdova
Euphrosvne V-606d: Eusebius,
Pone V-615d; Eusebius, Bishop
of Bamosata V-614d: Eustace
V-626a; Eustachius and Com-
panions V-627b; E"|ta;hius
V-627c: Eustochium V-629a,
Euthymius the Great y-6.i0b:
Eutychianus, Pope V--638B,
Evaristus V-<i46b; Ewald the
Black V-672a; Ewald the Fair
V-672a; Exuperius V-'>'?'
Fabian, Pope V-742d; Fab.ola
V-743a; Faith, Hope and Char-
ity V-766b: Faustinus yi-19»:
Fclicitas (3rd cent. lY^^i.
Felicitas (4th cent.) VI-28a,
Felix I. Pope VI-29d; Felix III,
Pope VI-3Qd: Felix of Cantal-
ice VI-33a; Felix of Nola VI-
•V!c- Felix of Valois VI-33d;
Ferdinand III VI-42b: Fergus
vSm; Fiaco VI-66d; Fiacre
VI-67a; Fidolis of Sigmanngcn
VI-69b: Finan VI-75d; Fin-
barr VI-76b: Finnian of Mo-
ville VI-77C; Fintan V I-78a,
Flavian VI-98d; Florenuna
VI-114b; FoilUan VI-123c:
Francis Borgia VI-213d; Fran-
cis Caracciolo VI-21Sa: Fran-
cis de Sales VI-220a; Francis of
Assisi VI-221d; Francis of
Rome VI-205d; Francis So-
lanus VI-233a: Frideswide \ I-
303c: Fridolin VI-303d: 1-ruc-
tuosusof Braga VI-311a; I ruc-
tuosus of Tarragona Vl-.il ID;
Frumentius V-281d; Fulcran
VI-313b; Fulgentius VI-31oc;
Fursev VI-324d; Gal VI-33od;
Gall VI-346d; Galla VI-34Sb;
Gallicanus VI-365d: ^Garcia
VI-379b; Gatianus VI-392d:
Gaudentius VI-393c; Gelasius
I VI-406a; Genevieve V1--
413d; George VI-453d; Gerald
VI-464C; Gerard, Abbot of
Brogne VI-465d; VI-466a;
Gerard Majella VI-467d: (3er-
main. Bishop of Auxerre \ 1-
472d: Germain, Bishop of Paris
VI-i73c; Germaine Cousin v I-
474a; Germanus I VI-484a:
Gilbert of Semprmgham \ I-
557b: Gildas the Wise VI-
557d: Giles VI-559d; Goar \ I-
606b: Godeberta VI-623b;
Godelina VI-623d: Gondu^phus
of Berry VI-633d: Gondulphus
of Tongres VI-633b; Gondu -
phu, of Metz VI-H333b; Gordi-
anus and Epimachus VI-b49a;
Gorgonius VI-651c; Gottschalk
VI-681C; Gregory I, Pope VI-
780c: Gregory II, Pope \ 1-
787d: Gregory III, Pope VI-
7S9a; Gregory VII, Pope VI-
791c; Gregory of Nazianzus
Vll-lOd; Gregory of Neocffisa-
rea VII-15a; Gregory- of Nyssa
VII-16d; Gregory of Tours
VII-18d; Gregory of Ltrecht
VII-21b; Guthlac VII-92b;
Helena VII-202C; Helen of
Skofde VII-203d; Henry II
VII-227c; Herbert of Derwent-
water VII-250d; Hereswitha
VII-256a; Heribert VII-264b;
Hermas VII-26Sb: Hermengild
VII-276b; Hermes VII-2/6c;
Hilarion VII-347b; Hilarius
VII-348b: HUary ot Aries \ II-
349b; Hilary of Poitiers VII-
349c; Hilda VII-350b: Hilde-
gard VII-351b; Hippolytus of
Rome VII-360b; Honoratua
VII-451a; Honorius \ ll-4o2a;
Hormisdas VII-i70a; Hospi-
tius VII-tS9a; Hubert \TI-
507b: Hugh of Lmcoln (12th
cent.) VII-519d; Hugh of Lin-
coln (13th cent.) VII-515b;
Hugh the Great VII-524b.; Hy-
acinth VII-591C; Hyacintha
Mariscotti VII-591d: Hygmua,
Pope VII-593d: Ignatius Loj;-
ola VII-639b; Ignatius of AnU-
och VII-644b; Ignatius of Con-
stantinople Vll-«47b; Isidore
of SevUle VIIl-lMib; Isidore
the Labourer VIIl-189b; Ine
VII-789d: Ita VIII-201d; Ivo
of Chartres VIlI-257a; James
of Edessa VIII-278C; James
the Greater VIII-279b: James
the Less VIII-2S0d; Januarius
VIII-295a: Jeanne de Valois
VIII-327d; Jerome Vin-341a;
Joachim VIII-406b; John and
Paul VIII-443C; John Baptist
de la Salle VlII-444b; John
Baptist de Rossi VIII-449d;
John Berchmans \IIl-lo0b;
John Cantius VIII-»51c; John
Capistran VIII-452a; John
^Japistrau '^•*,^ rTi t U
Chrysostom VIII-4a2d: John Climacus VIII-457c; John Damascene . \ Illri^Ob; John Francis RfRis \ Hl^Mb; John Joseph of the Cross \1 -4 *«• Tnhn Neponul'i'lic- \ 111-46/8 John of B.-v.Tlev VUl 469d. In "f G.-l Vlll-lTJd; John of S-.lu.cim VlU-17Sa;.lohnof ?u.Cn..s VIll lMla;.l.>lmtho Aln.sj;iviTVlll-4SC.b;.I..hnthe BaptLst VIIl-4S6d; John the Evangelist VIll-«92a; John the Silent VIII-J9:)a: Josaphat KunccvyS VIII-503d: Joseph Vni-.504c; Joseph Calasano- tius Vni-51Sd; Joseph of Cupertino VI1I-5-20C: Joseph of Leonessa VII -521b Jovta VI-19a: Julian VIU-ooOC; Jul-
^— ^licates titles of articles; other types, topics U^^d: (Ul.) = Ulustrations.