Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/399

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Heas, Michael, missionary XIV-


Heat V-422d; XII-66a: alcoholic I-275b; Amontons XII-60d; Despretz IV-755C; Fizeau VI- 88c; as fluid XII-67a; Fourier XII-64b; and friction XII-07a; Kelvin V-426a; Mariotte IX- 071b: from motion XII-67a; radiant, Desains IV-744a

Heath, in Bible XII-154a

—John VII-169C


—Nicholas, martyr V-477d

—NICHOLAS, Archbishop of

York VII-169d: V-47Sc; XV-

734c; schism XV-7(>4a; 704b

— Richard, Bishop of Rochester

XI1I-102C —William, martyr V^78b Heathfield, brittle (633) XI-349a Heathobert, Bishop of London

IX-3t7c Heathulac, Bishop of Elmham

XI-121d Heathured, Bishop of Lindisfarne

V-211C; IX-269C — nisiiop of Worcester XV-704a Heave, in Peace Sacrifice XIII-

314d HEAVEN VII-170a; Abraham's Bosom I-56b; in Archontio teaching I-697b; beatific vision VII-171d;beatitude, accidental VII-174b;beatitude, attributes of VII-174d; beatitude, essen- tial VII-174a; the Blessed VII- 173d; in Buddhism III-30b; 31a; character VII - 171d; in Chinese philosophy III- 667c; Christ's Sacrifice in XIII-316C; eternity of VII- 173c; existence VII-170d; first, in Aristotelean cosmogony I- 716b; 716c; Gnostic II-327b; 328a; IV-708b; God XII-397a; happiness of, 'Thomistic teach- ing XIV-700b; in Indian myth- ology X-373c; VII-572C; king- dom of Theocracy XIV-568d; Mcchtild of Magdeburg X- 107b; Mohammedan X-426C; as mystery VIl-173b; name Vn-170b; paradise XIV-519C; 520a; Plato on V-531a; pre- destination XII-378d; religion XII~739b; Rosminian teaching VII-173a; in Simonian doc- trine XIII-797a; Swedenbor- gian teaching XlV-356a; Theo- sophic teaching XlV-628a; Thomistic teaching VII-172b; worship of, in Confucianism lV-227b; Zoroastrian II-156b; X-502b —Son of, and Taoism XII-410b —Temple of, Peking III-667d;

(ill.) lll-670a Heavens, in astrologj' Il-20d: seven, in Ascension of Isaias I-


Hebal, Mount VI-430a; 440b;

Xl-650d; altar l-360b; law

established Xl-650d Hebbel, Friedrich, dramatist VI-

527c Hebbel;nk, Adolf, Orientalist

IX-397b Hebd., abbr. I-24C Hebdomad, in Gnosticism II-

32Sa; VI-593a Hebdomada authentica, in Am-

brosian Rite I-39Sb — expectationis, in Latin Church

Xl-517a -major. See Holy Week Hebdomadarian, in Cathedral

Chapter IIl-255a; monastic 1-

l.'ia: XI-lS4a Hebdomadarii XIV-324C Hebdomada sancta. See Holy

Week Hebdomadal Council, Oxford XI-


Hebdomas Passionis XI-535c Beber, Cinitc. See Haber -leader of Milesians VIII-99a — patriarch, chronologj' III-

732d; in genealogy of Christ

VI-4IOd Hubert, martyr V-597a —Bishop of Agen I-209C —Ernest, painter XI-402a — Jacques-Ren6, revolutionist



— Philippe, sculptor IX - 584d; Bourget's monument II-722a; Frontenac's statue (ill.) VI-SIO

H^bertistes, and Anarchism I- 4o2b

Hebra, Ferdinand, physician X- 137a; XIII~712b; dermatology X-140d; XIV-3,5c

HEBREW BIBLE VII-175a; 316c; MSS. IX-627C; Psalms XII-534a; version of XV- S16d

—Gospel I-C08b; V-243d; VI- 656d; IX-323a; Agrapha in I- 220c; in Egypt V-351a; reli- ability VI-657d

-LANGUAGE AND LITERA- TURE VII-170a; alphabet I- 598d; V-499d; VII-176C; and Aramaic VII-179a; Egyptian influence Vn-178c; Grammari- ans VII-181a; history VII- 177d; Massoretes VII-179C; X-35d

— Language VIII-536a; disuse XIV-454d; Jewish use VIII- 403b; in Latin, liturgical XIII- 70a; liturgical use XIII-68d; in Mishna text XIV-437d; Ni- ger's works XI-73C; root words VII-X77b: in Samaria XIII- 417a; in Old Testament XIV- 626c; verb VII-177C; Versions of the Bible XV-369c; vocab- ulary VII-177b; vowels VII- 176d; writing VII-176b; writ- ten and spoken V-247a

— Literature: Avicebron II-156d; Habacuc, Book of yil-99a; Jeremias, Lamentations of VIII-338b; Jeremias, Proph- ecies of VIII-337b; Jubilees, Book of VIII-535C; Marian prophecy XV-464Ba; Paralel- lism VII-lSOc; poetry, metre III-304b; XII-541b; Talmud XIV-435d; Old Testament XII-174d; XIV-526a

— Fagii XIV-750d

— Londinii XIV-750d

— Munsteri XIV-751a

— Names. See Names, Hebrew

HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE VII-lSlc; Altar, word for I- 362b; anchor in I-462a; canon- icitv III -276a; Xni-63Sa; 638c; Christology VII-181d; criticism IV-496b; doctrinal contents Vn-181d; Godeau's paraphrase IVI-623a; impor- tance VII-183d; language VII- 182b; Lutherans reject III- 279a; Melchisedech in I-53a: Origen's opinion IV-492b; Re- formers III-278d; style VII- 182b; Old Testament types XIII-316b

— See Israelites; Jews and Juda- ism VII-181C

Hebrides XIII-616c; ecclesias- tical organization I-706C; Laz- arists in X-361C

HEBRON VII-184a; Abel I-36b; Abraham I-51a; Biblical epoch VII-184a;ChristianepochVlI- 184d; Edomites VII-638C; Eliz- abeth XV-464Gc; enclosure, sacred VII-18.5d; and flight into Egypt XV^65c; (ill.) VII-184; 186; Jacob VIII- 261a; Josue VIII-524d; King- dom I-434b; mosque VII- 185d; population VIII-545C; refuge, city of XII-712a

Hebrona VI-440b

Hecate, doitv XI-199b; temple, Gaza VI-401b

Hecateus, hi.storian XI-303d; on Abraham I-53b; on Zorobabel's Temple, Jerusalem XIV-502b

Hecatommithi. See Ecatommiti

Hecdicus, Saint, Bishop of Vienne Vn-27c

Heceta, Spanish explorer XI- 290b

Heck, Barbara, and Embury X- 239c; in Montreal X-240a

Hecke, Joseph Van, Bollandist II-037C

Heckenstaller, Vicar Apostolic of

Frcising X-fi;i2b Hecker, Friedrich VI-47flb —George XI-09:ib —ISAAC THOMAS Vll-lSfib; Americanism XlV-537c; Cath- olic Publication Society founded

XI -28b: "Catholic World", founded XI-695d; and Deshon IV-7S0d; and Hewit VII-309d; missions II-213C; Paul is t Fathers X-36Sd ; portrait VII- 187d; reading circle organized XIV-334C

— JohnVII-186b

Heckington, abbey VI-675b

Hector, Bishop of Cartagena III- 3S4c

Hedda, Bishop of the West Sax- ons, death I-280C; and Guthlac VII-92b

Heddo, Abbot of Corbie XI-518a

— Bishop of Strasburg XIV- 313b; archidiaconates intro- duced I-693d; at Sintleosesau XII-723b

Heddon (Heddonem), William. See Houghton, William

Hedersleben, convent VI-533C

Hedge, Frederick Henry, Trans- cendentalist XV-lSc

Hedgehog, in Bible I-522h

Hedge-School, Irish VIII-106b; XIII-576C; methods VIII- 110a

Hedilo, Bishop of Tournai V- 379d

Hedin, Sven, in Tibet XIV-719d; 720b

Hedio, Kaspar XIV-314a; Chron- icon Urspergense VIII-691a: Josephus translation VIII- 523b

Hedley, John Cuthbert, Bishop of Newport II-463a; XI-lSc XV-537a; at Ampleforth I- 439c; and "Dublin Review" XI-673d; XV-597b; on Man- ning IX-607d; St. Teilo's So- ciety XV-536d; on Wearn- mouth Abbey XV-572C

HEDONISM VII-187d; XII- 2Sd; Aristippus of Cyrene V- 558b; Bentham V-328b; char- acter study III-586b; Cvrennic School IV-591b; and duty V- 216d; Epicureans, and ethical good VI-638C; and eudemo- nism VII-132b; and the good VI-637C; Greek VI-641b; and the highest good Vl7640d; and individualism, ethical VII- 701c; Valla's wrilinss XV- 257d;thp Will XV-02.5a

HEDWIG, SAINT VII - 189a; II-701d; IV-20b; Xin-79nd; XV-29c; churches, U. S. XI- 565b

—Saint, Sisters of VII-lS9d

— daughter of St. Matilda X-

— Queen of Poland IV-465c; IX- 292d; XII-184b; XIII-24.5b; 2.5.5b; XV-432a. Sec Hadewijc

Heeb, Anton V-lSOd

Heenan, Dennis, Colonel, in Civil War VIII-140b

HEENEY, CORNELIUS Vll- 190a; II-SOOc; benefactions II- 799d; Vin-143b; and Mc- Closkey II-800d

Heer, Oswald, palceontologist II- 575b

Heerbrand, Jakob, and Blys,sen II-604C; and Gregory of Va- lencia VII-22b; and Scherer XIII-.527d: at Tubingen Uni- v.Tsitv XV-s3b


HEESWIJK VII-190C; 395b; XII-31toc: .391b

HEFELE, KARL JOSEPH VON VIl-191b; V-94d; VII-378a; XlII-20Sb; on St. Bonaven- ture II-651a; as editor XI- 678a; on Honorius I IV-SlOc; Vll-455d; on Ignatian letters VII-646b; on infallibility XI- 235b; on marriage, clerical III- 486a; on Origen IV-309d; Sar- dica. Council of XIII-47.3a; on Schism, Western XIlI-541b; on Torquemada XIV-783c; at Vatican Council XV-305b; 300d

Heffron, Bishop of Winona XV- 6.59a

Hegar, Alfred, scientist VI-269c; on abortion I-50a


Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Vn-192b; on the Absolute I- 60c; on Christ's humanity XlV-OOOb; religion, natural XV-344C

HEGELIANISM VII-192b; ab- solute mind Vn-193d: and an- archism I— 153c; art, theory of VII-193d; being yil-193a; X- 233b; and Biblical criticism IV-493d; causality III^63d; 465d; condition, theory of IV- 212a: on creation IV-471C; de- ductionism XII-30b; develop- ment of doctrine Vll-192d; dialectic IV-772a; on evil V- 652b; Giinther's refutation VII-85d: history, philosophy of VII-193b: idealism I-176c; VII-635a: XII-29b: ideas VII- 632d; immanence VII-683c: influence VII-194a: Kant VIII-606b: logic, definition of IX-324b: and materialism X- 43a: metaphysics X-232b; mind, philosophy of XII-193b: and miracles X-340b; monism X-483b; 485b; nature, philoso- phy of VII-193b; optimism XI- 263b; pantheism XI-448a; 449b; XII-32d; philosophy, di- vision of VII-193a; and psychol- ogy XII -547a; rationalism XI 1-6 53a; relativism XII- 732a; religion VII-193d; X- 718b; XII-740a; school VII- 194a; spiritualism XII-28d; state, theory of the VII-193C; theological methods VII-194b; transcendentalism X V - 1 8 b ; truth, theory of XV-75C

Hegelo, Bi.sho'p of Toul IX-363C

Hegemonius, writer IX-596C

Hegesias the Cyrenaic V-650b

HEGESIPPUS, SAINT VII-194C; Vl-OOlb; XIII-797a; on Ebion- ites XIII-533a; on hierarchy, early VII-340b: on Hosanna VII^73a; Pastoral Epistles XIV-731b: 733b: popes, list of IV-13d: XII-272C; m Rome I-5I4C: on Virgin Mary's virginity XV-460b


Hegira, Era of the III-740C; X- 424b; 428a; dating system IV- 637d

HEGIUS, ALEXANDER VII- 19od; 541a; XV~60.3a: on Agri- cola I-231C; and Gratius VI- 731a

H e g r a , Nabatean inscriptions XIII-710C

Hegumenos (Hegumenoi) mo- nastic I-16a; VI~741d: 761b; VII-336d; 337c; X-468d; 471b

Heh, deity IV-407b; IV-407d

Hehet, deity lV-407b

Heiberg, Louis, writer IV-731a; 731b

Heidegger, Johann Heinrich, Biblical commentator VIII- 80c

Heidelberg, Germany, caatle, XI- 410a; castle (ill.) Vl-facing 492; convention (1518) III- 20a; V-35a: Luther II-195a: VII-196d; Palatmate Library I-317d; Vll-6a; 197c; XV- 291c; 290c: Reformation VII- 197a: Sodalitas Litterarum Rhenana III-492d; Tilly cap- tures XIV-725a

—Catechism V-703a; VII-197b: communion of saints IV-173d: Frederick III III-20.3d

—UNIVERSITY VII-196a: XI- 415d; XIIl-600a; Benedictine college IX-131d; Charles Fred- erick XI-416C: Frederick the Victorious XI-415d: (ill.) VII- 196; Matthew of Cracow X- 65d; Salem library XIII-396b; Sambuga XIII-420d; Sapien- tia college VII-I97b

—University, Tiffin, Ohio XII- 7nb

Heidelberger Jahrblicher, peri- odical VI-053a

Heidenhain, Rudolf, physician X- 139c

Heidenheim, monastery V-364b; 30.5d

Heidenreich, Bishop of Culm IV-

56flb Heidenstein, historian XII-197a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabio, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.