Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/400

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Heifer, Red. See Red Heifer

Heigerlein, Bishop of Vienna. See Faber, Johann, theologian

Heigham, Anne. See Line, Mrs. Anne

William IX-270c

Heiland. See Heliand

Heilbron, assembly (1633) XIV-654c

Peter, priest XII-121c

Heilbrunner, Jacob VIII-614a

Heileton, in Greek rite I-359d; 563d

Heilewide IX-160c

Heilga, Saint. See Thecla

Heiligblut, church, Bavaria X-633d

Heilige Berg, Der XVI-3b

Kummernis, legend IX-105a

Heiligelinde, shrine V-523b

HEILIGENKREUZ (SANCTA CRUX) II-123a; VII-198c; IX-247c; X-149a; XV-420b

Heiligenstadt, abbey, Thuringia XIV-713a

Heiligensippe, painting XI-399d

Heiliggeistkirche, Heidelberg VII-196b

Heiligkreuz, Divine Word, Society of V-54c; XII-231c; 458b

—monastery VII-129b

Heilmann, Andreas VII-90c

'Heilsberg, See of V-522c; synod (1565) VII-474c



Heilwig, Countess of Kiburg XIII-218b

of Schauenburg XI-237d

Heim, Albert, geologist XV-707b

FRANÇOIS JOSEPH VII-199c; dictionary V-4117c

Georg XVI-22d

Heimann, Theodore, priest IX-103a

Heimarmene, in Gnosticism VI-596b

Heimbuch of Langenstein (of Hesse), Heinrich XII-32b

Heimburg, Gregory von, humanist VI 199c; and Pius II XII-127d

Heimdal, in Scandinavian mythology I-775b

Heimes, Valentine V-409d

Heimin, Japanese citizens VIII-297b

Heimo, Bishop of Breslau II-761b

of Verdun XI-126b

Heine, Heinrich, poet VI-526c; and Liszt IX-285d

'Heiner, Franz, journalist XI-680a

Heinicke, Samuel, deaf, education of V-317b; 317c; and l'Epée V-318b

Heino, Bishop of Verdun IX-363c

Heinrich. See Henry (except as below)

John Baptist, theologian IV-242d; XIV-596b; and Hirscher VII-364d; and Moufang X-603b

Heinrichau Abbey VII-189b; IX-204b; XIII-791a





VON MELK VII-200d; VI-518a

—'von Morungen, minnesinger VI 519a

VON VELDEKE VII-201a; VI-518c; 519a; XV-327b; and Hermann I VII-266a

Heinroth, psychiatrist XI-542d

Heinsberg, Philipp von, Archbishop of Cologne VI-254d; XV-212b

'Heintz, Joseph, Prefect Apostolic XVI-68d

HEINZ, JOSEPH, painter VII-201b

Heir, by prescription XII-395c; in Roman Law IX-83a

Heirich, disciple of Eriugena. See Eric

Heirman, martyr III-671c; IX-748b

Heirmos, Greek Office IV-319b

HEIS, EDUARD VII-201d; portrait VII-202

Heiss, Michael, Archbishop of Milwaukee V-366b: VI-181a: XIII-115c; Bennett Law XV-663d; founds congregation VI-482d; at La Crosse VIII-735c

Heister, Lorenz, anatomist X-132d; 135a; 135d


Heitfeld, Henry, Senator VII-629d

Heitsi-Eibib VII-498b

Hêkāl, in Temple XIV-499a; 500b; 503a

Hel, deity VII-207a

Helal, astronomy. See Lucifer

Helam, town VI-440b

Francis, confessor VIII-167a

Hélan, Saint XII-729b

Helba. See Ahalab

Helbon VI-440b

Helbron, Peter, Capuchin VI-478b

Helbûn (Helbon) VI-440b

Helcath. See Halcath

Helcel, historian XII-200b

Helchias, father of Nehemias X-738a

Helcias, high-priest VIII-523c

Helding, Michael. See Sidonius

Heled X-676c

Helen, artist X-585b

Blessed, foundress IX-750c

—Queen of Adiabene. See Saddan

Eberhard, Jesuit VI-478a

HELENA, SAINT VII-202c; III-107d; 108a; IV-295d; and St. Agricius I-230d; altars, golden I-346c

Churches: Australia XI-566a; Canada XI-565d; England XI-563b; United States XI-565a

—and Constantine IV-300b; Cross, finding of IV-523b; VI-644b; VII-125c: gallery, St. Peter's XIII-373c; Holy Coat of Christ VII-400d; and Holy Sepulchre, Order of IV-669a; (ills.) III-97a; VII-203; at Jerusalem XII-92a; marriage IV-297b; mausoleum III-515a; Nails, Holy X-672c; Nativity, Grotto of IV-489a; Olivet basilica I-767a: S. Croce in Gerusalemme XIII-169d; sarcophagus, Vatican Museum XV-281d; Scala Sancta XIII-505c; shrine, Hautvilliers XII-730a; shrine, Jerusalem VIII-357a; statue XIII-372a; Trier, cathedral XV-42c; Troyes, veneration XV-68b

—in Simonianism VI-594d; XIII-797a; 798a

—wife of Julian the Apostate VIII-558d

—Queen of Bosnia II-696b

—Queen of Croatia VIII-737a

—Queen of Servia XIII-732d

DIOCESE OF VII-203c; X-519a; charitable institutions XII-247b; Italians VIII-206b; Louvain college I-425a; Polish population (1907) XII-211b; statistics XV-176d —Fire (St. Elmo's fire) XI-768b

of Mecklenburg, Princess III-728c

-of Udina, Saint IX-129b


HELENOPOLIS, Bithynia Prinia VII-203b; 204b

—Lydia VII-204c

—in Palestina Secunda VII-204b

Helenopontus, ecclesiastical province I-789a

Helenus, Saint, Bishop of Cambysopolis 111-216b

of Tarsus I-569c; XIV-461c; at Antioch VI-80b

Heleph VI-440b

Helfenstein, Count von XI-598c

Gebhard von, Archbishop of Salzburg I-145c

Helferstorfer, Abbot XIII-597b

Helfta, monastery VI-533c: 534b

Helgason, Einar, poet VII-618b

Helge II, Bishop of Oslo XVI-65c

Helgensen, Povl. See Heliae, Paul

HELI, high-priest VII-204c; XI-659d; and Anna I-530c; and Tiglath-Pileser III-12b

HELI, father of Joseph VII-204d; in genealogy of Christ VI-410c; VIII-504d; XV-464Ec

Heliades, Bishop of Zeugua XV-757c

HELIAE, PAUL VII-205a; XVI-1b: 72a; at Copenhagen University IV-352b

HELIAND VII-205c; III-132b; VI-517c; VII-128c; facsimile fragment VII-205

Helias, legend IX-125a

de Assisio. See Elias of Cortona

Helicora (Nicæa) XI-43d

Hélier, Saint IV-156b

Heligoland VI-514c

HELINAND VII-206b; and Gesta Romanorum VI-539d; on Grail, Holy VI-719b

of Perseigne VII-206c

Helintrude, nun XV-227d

Heliocentric System XII-47c; XIII-607a; XV-184b; Copernicus IV-352c; VI-151c; XII-54a; Galileo VI-344b; Egyptian II-19d

Heliodorus, Bishop of Pinara XII-191b

Saint, Bishop of Sion XIV-15a

—Treasurer of Syria VIII-387b; in art, Raphael XII-644c; XV-285d; and Onias III XI-254a; and Seleucus IV, Philometor IX-497b; XIII-690c

—Bishop of Tricca XV-40c

Heliodromos in Mithraism X-403d

HELIOGABALUS, Emperor VII-206c; V-402c; and Alexander Severus XIII-743a; architectural period, Rome XIII-176c; (ill.) VII-206b; Marius Maximus' biography IX-672b: syncretism, religious XIV-383c

Heliographic Engraving and Printing Company V-327b

Hélion, Grand Master of Knights of St. John XIII-192b

Heliopolis, Egypt, sanctuary VIII-507b

Syria. See Baalbeh Helios, in Egyptian mythology gianism XIV-356a; Theosophy XIV-62Sa; VII- terms for 207b; Universalism VII-208d; Valentinian VII-208d; Zoro- astrian II-156b MAXIMILIAN VII-211d; at Vienna Observatory XV-45a Helladici (Helladians) II-45a Helladicus, Bishop of Tripolis XV-60d XIV- Helladius, grammarian 118d V-334c Helioscope III-409a: XIII-526a Heliospectroscope XIII-670a Helisachar, Abbot of St. Maximin XII-788a Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) -Bishop of Auxerre XIII-718a -Bishop of Cæsarea VII-17c -Bishop of Panemotichus XI- 441d - Helium, in alchemy I-273a; in minerals XV-706c; solar con- stituent II-28d Helium-stars XV-186d Helkesaites. See Elcesaites HELL VII-207a; abyss I-75b; I-26Sa; Albigensian theory I-379d; Amalrician theory Arnobius, theory VII-208d; in art, medieval I-516c; Athana- sian Creed VII-20Sb; Calvin XII-378b; descent into I-631c; 632a; dogmatic theology XIV- 587d: Emery V-102b; Eriugena VII-208d: eternity of VII- 20sd; 209c; existence of VII- 208a; fire of VII-210d; Flor- ence, Council of VII-208b; Ge- George, henna VIII-345b; Bishop of the Arabians, writ- ings of X-494a; Gnostic IV- 708b; God, presence of XII- 397a; in Henoch, Book of I- 603a; in Hinduism II-731c; Hirscher on VII-208d; and judgment, particular VIII- 551b; Kabbalist VIII-590d; limbo as VII-207b; location VII-207c: Mechtild of Magde- burg on X-107a; Mivart VII- 211c; Mohammedanism X- 426c; name VII-207a; Norse mythology VII-207a; pains of VII-2104: 211b: patristic teaching VII-208a; 209a; Plato V-531a: prayer in XII-346b; prayer for delivery from IV- 656b; predestination XII-37%d; of XII- religion, absence painting 739b; Schadow's XIII-519a; Schell VII-208d; Scotus XIII-611c; Seleucians XIII-689a: Socinianism VII- 208d; XIV-114b; Swedenbor- -Bishop of Ptolemais (Saint- Jean d'Acre) XII-553b -Bishop of Tarsus XIV-461c -Archbishop of Toledo VII- 649c; and Eugenius I V-602b Hellas VI-736c; 738d; St. An- drew's apostolate I-171c Hellebrand. See Gregory VII, among Saint, Pope (Greeks) VI-736c; Hellenes Thessaly VI-736d Hellenism, Arameans XIII-708c; Byzantine thought III-113c; 120a; and Christian- ity III-714d; Epiphanius XIII- 394a; Jewish I-273d; Logos in IX-329a; spread of VI-735b Hellenophones, in Alexandria I- 300a Helleputte, Belgian minister XI- 671c Heller, coin XI-1555d -Jom Tob Lippman XIV-437d -Servác, writer IV-600c Helles, in Albania I-255a Hellespont, ecclesiastical prov- ince 1-789a; Sibyls of XIII- 770a on Hellesthaios. See Kalib Hellincx, Catherine XI-321a HELLO, ERNEST XVI-44b; and Ruysbroeck XIII-281c; verse XII-175a Helluland 1-117b; discovery I- 418a; location I-419a; in ro- mance I-118d Helmadan, in genealogy of Christ VI-110c Helmer, Gilbert, Abbot of Tepl XIV-514b Helmershausen, monastery X- 221b 89- Helmes, Thomas. See Tunstall, Thomas, Venerahle XV-92a Helmets, heraldic VII-247c Helmholtz, Hermann von, scien- tist V-4123a; VII-198b; thetical methods of I-176b; analytico-synthetic method XII-30c; chemical research X- 139b; on energy, conservation of V-124b; life, theory of II- 571b; medical research X-137a; and Müller II-575c; X-628b; ophthalmological investigation X-141b; as physicist XII-67b Helmling, Michael, Abbot of Weissenau XV-578a HELMOLD VII-212b; geograph- ical research VI-448a Helmondeblathaim. See Debla- thaim HELMONT, JAN BAPTISTA VAN VII-212c; Il-573c; X- 131d Helmpraecht, Redemptorist XII- 686d Helmstan, Bishop of Winchester XIV-357d; XV-650b Helmstedt, monastery III-19b; 19c; XV-589b: parish II1-20a; University XIV-384a Helmuin, Bishop of Autun II- 144c Heloise, Abbess 1-37c; and Abe- lard 1-37b; and tomb XV-67d; Peter the Venerable XIII-720b Helon (near Jerusalem). See Aia- lon (Juda). See Holon Helori, lord of Kermartin VIII- 25tic See Helots, in Sparta IV-179d Helpeda. See Helfta Helpers, Seven Apostolic. Seven Dencons -OF THE HOLY SOULS, SO- CIETY OF THE VII-213a of the Immaculate Conception XI-190c illustrations.