94b: Fleury Vl-lOSd; Flodoard
Vl-lOoa; Florence of Worces-
ter VI-114a; Florez VI-114c;
Fredegarius VI-2old; Froia-
sart Vl-aOSc; von Funk VI-
322d; Galletti VI-350b; Gams
VI-3(6d: Garcilasso de la Vega
VI-382b; Garneau VI-3S6a;
Garnicr VI-388d; Gayarr« VI-
399c; Geoffrey of Monmouth
VI-428a; George Hamartolus
VI— i5od; Georgius Sjiicellua
VI-463d; Gervase of Canter-
bury VI-536b; Gfrorer VI-
&42a; Giannone VI-54Sb; Gil-
bert VI-554C: Giraldua Cam-
brensia VI-568d; Glaber VI-
574d; Gobelinua VI-607c; G6-
mara VI-632b; Gorrea VI-
652b; Grandidier VI-725b;
Greith VII-25d; Griffin XVI-
42d; Guicciardini VII-64b:
Guzmin VII-94a; Habington
VII-99C; Hagen VII-105d;
Hansiz Vn-130b; Hanthaler
VII-130d; Hardouin VII-133d;
Hardvng VII-136b; Hasak
VIl-i47b: Hassard VII-148d;
Haur^au VII-150d; Hauteserre
VII-131d; von Hefele VII-
191b; Helmold VII-212b; Hen-
rion VII-219C; Henry of Hun-
tington VII-235d; Henry of
Rebdorf VII-237d; Hcrgen-
rother VII-262b; Heriger of
Lobbea VII-264d; Hermann
Contractus VII-26Ga; Her-
mann of Altach VII-26ra;
Herrera y Tordesillas VII-
296a; Herrgott VII-29r>c; Hig-
den VII-34Gb; von Hoficr VII-
382c; Hohenbaum van der
Meer VII-384b; Hubcr VII-
506d; Hueber VII-ol2b; Huf-
fer VII-514d; Hugh of FlavHg-
ny VII-519b; von Hurter VII-
o83c; Hydatius of Lemica VII-
592b; Infessura VIII-2b; Ixtli-
Ixochitl VIII-2o8c; Jacques de
Vitry VIII-266b; Janssen VIII-
284d; John Malalas VIII-466C;
John of Biclaro VIII-i70b;
John of Ephesus VIIH70d;
John of Nikitt VIII-475a; John
of Salisburj' VIII-478c; John
of Viclring VIII-4Sld; John
of Winterthur Vin-4S2a; John
the Deacon Vlll-igib: de
Joinville VIIH95b; Jordania
Vlll-SOId: Jorg VIII-502b;
Joaephus VIII-522b; Jouvancy
VIII -527d; Jovius, Paulus
VIII-530C; Kalinka VIII-593C;
Kerssenbroch VIII-62Sc; Ker-
wn de Lettenhove VIII-629b;
Klopp VIII-668C; Knighton
VIII-670C; Kobler VIII-6S5c;
Konigshofcn VIII-689b; Kon-
rad of Lichtenau VIII-690d;
Kraus VIII-699a; Kromer
VIII -702b; Ladcrchi VIII-
736d; Lafuente v Zamalloa
VIII-740d; Lambeck VIII-
756d; Lambert of Hersfeld
VIII-7oSa; Lambert of St.
Berlin VIII-758d; Latera IX-
13b; Laverdiire IX-50a; Le
Blant IX-105d: Lecoy de La
Marche IX-109c; I-co Diac-
onus IX-174C; Le Quien IX-
187d: Lescarbot IX-I90b; Lin-
demann IX-268c; Lingard IX-
270d; Liutprand of Cremona
IX-313C; Lucie IX-409d; Lu-
pus IX-436d: Lutolf IX-463C;
Lynch IX-471b; Machiavelli
IX-.Wlb: Magnus IX-536d;
Maimbourg IX-540a; Mama-
chi IX-578a; Mann IX-fi03d;
Marcellinus Comes IX-639C;
Marianus of Florence IX-fi62a;
Marianus Scotus IX-662b;
Mariua Aventicus IX-671d;
Marius Maiimus IX-672a;
Martini IX-721a: Martin of
Troppau IX-733d; Matthias
of Neuburg X-67d; Mcchtcl
105b; Meehan X-14Sd; Mi-
chaud X-277b; Middendorp
X-2S5b; Mira^us X-351c;
Mittarclli X^06d; Mon-
cada X-^76c; Mone X-478c;
Monstrclet X-511a; Montor
X - 544d; Morales X - 556«:
Moses of Chorene X-598a;
Mucbar X-625b; Muhlbacher
X-C2oc; Muntj X-640C; Mu-
ratori X-C41b; Nardi X-703c;
Neher X-739d; Neugart X-
765a; Nithard XI-S5b; Nuyena
XI-172a; O'Braein XI-193a;
O'Callaghan XI-194C; O'Conor
XI-203b; O'Daly XI-205d;
O'Donovan XI-210d; O'Dugan
XI-212C; Oldoini XI-239d;
Olivier de la Marche XI-246b;
Orderieus Vitalis XI-278d;
O'Keilly XI-293C; Orosius XI-
322a; Orsi XI-325a; Ostiensis
XI-347a; O'Sullivan Beare
XI-348b; Otto of Freising XI-
358d; Otto of St. Blaaien XI-
360a; Pagi, Antoine XI-394C;
Pagi, Franpoia XI-394C; Palla-
dius XI-42SC; Papini XI-
459d; Paris XI-199a; Parkin-
son XI-504b; Paruta XI-5I0c;
Paulus Diaconus XI-591C;
Petit-Didier XI-776c; Pez XI-
785c; Pistorius XII-118b; Pla-
tina Xn-15Sb; Poggio Brac-
ciolini XII-177d: Porter XII-
2S5c; Pray XII-345a; Pro-
copius of Csesarea XII-450a:
Quirini XII-614d; Rader XII-
631b: Radulph of Rivo XII-
632d; Ram XII-636d; von
Reumont XII-798C; Reusens
XII-799a; Ribas XIII-3ac;
Richard of Cirencester XIII-
44d: Riflel XIII-54d; Rishton
XIII-63d; Ritter XIII-88c;
Robertson XIII-99a; Roger of
Hoveden XIII-116c; Roger of
Wendover XIII-116d; Rohr-
203d: Rudolf of Fulda XIII-
218a; Ruinart XIII-223a; Sa-
gard XIII-324d; Salimbene
degli AdamiXIII-400d; Sander
XIII-435C; Sarpi XIII-477c;
Saxo Grammaticus Xni-497a;
Schannat Xlll-523c; Schedel
XIII-525a; SchoUiner XIII-
552b; Shea XIII-753b; Sige-
bert of Gembloux XIII-783d;
Simeon of Durham XIII-794d;
Snorri Sturluson XIV-60d;
Socrates XIV-118d; Sozomen
XIV-165C; Stevenson XIV-
293a; Sugar XIV-326a: Talon
XIV-439a; Tassin XIV-463b;
Thangmar XIV-5.54C; Thegan
of Treves XIV-565d; Theiner
XIV-565d; Theodoras Lector
XIV-577b; Theophanes XIV-
623a; de Thou XIV-706C;
Thugut XIV-710b: Tillemont
XIV-724b; Tortell XIV-779b;
Tosti XIV-7SSC: Toumon XV-
Ic; Trivet XV-63b; Troke-
lowe XV-63d; Ughelli XV-
119b: Ulrich of Richenthal
XV-124b; Vergil, Polydore
XV-353C: Verreau XV-364b;
Vertot XV-378a; Victor Vi-
tcnsis XV-41.ia; Villani XV-
429b; Vogu« XV-.501C: Vrie
XV-515b;Av.adaini: XV-.i21d;
Wallon XV-.i:iOc; W.il.incl.am
XV-542c: Weber XV-.574b;
Westminster XV-597d: White,
Charles Ignjitius XV-611c;
White, Stephen XV-612d;
Widukind of Corvey XV-618b;
William of JumiSges XV-G33b;
William of Malmesbury XV-
633d; William of Nangis XV-
634c; William of Newburg
XV-634d: William of Poitiers
XV-637b: William of T\Te
XV-639b: Wipo XV-660b;
Wouters XV-715b; Wvntoun
XV-724a; Ziegelbauer .XV-
75Sa; Zonaras XV-764a; Zosi-
mus XV-765b
HISTORY, Ciril: Aetius I-177c;
Alabama I-240C ; Alaska I-246C ;
Albania I-253b: Albuquerque
I-270C; Aldfritb I-280a; Al-
fred the Great I-309C: Alva
I-371a; d'Amboise I-3S2d:
America I-412c; 416c; Andalu-
sia I-46.5C: von Andlaw I-468a;
Antoninus Pius I-586d; Arabia
I-G0.5C: the Armada I-727d;
Arsacida; I-753c; Asm I-778b;
Asia Minor I-784b; Assyria
Il-lOb; Attila II-61b: Augus-
tus II-107a: Aurelian II-108b;
Aurelius Antoninus II-109a;
Australia II-114a: Azt
lG9b; Babylonia Il-lSOb; Ba-
hama Islands II-205b; Barre
II -308b: Barry II - 310d;
Bauragartner II-351c: Bavaria
II-354b; Belgium II-395b;
Bohemia II-G13b; boycotting
XVI-12C; Brandenburg II-
738c: Brazil II-748b; Buckley
III-2Sb; Bulgaria III-46a;
Burgundy III - G8a; Butler
XVI-1.5a: Byrne III-93b; By-
zantine Empire III-9Gd; Cal-
vert, Cecilius III-193C; Cal-
vert. Charles III-194b ; Calvert,
George III - 192d; Calvert.
Leonard III-194C: Canada III-
231c: Caracalla III-328b: Car-
bonari III-330b; Caron III-
373c: Carrera III-378b; Car-
roll, Charies of Carrollton III-
379d: Carroll, Daniel III-381b;
Cartier III-392a; de las Casas
III-397C; Castile and Aragon
III-410C; Catherine de' Medici
III-443a: Cavanagh III-468b;
Centre Partv XVI-20c; Cham-
plain III-567b; Charette de la
Contrie XVI-24C; Charle-
magne III-GlOc; Charles V,
Emperor III-625a: Charles
Martel III-G29b; Chauveau
III-G4.5C: Chile III -662b;
China III-681a: Chivalry III-
691a; Choiseul III-694b: Chris-
tina Alexandra Ill-722b: Cid,
El III-769a; Civil Allegiance
III-794a; St. ClotUda IV-G6d;
Clovis I V-70b; Colbert IV-96b;
Colonna (family) IV-125d;
Columbus IV-140d; Commo-
dus IV-16Ga: Compagnie du
Saint Saerement IV-184a; Con-
cordats. See under Concordat:
Congresses, Catholic IV-242a:
Conrad of Hochstadt IV-258C;
Consalvi IV-262b; Constan-
tino the Great IV-295d; Con-
vocation of English Clergy
IV-348d; Corcoran IV-356d;
Corporation Act of 1661 IV-
390b; Colon IV-422b; Cove-
nanters IV-457d: Crescentius
IV-4S4d: Croatia IV-510b;
Abp. Croke IV-514a; Crasades
IV-543C; Daguesseau IV-603b;
Dandolo IV-619c; Deschamps
IV-G65a; Decius IV-66Ga:
Denmark IV-72GC; DenonviUe
IV-732c;Digbey IV-791a; Dio-
cletian V-7a; Domesday Book
V-103a: Dongan V-130a; Do-
noso Cortes V-132b; Dona
V-134b; Dubois V-177b; du
Coudray V-183c; Duffv V-
187a: Duprat V-205d; Edge-
worth V-2S3b; Edward III,
King of England V-.'i21b: St.
Edward iln r.,,if r V-322d;
St. E.l«;r 1 ■■ . >: rvr V- 323b; M 1 \..r.. [Mng of NorthuniK.i:, \ :,j,(i; Edwv, King nf the Kn(£li.-h V-324a; Egbert. King of England V- 323b: Egfrid, King of North- umbria V-327a; Egmont, V- 327c: St. Elizabeth of Portugal V-.391a: E.snambuc V-.540d: d'Estaing V-548d; St. Ethel- bert, King of East Angles V- 533b; St. Ethelbert, King of Kent V-5.53C ; Ethiopia V-56GC ; Ferdinand II, Emperor VI-40d: St. Ferdinand III VI -42b; Feudalism VI-58d: Fitzalan VI-84d: Fitzherbert VI-85a; Fitz-Simons VI-87d; Flanders VI-94C; Abp. Fleming VI- 101b; Fleurs-VI-103a; Foster VI-133d; Foulque de Neuilly VI-157a: Four Masters. Annals of the VI-163d: France VI- lG7a: Francis I VI-207d: the Franks VI-238c: Frederick I, Emperor VI -2.52c; Frederick II, Emperor VI-25.3a: Frcgoso VI-26:Sd: Frontcnac VI-310b; Furstenberg VI-.325d: Galerius VI-341a: Gallienus VI-.3G6b; Garcia Moreno VI-379c: Gar- esche VI-384b; George the Bearded VI-457b: Gdrando VI-465b; Germany VI-181d; Gesta Dei per Francos VI- 5.39b: Gil de Albornoz VI- 558c; Gioberti VI-.5G2b: Gla- brio VI-57.5b; Godfn
Australia il-ll4a: Aztecs ll- Drio vi-o/.dd; ooairey oi
Roman numeral indicates volume: arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.
Bouillon VI-624C: Gordian, Emperors VI-G48d; Gordon Riots VI-649c:G6rresVI-652c; Grasse VI-728a; Gratian VI- 729c: Guelphs and Ghibellines VII-56d:GuiceiardiniVII-G4b; GuiscardVII-72d;Guise, House of VII-74a; Gunpowder Plot VII-81b; Hadrian VII-104a: HakontheGoodVII-116c;Abp. Hamilton VII-123c; Hammura- bi VII-125a; Harney VII-140d; Harold Bluetooth VII-141a: Heeremann von Zuydwyk VII- 190b: Heliogabalus VII-206C; Henry II, King of England VII-220d: Henry VIII. King of England VII-222a; Henry IV, King of France VII-223c: St. Henry II, Emperor VII- 227c: Henry III, Emperor VII- 228c; Henry IV, Emperor VII- 230b: Henry V, Emperor VII- 232a: Henry VI, Emperor VII- 233c; Henry the Navigator VII-239d: Heribert VII-264c: Hermann I VII-265d; Hidalgo XVI-4ob; Holy Alliance VII- 398b: Honorius VI I-460d : Hub- ner VII-509c; Hugh Capet VII-515C; Hungary VII-547c: Hunyady VII-564C; Iceland VII-615d; Indo-China VII- 705d: Inquisition VIII-26a; Institutes, Roman Historical VIII-Glb; Interims VIII-77c: Investitures VIII-84d; Ireland VIII-9SC; Isabella the Cathohc VIII-177a; Italy Vni-231b; Jackson VIII-2G0C: Jamaica VIII-271C: Japan VIII-311a; Jennings VIII-333a: Jerasalem VIII-346b: Jews and Judaism VIII-38Ga; Joan of Arc VIII- 4t)9c: Joseph II, Emperor VIII-508d: Jouffrov, VIII- 52Gd: Jovellanos VIII-529b; Jovianus VIII-529d; Julian the Apostate VIII-558c: Justinian I, Emperor VIII-57SC: Ka- rinthia VIII-G06c: Kaunitz VIII-Glld; Kavanagh VIII- 612d; Kemp VIII - GlGb; KnownothingLsm VIII-677a: Kosciuszko VIII-694d; Kul- lurkampf VIII -703d; La Chaise VIII-732d: St. Ladis- laus VIII-737a; La MoriciSre Vni-767b; Abp. Lanfranc VIII-7S4b: La Roehefoucauld- Liancourt IX-5a: La Roche- jacquelein IX-5d: Lauz.in IX-43d; La Valette IX-47a: de Lav^rendrye IX-50a: the League IX-98d: League. Ger- man (Catholic) IX-lOOb; Le Moyne (family) IX-I48c; Le- roy-Beaulieu XVI-52d; Leslie IX-191c: Le Tellier IX-200b; Lieber IX-233c; Lombardy IX-337d: Card. Lom6nie de Brienne IX-340d: London IX- 341c; Longstrcet IX-354a; Lucas IX-404b: Lussv IX- 437d; MacDonald, John IX- 4S9b: MacMahon, Marshal IX-.504d: Magna Carta IX- 531b: Mme. de Maintenon IX-548d: Maisonncuve XVI- 59c; von .M .i 1 1 i i, .■ U r .> d t IX-571a; ^^.II..,^ IX .-,72a; Marcian. En,i..r,,r L\ i.Ua; Maria Theres.T l.\-i.i.L'd; Mrine Antoinette lX-6G3d: Mary, Queen of Scots IX-764a: Marj- Tudor IX-76Gb: Ma- tilda of Canossa X-49b: Mat- thias Corvinus X-GGd; Mau- rice, Emperor X-69a; Card. Maurj' X-72d: Maxentius, Emperor X-73d: Maximinua X-77c: Maximilian I X-75d: MaximinusThrax X-77d: Max- well X-81d: Card. Mazarin X-92a; Mecklenburg X-107b; Medici (familv) X-120a; Medi- ci, Maria de' ■X-121d; Melrose, Chronicle of X-171b;Mendoza. Diego Hurtado de X-186d: Mercier X-I9.Sa; Merneptah I X-208c; Merode X-209a: Mcs- rob X-211a; .Mettcmich X- 245a; Mexico X-231a: Middle Ages X-285C; Migration X- 291b: Military Orders X-304d: Mirabilia Urb'is Romie X-337c;